Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: Stabilt on April 15, 2007, 01:13:10 am

Title: Casual 70 huntard
Post by: Stabilt on April 15, 2007, 01:13:10 am
Hello, I've been playing on Dunemaul since the realm was young, mostly playing as a shaman. Half a year ago I took a break, but at the start of this year I rerolled as a orc hunter on the realm Genjuros, and about a week ago I transfered to Dunemaul again just because I missed the good ol' people and my friends here.

My IRL name is Filip, and I live in Västervik, Sweden. I'm 16 years old, a student in other words ;)
I'm a casual player, never really raided alot, mostly been PvP'ing. So I'm here to join as a casual member, non-raider. My friend Joxtra in Iron Edge is one of my absolutely best friends, and it's mostly because of her that I transfered back to Dunemaul.
I've heard alot of good things about Iron Edge's community, and would really like to join so that I can find new friends to do stuffs with ^^.
If there's anything more you need to know, you just ask :)
Title: Re: Casual 70 huntard
Post by: Joxtra on April 16, 2007, 07:01:18 pm
Yeah he is my best friend, and i realy want him to join the guild  :)

Title: Re: Casual 70 huntard
Post by: Shannaro on April 16, 2007, 08:19:07 pm
Well ive kinda interacted and talked with Stabilt a few times ;)
He seems really friendly and i think he will fit the guild pretty good.

So, i liked to talk with you so you got my vote!.
Title: Re: Casual 70 huntard
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on April 16, 2007, 08:23:34 pm
good to see that shanntheman is whipped :)
Title: Re: Casual 70 huntard
Post by: Stabilt on April 17, 2007, 05:45:01 pm
Thanks, hoping to get an invite into the guild  ;)