Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: komod on March 30, 2007, 09:49:22 pm

Title: i want to join IE
Post by: komod on March 30, 2007, 09:49:22 pm
Hello all, my name is Nikola,and in game name Komod UD mage.

I was member of  Gnome Grinders  :D when it fall apart people loyal to GG made a new guild called Realice and Run, and when the same thing happened with this guild i was guildless for a long time.

Why i want to join IE:    - because i have many IRL friends there ( those friends are SAPA, COBRATIX, SMORISHA and your guild pet PETROS  ;D )

I hope that you will accept my application.

Many thanks.


Title: Re: i want to join IE
Post by: Noble on March 31, 2007, 12:13:58 am
Are you looking for F&F casual recruitment or do you expect to be a raider ?

I was looking for a bit more info about you so i can get some picture of your personality, thats just what i like when ppl join the guild instead of a complete stranger.

Lots of other questions but im not sure how the F&F recruitment works so GL :p
Title: Re: i want to join IE
Post by: Hurmuri on March 31, 2007, 04:01:25 am
I know Komod from GG. Hes very nice person. I like him (not that way!) I like serbian language. Gets my vote!

ps. ja sam dlakav <3
Title: Re: i want to join IE
Post by: Smorisha on March 31, 2007, 06:29:58 am
I know Komod from GG. Hes very nice person. I like him (not that way!) I like serbian language. Gets my vote!

ps. ja sam dlakav <3

Komod voli dlakave!  8)
Title: Re: i want to join IE
Post by: cobratix on March 31, 2007, 06:17:24 pm
zomg komod!

give more serbs!

he is great guy!

have my vote;p
Title: Re: i want to join IE
Post by: Forsakenmage on March 31, 2007, 11:31:02 pm
I know this guy sinse the good old farm-essence-for-gear day's and what i can say about him hmm..

He is one of the ppl that wont let you down when you realy need him, good playing skils and atitute twords raiding.

Tumbs up from me!
Title: Re: i want to join IE
Post by: komod on April 01, 2007, 10:54:14 pm
thank you all for saying nice words about me ;D ;D
Title: Re: i want to join IE
Post by: kawe on April 02, 2007, 07:24:26 pm
I remember now what your name was reminding me of!

A "commode", which is something you relieve yourself of excess fluid into.

Title: Re: i want to join IE
Post by: petros on April 11, 2007, 02:39:21 pm
omg komod, he is our bitch in caffe where most of us serbians play from :) He have my vote cos of his great work under desk  :P

Title: Re: i want to join IE
Post by: Daekesh on April 11, 2007, 03:06:47 pm
I think Shan has denied this application.
Title: Re: i want to join IE
Post by: Starbrow on April 11, 2007, 03:17:55 pm
omg komod, he is our bitch in caffe where most of us serbians play from :) He have my vote cos of his great work under desk  :P
