Iron Edge
Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on May 10, 2024, 11:11:23 am
Hello, Iron Edge!
I am applying to be a social member.
Character: Barryboneman
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Mage (DPS)
Member Type: Social
Personal Info:
Name: Stephen
Age: 28
Location: North east UK
Work: Night shift Hotel receptionist.
I currently play a fire mage for AOE DPS while I level although I played frost up until cata talent reset, I am playing a mage as I enjoy dealing the damage as opposed to healing or tanking. Its really fun and I will probably keep playing/main a mage throughout.
I have a level 20 odd warlock with tailoring (Dotstorm)
I am rocking Engineering of the Gnomish variety, Mining, Archaeology and First aid all around 300 except Archaeology at 75. I can make the Lil Smoky pet so far haha.
Raiding/PVP Experience:
I don't have much raiding experience personally as I stopped playing retail before any raiding etc however I have probably seen my brother doing a few back in the day.
Previous Guilds:
I get my work rota on a 2 week basis so I will only ever know what I'm working the current week and one in advance.
Indeed I am, I have discord and a headset that I use.
Computer / Connection:
I have a fairly decent computer, It doesn't lag but I do get the random d/c from servers. My internet should be fine on 1gb download.
Ryzen 7 2700X 3700mhz CPU
Radeon RX 5700XT Graphics
I use DBM and decursive, threat meter and DPS meter although I have used Healbot. I believe all of my key bindings are shown in the screenshot. I should say I also use a mouse with 12 buttons on the side equalling 1-= on keyboard.
Link to my screenshot:
Other Games:
I tend to play a lot of games, Currently also playing Palworld with my lass. I tend to sway back to Diablo every so often but I tend to play whatever my mates are on/wanting to play.
Why Iron Edge?
I want to join Iron Edge because I saw how long standing you were and I want to join a guild with my brother (If he/we get in xD) so he can potentially raid and I can just be a social warrior when I can load haha. I'm also in a
What can I offer Iron Edge?
I can offer Iron Edge a friendly Northerner in chat to just have a craic on or have a good time while levelling/playing. I can also offer any professions I level up as I like doing it as a pass time.
Where did I hear about Iron Edge?
It was half my brother and half trade chat, Don't remember which came first but I saw the trade chat messages when I loaded up around the same time my brother told us about a guild he found
Last Words?
Think that sums up about everything tbh. Looking forward to hearing back. Cheers
Hello Stephen.
Thanks for applying for the Caraclysm team.
Please stand by untill the officers reviewed your application.
Hey Stephen.
Application accepted.
Please pm an officer on discord or ingame for a guild invite.