Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on June 08, 2024, 08:00:16 pm

Title: Social Application - Shaman (DPS) - íke (XR)
Post by: Applicant on June 08, 2024, 08:00:16 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: íke
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Shaman (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Isaac, 27, UK (I'm one of the 4 stack)


Enhance Shaman - it's just my favourite class/spec thematically. I find it a lot of fun.


I have a 72 DK which would most likely tank (but would be fine to 2h frost dps as well). I have 2 other low level alts that I play sometimes, but i'm in no rush to level or anything; its just for fun/a break from main (28 warrior 18 disc priest currently).


SK/LW - so I can be self sufficient. (Not maxed yet however, but am working on that in spare time - currently 425). Nope!

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Raided a bit but not much. Most experience was doing progression on Castle Nathria as Disc Priest - Cleared Heroic and first couple bosses on Mythic by the time I finished. Other than that it's just sporadic here and there.

Previous Guilds:

Honestly not a clue what that guild was called. Other than that, N/A.


I work from 6:30 to 4:30 Mon-Fri.



Computer / Connection:

All stable here, banging PC (just upgraded recently).


Current Addons List (open to any you want me to have);


Bottom Right is a keybind to swap action bars, which I use for all utility spells (Weapon enchants, res, bind elemental, etc).

Other Games:

mainly League of Legends, bunch of different steam games. Grew up on Bioware (DA/ME) and story RPG's.

Why Iron Edge?

You seem cool. Love the website, seems like a good match. I'm just looking for a bunch of cool people to play with, and veterans are usually laid back with things in my experience.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can play drums and guitar if you want? I'm pretty good at cooking. I have two cats and can post pics if recruited.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Gerrard (Connor)

Last Words?

Are you gonna kill me?