Iron Edge
Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on May 08, 2024, 06:48:39 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!
I am applying to be a social member.
Character: Xekya
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Warlock (DPS)
Member Type: Social
Personal Info:
Name: Thomas James
Age: 29
Location: Wales, United Kingdom
Work: I am a company director for my own business where I buy sell trade all kinds of TCG (Trading card game) products such as Pokémon, Digimon, Magic cards etc...
I'm currently playing an Affliction warlock mainly because I love the idea of DoT classes and always seem to rotate back around to them and just all around enjoy them.
I currently have a resto/ele shaman alt that I'm mainly using to farm JP at the moment for heirlooms to level a Shadow Priest to feed my addiction for DoT classes...
Going to be levelling Engineering + Tailoring
Raiding/PVP Experience:
I am a multip CE player from way back in Mists of Pandaria through to Battle for Azeroth where I stopped playing at a higher level to just play more casually.
Previous Guilds:
I'm new on the classic realms so I haven't left any guilds I've played with
I can be available all times and days of the week. Weekends are a bit more difficult for me due to irl commitments.
I am a fluent English speaker. I ama talker once you get to know me so talking isn't an issue.
Computer / Connection:
My PC is a prebuild PCSpecialist machine I bought in 2023 so it's relatively new with decent specs for running the game.
I use Elvui for my UI addon
I have Big Wigs and Little wigs for my Raiding / Dungeons addons
I am using Weak Auras for my important uptime and incoming mechanics addon to assist me with keeping max uptime and minimising my downtime in game
I have some QOL addons on the side then including one for archaeology because I'm farming for a staff :sob: - Details also being one to see what I can improve on with my rotation or what I just died to (Saves time than just asking why I died)
Other Games:
I play alot of colony sim games such as Rimworls, Oxygen Not Included etc..
Why Iron Edge?
I'd like to join IE mainly because I want to join a solid pre-existing raid team I can add my talents to and take my raiding to the next level while having fun with other like minded people.
What can I offer Iron Edge?
I can offer my horrible dad jokes and pictures of my 3 Labrador doggies and my kitty cat
Where did I hear about Iron Edge?
I say a trade chat recruitment message
Last Words?
Is that a threat? - Sorry horrible pun.. I hope I've left an impression with my application and I hope to hear back from you all soon. - Really cute dog by the way
Hi Thomas.
Thanks for applying to us.
Officers will come back with a decision soon, in the meantime keep an eye on your application for questions other members might have.
Of course, I'm happy to answer any questions people have
Hi Thomas.
There are no questions apparently.
Application accepted.
Welcome aboard.
/w an officer ingame for a guild invite.