Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on May 06, 2024, 08:52:55 pm

Title: Social Application - Rogue (DPS) - Grooke (XR)
Post by: Applicant on May 06, 2024, 08:52:55 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Grooke
Server: Gehannes
Class/Spec: Rogue (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Patrick, 29 Years, Germany, IT-Consultant


I like to play every spec in my class. I especially enjoy Assa and Sub. Luckily Rogue makes good DMG and is fun to play


I have an 80 Shadow and an 80 Demo


My Rogue has VZ and Ingi. Apart from 3 recipes for Ingi and 2 for VZ, I´m not missing any other recipes. So let me know if you need anything :)

Raiding/PVP Experience:

I have been playing WoW since 2008 and have been able to play with some very good guilds during this time. At my best time I played in MOP with the guild "Set Sail for Fail", at that time we were #15 World. I mostly played Shadow, Rogue and Druid. In PvP I played 3v3 2,3k and RBG 2,2K.

Previous Guilds:

"Set Sail for Fail" because I didn't want to invest so much time after MOP


Tell me when and I'll set up raiding with you :)


I speak English and German fluently. I also have a headset, mic and Discord

Computer / Connection:

My PC is perfectly adequate for the requirements of WoW. i can play without any problems :)


I am currently playing with a modified standard interface. In addition to WA, DMB, ATT, GO, I have what feels like 20 other add-ons.

Other Games:

I play LoL, Heartsthone, One Piece TCG, Warhammer 40K etc.

Why Iron Edge?

I became aware of you through your homepage and the cohesion you represent as a guild and would like to join this community. It looks like you have fun playing the game and building friendships as well as raiding successfully

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I'm a progress-oriented player who gets the most out of his character. i'm also very communicative and a pleasant person to be around

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Gehannes Discord

Last Words?

I am looking forward to our time together in Cata

Title: Re: Social Application - Rogue (DPS) - Grooke (XR)
Post by: hemoroidtv on May 07, 2024, 10:12:56 am
Hey Patrick

Thanks for your application.

We will get back to you regarding a decision soon so keep an eye on the forum for other members questions.
Title: Re: Social Application - Rogue (DPS) - Grooke (XR)
Post by: hemoroidtv on May 07, 2024, 08:02:52 pm
Hey Patrick.

Aplication accepted.

Pm an officer ingame for an invite.