Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on July 14, 2024, 11:58:51 pm

Title: Social Application - Shaman (DPS) - Ranunkel (XR)
Post by: Applicant on July 14, 2024, 11:58:51 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Ranunkel
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Shaman (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

My name is Emil. I'm from Denmark, 27 years old.
I'm studying to become a social caretaker/pedagogy, specializing in cognitive disabilities.


I've mained boomkin throughout classic. And i played a druid from TBC-WoD in retail. I also initially chose to continue maining boomkin in cata. A couple weeks in I decided to try something new and I leveled my ele shaman. And then another ele shaman. Right now the reasoning is a mixture of fun (a lot), usefulness in the current tier and the strenght of the class.
Ilvl: 364


Boomkin/resto OS, 361 ilvl. Char name Ranunkell (Two "L's")
My second ele, 364, ilvl. Char name Ranunkelle.
Ret pala, 85
Combat rogue, 85
Feral druid, 85, mostly pvp



On other chars, JC and a lot of alchemists.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Current content: 7/13 HC on three characters, only in GDKPs.

I don't have any relevant proof of my retail raiding career, which was for the most part casual except for retail wrath.
I will link my logs from earlier in classic, when I played on morgraine.

Previous Guilds:

Illegal Danish, Morgraine: Naxx and Ulduar. Raiding team disbanded after christmas break after a long fight against roster-boss.

Nomads, Morgraine: ICC 10/12 HC. Raiding team died again after christmas with release of SoD coming up and general lack of will to progress LK HC prebuff.


I'm generally available most nights excepts for every/every second sunday.


I'm an exceptional listener and I speak english. I'm willing to use my mic if needed/if we are just hanging out.

Computer / Connection:

200/200 stable internet, no wifi.
Nvidea Geforce RTX 3050


Ele UI:

WA: Fojii, class WA's. Removes any doubt of mechanics.
GTFO, Sound ques are good.
Spell activation overlay, gotta catch them procs.
Big Wigs, mostly for range//

Other Games:

I played CS:Source and CSGO a lot. Lvl 10 faceit.
Right now I only play WoW classic.

Why Iron Edge?

I would love to join a stable guild which it seems you are. What i've seen from your website the environment seems tight-knit and friendly. Primarily I want to progress which is what i've missed out on in Cataclysm so far. I want to raid with the same people and make some friends along the way. The community of WoW have always been most important to me, and the reason why i keep playing and coming back. I fell into a hole of GDKPs, mostly because I became buddies with the leader of one, but I want more stable progress and reliable people to raid and play with.  

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer a skilled, focused and loyal raider. I thrive in the right setting and I'm sure I can be an asset to your team. My raiding is mostly mechanic based, I don't care about parsing. I enjoy being handed responsibilities (leading the hunters on magmaw kiting, interupting and dispelling a million times on ODS, kiting on Atra and so on.).

Important note is that even tho i want to main shaman, I know u are searcing for a boomkin. I am willing to flex and play boomkin sometimes if u really need it. The only thing i require is a heads-up.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Gehennas Discord.

Last Words?

GL & HF, let's progress does last few bosses!


Title: Re: Social Application - Shaman (DPS) - Ranunkel (XR)
Post by: hemoroidtv on July 15, 2024, 08:39:09 pm
Hey Emil.

An officer will come back to you with a decision.

Stick arround for questions.

Thank you and goodluck.
Title: Re: Social Application - Shaman (DPS) - Ranunkel (XR)
Post by: ranunkell on July 15, 2024, 08:56:02 pm
Alright. Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Social Application - Shaman (DPS) - Ranunkel (XR)
Post by: hemoroidtv on July 15, 2024, 10:49:48 pm
Hey again Emil.

Application accepted.

/w and officer for invite.

Also join discord and tag an officer on a public channel for Member and Classic ranks.
