Iron Edge
Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: Veslemøy on August 23, 2007, 01:12:09 pm
Hi guys my name is Nemanja and i come from Srbija.My char name is Nemke.
Reason i want to join IE i have rl friends in IE.i i want sometimes to find
grp for heroic,thou my gear is good here it is
My sponsors are Spuzi(healbotina) and Gajaja(the ugly tirkiz shamie troll) ;D ;D ;D.
Giev more undeads and Trolls ofc!!!
Hes good m8 i now him in rl,he can only help us as good friend that he is
and i gonna f**k him for Gajaja(the ugly trkiz shamie troll) .
ZOMG he is total gay but he is okay!
he is Gajaja boyfriend but NWM.
And im not HElabotina!Only healbotina is Gadzadza
P.S Forsa daj acc da te ne bi karali crnci!!!!
You guys can have F&F recruitment when you reply to other parts of the forum too.
Until then... No way!
also, Gajaja isnt even member yet
Level faster noob!!
Since Spuzi and Gajajajajajja fail at using these forums properly I will vouch for Nemke. He is a fucking newb but a nice guy, gief ::)
Should put some limits now on inviting more of those serbs!
nice to see u man :)
gife inv
INV HIM !!!!
Any non-Eastern Bloc want this guy in? :)
Reason i want to join IE i have rl friends in IE.
I don´t believe this... are ALL serbians friends IRL?
Reason i want to join IE i have rl friends in IE.
I don´t believe this... are ALL serbians friends IRL?
Well most of us know each other since CS times purely because we have a huge ex shopping center turned into bunch of internet caffes. There is total of around 500 PCs there...
Those that we didn't know before we met in there :)