Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: Draconis on April 19, 2007, 12:10:38 pm

Title: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Draconis on April 19, 2007, 12:10:38 pm
Hey guys... I know its been some time since i havent played.

I have a lot of work IRL both with job and exams for my university... i really have to get some order into those... I want to be part of IE even if im not playing atm ... i will probably restart playing again, dont know if in 1 month, less or a bit more.

But I AM going to pay my account just so i can rejoin IE.

IE has been one of the best things that happened during my WOW experience and i dont want to make it a part of my past but rather something that will be there forever. I do read the forums from time to time and  I miss all of you guys.

Therefor i want to rejoin you as a Great Big Casual - for now.

Best regards to all of you!

Great big Hugs to all teh Imba Rogues out there!  ::) :P
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: delling on April 19, 2007, 01:56:33 pm
You found more need to reply to the Nefastus Legio post on the Dunemaul forums than to simply post here to let us know that you wouldn't be returning.

The rule is 2 weeks...

You were kept in for about 3 months because you had a note saying 'back in early March'.

You obviously used the internet...

We can't be that great if you can't find 30 seconds to post something!

Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Archz on April 19, 2007, 01:57:15 pm
Let's get stone!
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Draconis on April 19, 2007, 06:21:30 pm
You got that on me - i should have left a message or get back on the fourm ...

TBH each time i wanted to make the post i was thinking - give it 2-3 more days maybe ill restart playing...

Maybe i was afraid i will restart playing hardcore again ... and i knew i had a lot of things to do IRL that are really important for my life - University and work.

Nefastus Legio was my guild, we really did nice things together and we had some really good players - we made good friends, we had good times together. When I joined IE - it became my guild, and i didnt wish to leave it no matter what.
I know our initial discution regarding the Burning Crusade - after the first week with you guys i didnt want any other guild - no matter the progres or the gear. If i would start playing WoW again i wouldnt want to play with anyone else but you. True - ppl come and go, but as long as you old guys play - your the guild for me.

Ofc its hard to belive i wanted to post on IE forum... im not asking anyone to belive it - i just wanted to do it... and tbh - i was afraid, afraid i would wanna raid hardcore again.

When i read the private message from you Dell i felt a sour taste in my mouth, and ... im really sorry, i felt really bad.

I owe all of you some appologies, starting with Dell, Aleandro and Tyler. Im really sorry... but, could you... would you accept me back as a casual and inactive till i start replaying again?

And Arch... stone cant hit as hard as Dell's words did - werent undeserved though.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: delling on April 19, 2007, 06:29:01 pm
Ugh, you write well and eloquently for a Romanian!
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Draconis on April 19, 2007, 06:36:37 pm
Big hugz Dell  :P
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on April 19, 2007, 06:42:04 pm
I remember you as a nice guy, well playing and chatty. Always nice to have such people in the guild, but I guess its up to the guys that you pissed off by leaving as you did :-|

good luck convincing tyler and the dellmaster :) He already seems quite positive.

Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Myogoblin on April 19, 2007, 07:03:05 pm
get back in the guild you phat casual and stop wasting time IRL!
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Bombardi on April 19, 2007, 09:00:21 pm
rwar come back!
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Draconis on April 20, 2007, 06:17:58 pm
Big thanks guys - really big!  8)  :-*
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Draconis on August 24, 2007, 01:20:11 am
It's been some time - i have payed my account at last...

I'd like to rejoin IE, as a casual (for now) - if its still possible. Im not certain how much ill be playing & lvling but i'll be online at least for the spirit and fun.

Im going to renew my appologies to Delling, Ale, Tyler and all the rest, thank with a warm heart all the ones that were able to forgive me for quitting the game for such a long time with no sign.

What i've been doing since then? Long story, work mostly, studying from time to time and traveling whenever i could. I went around Germany, visited Barcelona, made a tour of Croatia, passed through Slovenia, Austria and Hungary, climbed some mountains and explored some beautifull caves in Romania. Almost quitted my job, wasnt able to get fired, i fell in love with my girlfriend the more i spent time with her, neglected university a bit and now i finally payed my account. :)

I salute all of you, old and new - and i hope for the best.

Your old school troll rogue,

Drac  ::)
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Grishnag on August 24, 2007, 02:13:59 am
heya draconis nice to see you been a long time

wouldnt mind seeing you in guild chat again

also what the hell kind of avatar you have? so confusing
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Draconis on August 24, 2007, 02:16:59 am
Hey Grish :) long time no see  8)

Its a dragon :) problem is its getting scaled

this is it (
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Grishnag on August 24, 2007, 02:22:27 am
not the regular kind of dragon you see

its quite cool :)
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: delling on August 24, 2007, 02:34:22 am
Hey Drac,

I don't have an issue with you rejoining, but I have a small issue with Fulger again having access to /g.

I'm also not interested in you joining if it just opens up an F&F application from him in the future.

Are you also here to stay this time? :)

Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Draconis on August 24, 2007, 09:51:27 am
Hey Dell   :D

Im here to stay. As for friends and family spots you dont have to worry for a thing, im not vouging for the same person again, even if he is a close friend. He can be a close friend, we are doing fine irl, we get a long well ingame, he had his chance and experience in IE - it was his choice to leave.
Also - he wont have access to my acc, he has his own rogue to play now, im low lvl, i dont interest him.

Thanks  ;D
Title: Re: Wish i could join you... again
Post by: Lobby on August 24, 2007, 01:39:41 pm
get back in the guild you phat casual and stop wasting time IRL!

Says you. <3