Iron Edge
Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on July 13, 2024, 11:29:08 am
Hello, Iron Edge!
I am applying to be a social member.
Character: Ahyon
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Warrior (Tank)
Member Type: Social
Personal Info:
Christopher, Sweden
33 years old
got 3 kids
I work at a shipyard more then that im not allowed to say. Phoenixflame
I played my warrior since TBC and keeping it alive i also do enjoy tanking, i wouldnt claim atm that warrior tanks are strong but they are still allright
I have my blood DK on another server and my warlock called Ahyond
Engi / JC, sadly no cool stuff just the things i need for my class
Raiding/PVP Experience:
Raided pretty much on and off ever since Vanilla to retail to Classic servers, Im current 10/13 HC exp in Cata classic tho cata was one of xpac i never played
Previous Guilds:
Plunder de hond verry casuel guild used to raidlead them during WOTLK, we did get everything down on heroic Not RS HC tho
Im a father of 3 so my free time is on the evenings during holidays etc we uselly stay home so i would say pretty avaible in general and if not i would let u know, My current work is 7-16 so no issues there
Yes i have a mic, yes i can speak english tho not very fancy and yes i can listen
Computer / Connection:
Yes got pretty solid comp and internet connection lag free if u may
Mythic raid
DMG meter
pretty standard helps with timers and some countdowns and see debuffs
Other Games:
RL sometimes but thats about it atm
Why Iron Edge?
I had fun during the pug u had
What can I offer Iron Edge?
IDk someone who likes to have fun, and an allright raider i guess
Where did I hear about Iron Edge?
Last Words?
Lets have fun
Hey Christopher.
Application accepted.
We're glad to have you on board.
Please pm an officer for an invite.