Iron Edge
Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on May 09, 2024, 10:34:18 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!
I am applying to be a social member.
Character: Winkfurd
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Druid (Tank)
Member Type: Social
Personal Info:
Jamie, 29, UK, father of 3
(Applying for Cataclysm)
Although I didn't raid very much in the original Cataclysm, I spent most of my casual time playing on a Druid. So, with nostalgia bringing me back that meant that Druid was one of the top choices for me.
I don't actually find the bear rotation particularly fun, but as a tank there's whole lot more than your rotation to think about, but then the great thing about being a bear off tank is that I can go in to cat form at times and have a bit of extra fun with that.
The only other character on this realm is an Arms Warrior, however across other realms/faction I also have 2 Paladins, another warrior and a Shaman at level 80, plus a mage at 71.
Herbalism and Alchemy (Transmutation Master)
Raiding/PVP Experience:
Never pushed PvP to any meaningful degree in the past, however I have spent atleast some time raiding in almost every expansion, the earlier ones being quite hard to remember exactly, but this is the best my memory can tell me:
TBC: Cleared T4, ZA, maybe a little bit of T5 and then something like 4/9 in BT in pre-patch
Wotlk: Cleared Naxx 25, skipped Ulduar, casual pugs for ToC, casual pugs doing 4/12 in ICC
Cata: Didn't raid T11 or T12, but cleared something like 5/8 in DS H on a bear druid
MoP: Played very casually, can't remember doing any raids when current
WoD: Started raiding again towards the end of BRF and then got Cutting Edge in HFC as a DPS warrior
Legion: Cleared heroic EN in week 1, but then had to take a break due to my 2nd child being born. Played the rest of Legion casually
BfA: Played casually most of the expansion, did some mythic Nya'lotha towards the end
Shadowlands: Started hard with Castle Nathria, getting a world rank 432 kill on the first mythic boss, but burnt out and couldn't keep up with the M+ requirements and had another child on the way, so I stopped playing much after that
Classic Wotlk: Cleared all content as a ret/prot paladin up to 10/12H ICC and then my guild fell apart and I stopped playing for 5-6 months - achievements: The Undying, Cutting Edge: Ulduar, A Tribute to Insanity (10 & 25)
Previous Guilds:
Can't really remember any guilds before WoD when I joined 'Wipe Material' on Defias Brotherhood, and then joined 'Wrath' on Sporeggar.
My Wotlk guild was 'Sylvanas Onlyfans', which started on a fresh realm but then transferred to Nethergarde Keep.
My only availability is Monday and Tuesday evenings at this time.
I am English born and bred so English won't be a problem. I have discord and I will be listening and vocal.
Computer / Connection:
No connection issues. I only have 50Mb/s download speed, but the connection itself is no problem.
Though my computer isn't top of the range I run WoW with no problems at a good stable FPS
CPU: i7-8700 3.2GHz
GPU: RTX 2060 6GB
DBM, Bartender, Details, Plater, WeakAuras (class + raid packs)
Raid frames would show above my chat in the bottom left
Other Games:
Currently I am also playing WoW SoD, on which I play a mage:
The only other notable game that I go back to occasionally is Oldschool Runescape - fun fact is that I actually met my wife on Runescape when I was about 11, so ~18 years ago.
Why Iron Edge?
Given my limited availability of only Monday/Tuesday evenings, I've been struggling to find a guild to move in to Cataclysm with. But when I saw Hemoroids' post in the server Discord it just seemed to tick all of the boxes for me.
The idea of a super long standing guild just seems wholesome to me and I was happy to find a guild doing 1 night per week on 1 of the nights I could raid, and then when Hemoroids said he does infact need a feral off-tank it just seemed like a perfect match.
What can I offer Iron Edge?
I am overall a very capable raider, I have always put much more emphasis in raid awareness and understanding than trying to push parses, which I'm recently coming to realise means that a tanking role makes more sense for me than DPS.
Although I don't have much availability to commit to set raid times, I'm likely to spend a lot of time playing and I'm usually more than happy to help anybody if I'm able to do so.
Where did I hear about Iron Edge?
Hemoroids' advertisement in the Gehennas Discord Guild Recruitment
Last Words?
I hope I've answered all of the questions well enough, but of course feel free to ask any further questions you may have Winkferd#2743
Hi Jamie
Application accepted as tank position.
Welcome to the team.
Please pm an officer ingame for an invite.