Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: Subby on August 24, 2007, 12:43:11 pm

Title: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Subby on August 24, 2007, 12:43:11 pm
Hey Guys, finally decided Daggerspine just cannot compare with the Mighty IE and Dunemaul's so here's my attempt in applying for my Re-rolled Mage! Atm applying just for F & F, as i like to arena a bit but am getting morning shifts at work so i can Maybe raid with ya guys if possible... (If not, F & F will do nicely  ) As you like to say.... Casual ;)So here goes....

Some things i never got round to mentioning :
My real names Dale, aged 18 i work full time atm, and love to go out for a drink with the mates, i do play the odd occasionable football, but i must say my number one sport has to be WoW, you can do soo much in 1 day without moving! Heh (was a joke btw)

Character Information
Armoury -

I re-rolled a blood elf mage, he's getting on very nicely,
At the moment i am Frost for arena, 17/0/44 but it also works very nicely for Pee vee Eee... I've come to love the class, more than my rogue.

Karazhan: Yes
It's only karazhan for the minute, Working on the others, but my current guild are still having uber trouble with Gruul's etc. so i havn't yet begun the prequests for the others, but as i saw on the applications i forgot all about them as my main priority was Karazhan, but i shall get on them immediately.


Currently i work at Homebase Full time, and also have an evening job, but i'm working on making it so i only work mornings, and can raid alot more,

More specific times:
Mondays: Work evening
Tuesdays: Work Evening
Wednesdays: Can play all day
Thursdays: Work Evening
Fridays: Can play all day
Saturday: Any time after 2!
Sundays: Can play all day
So as i said, i'm trying to get mornings instead of evenings so i can raid

Gaming and World Of Warcraft history

I've been playing many games over the past few years,Such as;
Call of Duty I,II,III
Warcraft III
Delta Force 2 (Even tho it sux0rs)
Counter-strike: Source

My world of warcraft history? well.... I'm not to sure within the exact date i started playing the game, But my first ever charecter was a dwarf paladin beleive it or not, Leveld him up to 42, and realised.... Hold on, I Hate dwaves, and alliance....AND BUBBLE BITCHES TO BE HONEST! hehehe. After getting rid of him, my 2nd choice was a Nelf female hunter, they we're awesome, so much fun at first, level 60 was just heaven in 60's BG's, and TBC just put me off them. When i found out about rogues,ganking, bleh etc i thought it would be my class forever, But since the hacking of my account, and alot of thought, i decided to play mage.

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Omg this is iron edge forum? Wtf -.- soz, rong applic, <---- Trying for humour!
I want to join iron edge because it's my old home, i love the guild everyone was fun to play with, easy to get on with, and just plain uber. Everyone knew their class and would help out as mates, The guild makes WoW exactly how enjoyable it should be!

What can I offer to Iron Edge?
I'm a helpful player who trys to help as much as he can, I have a good sense of humour, and try to have a laugh as much as possible (But not during raids, because i'm not sure Delling would like "Oh haha i ninja pulled gruul 3 times in a row, how funny" hehe, well most of you know my charecter (if you can remember me at all that is) but i offer an extra nice, fun player towards IE =]

Last words?
I hope to hear back from ya sooon!!!!
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Cwave on August 24, 2007, 12:45:52 pm
Subby gets a thumbs up from me, just for always being so upspirited!

Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Smorisha on August 24, 2007, 12:49:06 pm
Heyya Subby, I don't know much about mages in general but I am quite sure there is a huge gear gap when it comes to raiding with IE so I'd say u don't stand a chance to become a raider. Not ur fault, its just... our mages rock (except for sheeping on arcane flurry)!
When it comes to arena and PVP you are more then welcome since we kinda lack true PVPers in guild.
Nice to see you back matey, hopefully in /g soon!
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Subby on August 24, 2007, 12:55:30 pm
Oh sweet, well yeah i do to pvp tbh, and i guess pvping will improve my gear, I'd love to arena with some of you guys, atm got i'm in
2v2 - 1800
3v3 - 1784
5v5 - 1600

So Who do i have to speak to for an approval :D ?
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Smorisha on August 24, 2007, 01:00:26 pm
First of all I will move this to F&F part of forums and then u will wait for Delling/Daekesh to take a look. I think it will be Dell since Daekesh is ona trip :)
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Subby on August 24, 2007, 01:04:01 pm
Okie, thanks smor ;) and Cwave ftw!!!! haha how ya doing man
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Comrade Nox on August 24, 2007, 01:08:24 pm
Don't think I've ever seen Subby angry or offensive to anyone else ever. Nice guy, invite mkay.
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Lobby on August 24, 2007, 01:36:26 pm
Get's Bobboviking's approval :)
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: delling on August 24, 2007, 03:06:53 pm
Just to confirm, you left in the first place just because RL was too much of a pain in the ass, yeah?

It's a good application :)

You shouldn't expect to raid though... not in a long time.
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Cwave on August 24, 2007, 03:15:20 pm
Just to confirm, you left in the first place just because RL was too much of a pain in the ass, yeah?

Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Subby on August 24, 2007, 03:22:30 pm
I did post that mate, on one of my other posts, i never left, I really wouldn't of changed to Daggerspine and called myself "Rawrosaur" Ahehe, but is that a yes? or....? :) either way , i'll be transfering today i think...
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: delling on August 24, 2007, 03:23:34 pm
You are OK with not raiding?
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Subby on August 24, 2007, 03:30:50 pm
Of course....
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Subby on August 24, 2007, 03:41:19 pm
Think i'll be comming back with "Subbeh" as the name tho, some little wannabe pimp stole Subby! Haha,
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Subby on August 24, 2007, 03:50:55 pm
and i can only think of 3 possible things happening atm,
Dellings thinking UBER hard
A Free rubber ducky add has popped up which has intrested him more
Or it's a yes :D

Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: delling on August 24, 2007, 03:55:00 pm
You missed the most likely one:

Delling's waiting for you to transfer, before he says no, just for kicks.
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Subby on August 24, 2007, 04:18:07 pm
Lol, the Account management on wow-europe is down at the minute, arghh
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Shannaro on August 24, 2007, 05:06:02 pm
Yo subby long time no see actually :)
So decided to drop rogue and try mage?:)
Good work on gearing up and stuff but so far your gear is not enough to qualify as a raiding mage in IE, and we actually wont recruit more raiding mages.
I say, i speak for both daekesh and me, that you can join as F n F and kickass in PvP!
Ill maybe even pvp with you when i im in the pvp mood :)

SO! Get your mage on dunemaul!
Your an awesome guy and never been offensive so your welcome to IE!

Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Bombardi on August 24, 2007, 06:49:30 pm
NIce guy
active on forums
active in pvp
100% support

join my 5vs5 subby! :P
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Subby on August 24, 2007, 09:48:34 pm
Thanks for all the support guys, i knew staying in touch with you guys was one of my best ideas :D Hehe, Yeah sounds like fun bombardi, always up for pvp, mostly arena these days, but i tend to make premades on my old server :P As we speak i've payed for the transfer, and blizzard have cocked it up, should be ready by tomorrow though, Hope to see you guys VERY soon :D :D looking forward to it, subz
Title: Re: Ex Member, Applying for F & F
Post by: Subby on August 25, 2007, 12:22:03 am
P.S Watched your Hydross video a while ago, awesome video the druid one :) all i can say is.... <3 IE lol brilliant video, and grats on the kill guys !!