Iron Edge
Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: Yonsineys on March 03, 2007, 12:45:32 am
Hello guys!
So I found some time to play WoW again! I would really like to get back into Iron Edge. I can't offer my noobing around in raidind anymore thou, need to focus on other things more and more everyday..Casual is the only way of life you can get!
Some info about me then if you don't already know!
My name is Ville, 19 year old boy from Finland (Cheers Finland!) Was in IE before first casual then became noobish raider and bad healer *sob*
I am applying with my new rogue Varghar which is lvl 42 now..going to me more soon!
Just want to spend good time with IE members and enjoy this great game with great people!
Don't really know about sponsors in guild...maybe narbol? if he can sponsor already :P
Last words: Join plz!
Me no speak good english yet ;(
The voices are telling me to sponsor him.
Damn those voices...
Wish I could hear them, that'd make my decision making so much easier...
Fuck yeah, give Yƶnsi. :D PROMOOOOOOOOTED. DELUXE.
Yeah he needs an invite, he needs to supply my paladin with metals :D
And we cant have too many finntrolls.
Gief Yonsinewbes, very cool dude :)))
more finns weo weo giev
YOnzi has my vote aswell :)
has my support..!
I like yons, even though I lent him loads of pots for naxx and then he quit :-P
in the words of most of IE, "weo weo geif"
Necro post farming sucks.
Yonsi rejoined the guild on his rogue 'Varghar' some time ago now.
you all fail!!!
hahahha he is in guild for like.... 2 weeks now :D
I know i was kicked recently out of IE :P due to inactivity... but Younsi was one of our best healers in Nefastus Legio.
Id vouche if i would still be in IE ;)
This post is very outdated. Yonzi rejoined weeks ago :)
He's also playing his rogue, and not his shaman...