Iron Edge

Iron Edge => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rash on October 08, 2024, 11:58:54 am

Title: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on October 08, 2024, 11:58:54 am
Iron Edge Meetup, Kingston upon Thames, 28.02 - 02.03 2025


The 27th of February 2005 was when the guild charter was signed - 20 years ago next year. Of course this calls for a celebration! Join me in what I hope will be our best meetup yet, in lovely Kingston upon Thames.


Gathering everyone up, getting settled into our respective hotels. Dinner is at Druids head ( at 18:00.

Breakfast at Bill's ( at 09:30
Escape Rooms (http://) at 12:00
Dinner and drinks ( at 18:00

Free for all

I intend to book a couple of large rooms at the Doubletree/Hilton ( in the city center. At the moment of writing you can expect to pay €80 per night to stay there. Of course everyone is free to find their own place to stay and I encourage grouping up to keep us together and save on costs. Please let me know if you want to shack up with me at the Hilton!

Kingston has the benefit of being in Greater London, which means you should be able to get a cheap and convenient flight to any airport in the London area and easily get there by train. The most convenient airport to get there will be Heathrow. In your sign-up post, please let us know how you intend to get there in case there is opportunity for carpooling. Especially for UK residents that should be very convenient and inexpensive.

Sign up by posting in this thread or letting me know on Discord.

Looking forward to celebrating this occasion with you all!

Rash (Driving) (h)
Lethys (h)
Ras (h)
Phoenix (h)
Shimmar (h) (Driving)
Sharpeye (h)
Vejeta (h) (Driving)
Devoid (h)
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on October 08, 2024, 12:02:02 pm
I'll be driving up from the Netherlands through the Calais/Dover tunnel, so anyone in the Netherlands, Belgium of France can come with me for a cheap ride.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Lethys on October 08, 2024, 12:03:57 pm
I'll be there
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Chelly on October 08, 2024, 12:08:14 pm
I’ll be there as well. Will be in London from Monday already. I may need to be in the snoring room with Luke :D
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Pratiarch on October 08, 2024, 12:16:34 pm
Have fun homies <3
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Phoenixflame on October 08, 2024, 12:27:16 pm
See you nerds in Kingston
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: hemoroidtv on October 08, 2024, 12:55:38 pm
I will be there too. Most likely will fly from Edinburgh to London.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rasgaas on October 08, 2024, 02:05:34 pm
I'll be there as well. I'll take you up on that offer Rash,both the hotel and car. I renewed my passport yesterday so I won't have to sneak in this time
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Shimmar on October 08, 2024, 02:13:42 pm
I'll be there and intend to Drive down
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Mooneclipse on October 08, 2024, 02:19:39 pm
I'll be there  :D
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: kodin on October 08, 2024, 02:20:58 pm
Me and Naasty will be there (kids permitting)
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Vejeta on October 08, 2024, 03:15:02 pm
I'll be there, I apparently snore loud so I can either get my own room or share with rash.

Might drive down or catch train not decided yet.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Devoid on October 08, 2024, 04:44:52 pm
Will be there, flying to London.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Stepan on October 08, 2024, 05:25:15 pm
I'll be there.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: mortos on October 08, 2024, 08:17:55 pm
Starting to look very Positive and highly likely I will be there.

Might Wish for a Ride from or to Cambridge.
but that will depends on my flight and it will probably only be booked in Jan or so

Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Paul on October 08, 2024, 10:31:45 pm
I think I will be there, will likely drive down and will get a hotel or something like that, If I do drive and someone doesn’t mind g-force I can pick up ppl along the M1, corridor as long as it’s not too much of a diversion
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Cwave on October 09, 2024, 08:44:54 am
20 years, what a feat!
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Nalek on October 09, 2024, 04:35:13 pm
Think I'll make it to this, will be heading down from Nottingham area
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Vorte on October 09, 2024, 06:15:50 pm
I intend on being present for this.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Wali on October 09, 2024, 08:31:30 pm
Would love to be there but can't fully commit until after the new year.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Culi on October 09, 2024, 10:09:42 pm
Strongly considering going, but I'm in the same boat as Wali and can only fully commit later this year or after new year.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Sharpeye on October 09, 2024, 10:13:06 pm
Sign me up! (for both the trip and the Doubletree/Hilton hotel!)
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: delling on October 10, 2024, 03:30:03 pm
I'll be there with my Atiesh and Mimiron's Head.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Oni on October 11, 2024, 04:15:47 pm
Ill be attending! Driving from Belgium and room in car for max 3 people.

Looking forward to see you folks!

Big Grats for the guilds 20y anniversary!
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: DNZ93 on October 11, 2024, 05:59:25 pm
Is there any like doof doof cloobs in kingston?

Where is easiest to fly into from Scotland?

I’m down if i’m still in the guild you know, since i’m looking for another one Mr Rash 🫣😭

I’ve put this in my calendar but may possibly need to be the Saturday i join as i may be Djing on the Friday in Glasgow but i can find out before end of year.

Look forward to drinking every single person under the table and paying massively for it the day after.

Scottish style
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: mortos on October 29, 2024, 06:02:56 pm
Good News
looks like I am coming
(Will get straight from San Francisco to the meeting)

this is always with an * nowadays
cause all the Fun War going on
so I have a ticket but every week could be bombing or whatever and everything gets postponed
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on November 13, 2024, 08:50:11 am
There are now quite a few people who have signed up or expressed interest to me but they do not yet have acccomodation. The two hotel rooms I booked are already full, so please express your commitment to come on the thread so we can get an accounting of how many more rooms we need!
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Pratiarch on November 13, 2024, 08:58:37 am
LF a bed pls
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: hemoroidtv on November 13, 2024, 04:14:54 pm
LF bed as well.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: mortos on November 18, 2024, 12:49:31 am
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on November 29, 2024, 09:59:09 pm
Is someone willing to take initiative on the travellodge and book a room for a few people?

I would do it myself but I'm already booked up for two rooms at the other hotel.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Naasty on January 09, 2025, 09:13:24 pm
Me and Naasty will be there (kids permitting)

Kids did not permit :( sadly we can't make this one, hopefully we'll see you all at the next meetup :)
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Whackhead on January 09, 2025, 10:00:59 pm
Will be finalizing flight tickets next week, praying that my visa application isn't too late  :-[

Kalimthor (those that know him) will likely be staying with me in the travel lodge hotel if he decides to join. If not, then I will be alone I guess :[
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on January 30, 2025, 11:19:01 am
I'm currently finalizing all the reservations for the weekend. If your name is not on the list in the first post, please let me know so I can add you.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Whackhead on January 30, 2025, 11:35:52 am
I will be there, everything is sorted and paid for except the visa - currently waiting for approval
should take 1-2 weeks to hear back from them

(im not on the list)
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Cnackaa on January 30, 2025, 02:34:23 pm
I'm currently finalizing all the reservations for the weekend. If your name is not on the list in the first post, please let me know so I can add you.

I am not on the list but planning to be there, bar anything unforseen.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: mortos on January 30, 2025, 07:48:40 pm
What is the Lodging Situation
did a 2nd group formed and anyone have free space (obviously will share the cost)?

While I was always coming, the way of me coming has changed like 3 times over the last month (at one point I was going to be 3 weeks in London at that time for an installation

so I didn't book anything, will prob just Airbnb in the last minute like always (unless there is space)
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Paul on January 30, 2025, 09:58:05 pm
I’m still planning to show my face, as I have to be in london the following week, as it’s my bi-weekly trip, so I’m trying to work out the logistics to come on the Saturday and meet you folk for a beer or 2 and work from London Monday and Tuesday.  Keep you updated, I will sort my own accommodation out.  Likely the IHG hotel near by.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on January 30, 2025, 10:00:40 pm
What is the Lodging Situation
did a 2nd group formed and anyone have free space (obviously will share the cost)?

While I was always coming, the way of me coming has changed like 3 times over the last month (at one point I was going to be 3 weeks in London at that time for an installation

so I didn't book anything, will prob just Airbnb in the last minute like always (unless there is space)

A bunch of people are going to the Travelodge, and Nriver just mentioned that prices went down on the Hilton as well!
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Wali on January 31, 2025, 10:49:35 am
Unfortunately won't be able to attend this time  :(

A project finally got signed off that allows me to go self employed as of 1st of March and that makes the timing of the meetup a bit unlucky

Hopefully I see you next time around
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Grilldyret on February 05, 2025, 01:50:37 pm
I'll be there! Kingston upon Thames reminds me of the bustling street(s) of the Crossroads where I signed that charter 20 long years ago.

I promise to keep the self-righteous "I signed the charter" references to a minimum
But you can buy me a beer if you wanna
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on February 07, 2025, 04:40:46 pm
Get your IE Anniversary edition merch now!

Don't forget to press "Edit this design" to put your own name in.



Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Xormn on February 10, 2025, 11:07:57 am
I've played my cards right, so i am also joining.
I'm coming with my wife and kid but they'll have their own trips and sightseeing for Friday and Saturday, when we're doing guild activities.

Booked a room at the travelodge myself (Friday-Monday), so we'll be with everyone else.

See you there :D
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Cnackaa on February 13, 2025, 10:02:42 am
Booked my stuff, landing in Stansted at 19:00 on Friday.
Will be staying in Travelodge as some of the other guys.
Looking forward!
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Vejeta on February 14, 2025, 07:44:54 pm
Update for anyone using the train lines, today RMT announced the delay to strike dates and our meetup is now a viable train journey instead.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on February 16, 2025, 10:32:35 pm
Updated the OP with the schedule, but here it is:

Gathering everyone up, getting settled into our respective hotels. Dinner is at Druids head ( at 18:00.


Breakfast at Bill's ( at 09:30
Escape Rooms (http://) at 12:00
Dinner and drinks ( at 18:00

Free for all
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Morbid on February 18, 2025, 01:22:03 pm
Wow, 20 years!!! Gratzzz!!!
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on February 20, 2025, 09:09:40 am
Fkkn morblol. Its been a while :)
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Sânâ on February 24, 2025, 11:34:19 pm
hi guys, sorry to say that I've had an unexpected but serious matter come up and I am no longer able to attend this weekend. I'm very disappointed to not be able to meet you all, but attending is not possible.

if anyone is still without accommodation drop me a message and I will get back to you when I can as my room is paid for and can't be refunded. I have a double room at the Travel Lodge which you can use if you just pretend to be me.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on February 25, 2025, 04:23:08 pm
Because of the large amount of people coming, the place I reserved breakfast at has requested that we put in a pre-order for what we want.

I have selected a traditional English breakfast for everyone by default. If you want something else, please go to the spreadsheet below within 24 hours and change it to whatever you want on this menu:
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on February 26, 2025, 06:20:22 pm
Because of the large amount of people coming, the place I reserved breakfast at has requested that we put in a pre-order for what we want.

I have selected a traditional English breakfast for everyone by default. If you want something else, please go to the spreadsheet below within 24 hours and change it to whatever you want on this menu:

Please check to make sure you have ordered from the weekend brunch card, it's available from the drop-down menu on the page.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Devoid on February 28, 2025, 07:53:57 am
Sadly I can’t make it to the meetup. We woke up to a situation at home that I’ve got to stick around and help sort out. I was really pumped for this weekend, but it’s out of my hands. Hope you all have a good time.
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Grilldyret on February 28, 2025, 08:45:25 am
I've been battling a pretty bad flu since Monday, but I was hopeful I'd shed it in time until this morning. I still have a raging fever, and my head feels like I've been hit by one of those two-story buses.

I can't fly in this state, and even if I did I would probably be confined to my hotel room anyway.
I am really bitter, as this was going to be my first meet-up ever. I was looking forward to meeting you guys, hopefully we'll see each other at the 30-year anniversary or something!
Title: Re: Iron Edge is turning 20 - Celebrate with us in Kingston upon Thames!
Post by: Rash on March 07, 2025, 06:31:31 pm
I added up all the group expenses and put them in the spreadsheet:

I just took the the total costs for the food and escape rooms and devided them by the number of people there. Please check my numbers to make sure I didn't make a mistake.

Let me know if everything is okay!