Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Off Topic Discussion => Anime => Topic started by: Rucious on August 04, 2010, 01:54:16 am

Title: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 04, 2010, 01:54:16 am
Is this anime worth watching it?
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 04, 2010, 02:24:59 am
ASdf, fuck it.

No, it's shit, it's shit on the same level that Naruto is shit. DARKNESS and THE HEART go hand in hand as solid fucking hilarity by shit writing. Sorry, but if you like Naruto, you will like Bleach - but they're still shit.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 04, 2010, 02:27:16 am
I've already finished Naruto..I'm waiting for the new episode and the movie.

P.S: I cannot read manga time for that.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 04, 2010, 02:28:05 am
P.S: I cannot read manga time for that.

That was the most retarded shit I ever read. I think you just gave me an aneurysm.

Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 04, 2010, 02:34:07 am
ahmm FU ok? I don't wanna read it now....................................................................
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 04, 2010, 02:35:06 am
ASdf, fuck it.

No, it's shit, it's shit on the same level that Naruto is shit. DARKNESS and THE HEART go hand in hand as solid fucking hilarity by shit writing. Sorry, but if you like Naruto, you will like Bleach - but they're still shit.
you are hmmm I dont wanna say here maybe will /w u in game :D
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 04, 2010, 02:38:28 am
Ok I'll try to turn asshole mode off for a second here.

You could possibly consider Naruto good, sure. It's probably because you simply don't know better, the same reason people watch Love Hina, Hellsing and Elfen lied, they're usually starter animes.

What I can recommend is to read the bleach manga - if you seriously believe that it takes longer to read it then it is to watch it (googled quick, says 282 eps) I'll help you with the math.

282 eps, at 22~ minutes a piece that's about 6204 minutes. That divided by 60 is 103~

It will take you 103 hours to watch it. Atleast.

Reading it won't be close to that.

Second, watch something that's considered good. Naruto and bleach both are pretty teenage angst and shit. Just google some relatively famous sites about what's good - on a straight arm I can always recommend Full Metal Alchemist if you like Shounen stuff.

Full Metal Alchemist
Hajime no Ippo, start off with those 2 for now. If you like them, feel free to come back. If you don't like them, I can recommend Yu Gi Oh and Digimon.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: delling on August 04, 2010, 02:40:18 am
I thought I'd stamped out all of the elitism...
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 04, 2010, 02:44:07 am
I thought I'd stamped out all of the elitism...


Sorry for being horrible rucious, I guess I'm just on my fucking period.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 04, 2010, 02:51:28 am
Also - for anyone reading Mango, read Berserk already. It could easily come off as a literary classic (assuming it'll stay the same quality when it's finished) if it wasn't a comic book (OMG 4 CHILDRENZ).
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 04, 2010, 03:03:25 am
Full Metal Alchemist
Hajime no Ippo, start off with those 2 for now. If you like them, feel free to come back. If you don't like them, I can recommend Yu Gi Oh and Digimon.
Full M.A is pretty good I heard. yes Naruto and Bleach(looks like) are teenage shit but they are good enough for me atm. How come if I don't like FMA and Hajime no Ippo u would suggest Yu gi and Digimon? aren't they kid anime oh no actually I can call them cartoon (I know it would piss some japanese ppl :P) but seriously arent they kid animes?
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 04, 2010, 03:05:01 am
Oh u mention 103hrs to watch 282episodes. Dude I like watching films, series, animes etc. it's no problem. and I'll definetly read Naruto Manga but just not now.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 04, 2010, 03:08:17 am
Oh u mention 103hrs to watch 282episodes. Dude I like watching films, series, animes etc. it's no problem. and I'll definetly read Naruto Manga but just not now.

Yeah, but you said you wouldn't read it because you "don't have time", which is silly because it takes way longer to watch bleach than to read it. Besides, the Mango is readable up to a certain point (I'm still reading it, but just because of the kubo asspulls that are fucking hilarious).

FMA is definately good with really smooth animation and great story.
Hajime no Ippo is fucking gold aswell.

And yes, Yu Gi Oh and Digimon (debatable) are kid animes, but on the other hand so is Naruto and Bleach (ish). So my conclusion is that if you like Naruto and you don't like FMA - you are forever broken and will probably like Yu Gi Oh and Digimon.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Sertth on August 04, 2010, 03:20:29 am
Bleach is a very good shounen. Ofc it has many crappy filler acts and many crappy filler episodes, still a good watch. I think its better than naruto.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 04, 2010, 03:32:39 am

FMA is definately good with really smooth animation and great story.
Hajime no Ippo is fucking gold aswell.

And yes, Yu Gi Oh and Digimon (debatable) are kid animes, but on the other hand so is Naruto and Bleach (ish). So my conclusion is that if you like Naruto and you don't like FMA - you are forever broken and will probably like Yu Gi Oh and Digimon.
I don't know about Hajime but I didn't say I don't like FMA  >:( >:(.... and I don't wanna watch Yu gi or Digimon.. and yeh I said I have no time for manga perhaps I didn't mean like that if u know what I mean..well lets see what happens. Oh if I read manga I want it like comic books if I can find tho, if not I should download them already.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 04, 2010, 03:36:24 am
This is worth buy it or not? (


Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Blankshot on August 04, 2010, 05:09:46 am
if u like to watch bleach u have to skip all the fillers coz all of them are just annoying(especially the lastest katana thingy).
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Sertth on August 04, 2010, 06:50:39 am
I honestly believe zanpaktou rebellion arc was the best summer filler ever... what was annoying about the arc? I mean thats a simple single-minded shounen if that arc is annoying the whole series should be annoying also.


It is also noteworthy that we have seen another dimension of Ichigo's hollowification at this arc.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 04, 2010, 11:58:15 am
Bleach is a very good shounen.

Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Kilizion on August 04, 2010, 01:39:15 pm
All I can recommend so far is (Mostly shit Sint, Kawe and Grish recommended) I asked around and heard nothing bad about these tbh:

- Samurai Champloo
- Cowboy Bebop
- Afro Samurai
- Black Lagoon
- Black Lagoon: Second Barrage

These are the only animes I've ever watched unless you count Pokemon and early Dragon Ball Z? Not everyone starts of with shit animes Nach! Just do your research Rucious.:P
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Sertth on August 05, 2010, 02:09:55 am
Cowboy bebop and samurai champloo are cults really. A future projection blended with american counterculture and jazz... both series created their own kind of genre.

Bleach is a very good shounen.

Tell me a good shounen nach?
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 05, 2010, 03:21:25 pm

Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kagemoth on August 05, 2010, 03:57:26 pm
Also - for anyone reading Mango, read Berserk already. It could easily come off as a literary classic (assuming it'll stay the same quality when it's finished) if it wasn't a comic book (OMG 4 CHILDRENZ).

Berserk , probably one of the best darkest storys ever. And it doesnt trail off either ,it
is all relevant to the story , Fucking love it. i like the fact that as the story begins to
start picking up you can see just why he is so fucked up.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 05, 2010, 04:27:13 pm
Yeah I could write essay on essay why I consider Berserk the fucking greatest this in the whole damn world, but it can also be concluded in 1 sentence.

His girlfriend is raped retarded (literally, she has a mental breakdown and goes retardomodo) by the protagonist's former best friend and homobro who at the same time also infects protagonists child who's in the stomach of his waifu only to later use the same child to build himself a new physical body.

Guts for fucking president.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Grishnag on August 05, 2010, 04:41:56 pm
Also - for anyone reading Mango, read Berserk already. It could easily come off as a literary classic (assuming it'll stay the same quality when it's finished) if it wasn't a comic book (OMG 4 CHILDRENZ).

pick one
also (
is the original bleach thread did you honestly think there wouldnt be one rucious
bleach got me back in to anime after not watching it for a long time... first 15 episodes or so were actualy good then it got worse... and then it was nothing but THE HEART

also i never read berserk so i cant and wont comment on how great it is (allthough from what i hear there not a single bad thing anyone says other then it might never finish) but claymore is a good shounen to pretty much the lighter version of berserk (allthough still pretty grimdark) with woman in skintight white suits oh and it has helen

oh uhm nach TTGL is not shounen its a super robot show still fucking awesome though
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 05, 2010, 04:55:20 pm
Pretty sure Claymore goes under Seinen.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Grishnag on August 05, 2010, 05:04:45 pm
realy? its a monthly thing in shounen jump so figured it would be shounen
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 05, 2010, 06:52:59 pm
Yeah but it's pretty dark and gorey, fuck, more people die in claymore than in Gantz :P
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Sertth on August 05, 2010, 07:33:35 pm
yeah mildly violent but still a shounen. :)
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 05, 2010, 07:40:41 pm
Still pretty sure it's a seinen.
Shounen targets ages between 10-18, seinen (which means young man) targets 18-30~ or so.

Claymore definately fits the latter one far better than the first one. It's all about definition though, which is just a circlejerk discussion without a proper conclusion.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kawe on August 06, 2010, 03:58:10 am
Claymore is great

just great
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Cinn on August 06, 2010, 11:17:41 am
let me just comment here seeing Nachfags uber elitist opinion might actually scare you away from a pretty decent watch.

i disagree that Bleach is a kids anime, quite often the age of the main character kinda displays the age that the anime is aiming for, which in the case of bleach is 17-18(ish).

i've watched bleach since episode 1 got released (that makes like 5,5 years). The first arc, the Rukia one is still one of the better ive seen in an ongoing show, after that you'll probably be too hooked to stop watching.

the anime is still decent but the story is progressing beyond slow and there was actually just a 52 episodes filler arc (in the middle of a fight) [52 episodes = a year of fillers]. stuff like that rly shouldnt ever happen in an anime.

tbh if u liked Naruto you'll probably love Bleach, i've always felt it was the stronger anime of the 2. Google what episodes are fillers and just skip those, and enjoy :)

[note, seeing i taunted the nachfag, im not actually a total scrub when it comes to quality anime, but i never heard Rucious asking about what animes are the best to watch, hes just looking for a decent watch, on par with Naruto, Bleach is, and better.

(also if u rly have that much time to burn, just go fucking watch One Piece man, its the longest ongoing anime in the world and the quality of the episodes is insane, both bleach and naruto don't even come close)
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 06, 2010, 01:00:49 pm
let me just comment here seeing Nachfags uber elitist opinion might actually scare you away from a pretty decent watch.

If by decent you mean shit, then yes. Bleach - the only anime where not even bad guys die when they're killed.

i disagree that Bleach is a kids anime
And I disagree that water is wet, still doesn't make it any damn less wet.
Bleach is definitely targeted at the 15~yr old crowd.

stuff like that rly shouldnt ever happen in an anime.

Nope, it really shouldn't and surprisingly it only happens to animes where you're actually aiming to milk a franchise rather than tell a story. A poor told story aswell, Kubo Tite is the biggest fucking asspull storyteller ever.

Bleach just has the worst protagonist and that annoying whore Orihime (Kurosaki-kun? Kurosaki-kun? Kurosaki-kun? Kurosaki-kun? Kurosaki-kun? Kurosaki-kun? Kurosaki-kun? Kurosaki-kun!? Kurosaki-kun?! KUROSAKI-KUN!?) and an antagonist that started out with potential and went super limpdick-modo.

on par with Naruto

Then Yu Gi Oh and Digimon is surely for Rucious.

(also if u rly have that much time to burn, just go fucking watch One Piece man, its the longest ongoing anime in the world and the quality of the episodes is insane, both bleach and naruto don't even come close)

Correction - READ One Piece. I read One Piece each week because it's fucking glorious. It's fucking pirates and adventure and for fucking once the females in a series just isn't fucking tittylicious eyecandy and is of some fucking use (totally unlike that fucking Orihime cunt... KUROSAKI KUN!?!??!!?!?!??!!?!... Fucking Kubo Tite.)

Watch Eureka 7, Toppa Tengen Gurran Lagann or Fist of the north star (...again, I believe that's seinen?) Full Metal Panic, Hajime no Ippo, Hikaru no Go, Full Metal Alchemist, Shaman King or better fucking yet, go read some mango like Berserk... Or Vinland Saga.

Definately Vinland Saga...
Here, I'll even add a picture of a guy punching a horse in Vinland Saga and Guts being the dashing motherfucker that he is.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Cinn on August 06, 2010, 01:46:22 pm
yeah Rucious, if you're actually really looking for quality anime

i suggest you check out:

Eureka 7
Death Note
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Full Metal Panic (all 3 seasons, including the most hilarious anime season ever released: Fumofu)
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (note the brotherhood, the season before that they ignored the manga at some point and turned the story into a horrible constructed clusterfuck)
Samurai Champloo
Soul Eater (haters gonna hate, Bones studios is fucking awesome and soul eater is highly enjoyable)
Black Lagoon

^many of those are often found back in experienced anime watchers toplist,

and nach, i just dislike reading manga, even if the experience is somewhat downgraded on TV, i'd still rather watch it on tv/my computer
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Sparrowhawk on August 06, 2010, 01:55:18 pm
Vinland Sada is fukken glorious.. Shame it gets updated so seldom
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 06, 2010, 02:16:38 pm
Death Note is great (or good for someone). Full Metal thingy, how many blood season are there? I've download 1-51 and brotherhood 1-64. Is there anymore like u mention Cinn? (full metal panic? is this related with these 2 full metal alchemists?)
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Cinn on August 06, 2010, 03:13:10 pm
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is a remake of the 1-51 series, don't bother with the one without Brotherhood behind it, its the same story but starting from episode ~25 or something they started to ignore the manga, if you watch it, just watch Brotherhood.

and Full Metal Panic is not related to FMA at all.

but btw, seeing ur taste in anime, im 90% sure of that list you'd probably love Soul Eater best :)
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 06, 2010, 03:24:42 pm
The list is tooooo long :) lest see how long it will take to watch them all :P

any big differences between uncut version and normal(soul eater)?
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kagemoth on August 06, 2010, 03:48:12 pm
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Cinn on August 06, 2010, 03:54:29 pm
i wouldnt know, i think i watched the normal version of Soul Eater :O

(most of those animes in the list are like 50 episodes together tops, i just stated some top animes for me, just see what you like :) )
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kawe on August 07, 2010, 02:39:48 pm
Where are Bacanno! and Durarara!! mentions? I'm disappointed guys.

Was Geass meantioned yet?

Kara no Kyoukai was pretty great, series of 7 films each between 1-2 hours.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Cinn on August 07, 2010, 02:56:51 pm
i rated Baccano 10/10, i just didnt mention it cause its only 13 episodes :(

Durarara im watching currently

both great, tho i'm not sure if they would be something for Rucious' taste
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Grishnag on August 07, 2010, 03:06:27 pm
Where are Bacanno! and Durarara!! mentions? I'm disappointed guys.

Was Geass meantioned yet?

Kara no Kyoukai was pretty great, series of 7 films each between 1-2 hours.

None of those are shounen though

well maybe geass but... well you know my opinion
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 07, 2010, 03:30:44 pm
If Baccano is 13 episodes I may watch. The other have no idea. I'll keep them in my list.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kawe on August 07, 2010, 04:43:36 pm

well, seinen is where it's at anyway
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 07, 2010, 06:20:28 pm

well, seinen is where it's at anyway

Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Sertth on August 07, 2010, 11:37:01 pm
Seinens are more than welcome! I didnt watched durarara, downloading now.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Grishnag on August 08, 2010, 01:59:23 am
go watch needless its a seinen parody of shounen

that is if you can stand so much awesomeness your head might explode

oh and there is lotsa fanservice
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kagemoth on August 08, 2010, 02:03:08 am
Nach is apposed to fanservice.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 08, 2010, 02:59:26 am
Nach is apposed to fanservice.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kagemoth on August 08, 2010, 01:01:06 pm
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 08, 2010, 11:26:04 pm
go watch needless its a seinen parody of shounen

that is if you can stand so much awesomeness your head might explode

oh and there is lotsa fanservice
Needless looks good(maybe more than good but have to watch more to comment), any more animes like this one u could suggest?
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Grishnag on August 08, 2010, 11:28:09 pm
strike witches

oh wait thats banned in the uk
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 08, 2010, 11:30:12 pm
strike witches

oh wait thats banned in the uk
sigh 0.0 why?
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Cinn on August 09, 2010, 12:03:47 am
isnt Sounen animes aimed for audience 18-30 yrs old?

if so, then i can think of some reasons why it would be banned :3
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 09, 2010, 12:19:27 am
isnt Sounen animes aimed for audience 18-30 yrs old?

if so, then i can think of some reasons why it would be banned :3

Shounen is 10-18.
Seinen is 18-30.

Pokemon is Shounen, Berserk is Seinen.


No idea why a series of lolis in underwear is banned.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 09, 2010, 12:21:41 am
lol..then they should ban porn too?
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 09, 2010, 01:15:26 am
but erhm...
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 09, 2010, 01:16:31 am
No... Just... Nvm.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kawe on August 09, 2010, 04:18:49 am
banned in the uk because watching it will make you uncontrollably molest children

Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: delling on August 09, 2010, 12:05:34 pm
More pics like that, Nach!

(And your signature is HUWAGE, Kawe.)
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kagemoth on August 09, 2010, 12:29:21 pm
hahah xD im loving the nach man
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 09, 2010, 01:27:09 pm

Strike witches?



I jizzed -
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kawe on August 09, 2010, 02:17:14 pm
-watch video
-ears and tail pop out when they jump in flying leg things
-broomstick pentagram
-see this on sankaku
( middle-click link, f5 this page
-double wat

Also, sig is actually exactly same dimensions as the previous one.

Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Grishnag on August 09, 2010, 04:59:16 pm
it has sanya and eila what more could you possibly want?

eila's voice is olev
just listen

also why do you link a picture with the websites name kawe?
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kawe on August 09, 2010, 05:55:44 pm
hup, sankaku don't like hotlinking after all how about that
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kagemoth on August 09, 2010, 06:19:51 pm
Grish needs to watch manlier Animes.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Daekesh on August 09, 2010, 06:28:00 pm
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 09, 2010, 06:44:23 pm
Grish needs to watch manlier Animes.

If you don't think underage girls in underwear is manly then you don't know SHIT ABOUT ANIME.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kawe on August 09, 2010, 06:46:56 pm
Kage says that, but also has some bizarre perception of what is manly, which I'm sure makes sense in his own personal universe.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Cinn on August 09, 2010, 07:05:41 pm
gonna check that shit out guys

feel dirty alrdy lolz

makes me think of the serious crush i had on Horo, of Spice and Wolf <3
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Grishnag on August 09, 2010, 08:53:41 pm
And you should stop calling it animes
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: delling on August 10, 2010, 01:40:27 am
Everyone knows it's anima singular and anime plural!
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kagemoth on August 10, 2010, 01:54:10 am
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 10, 2010, 02:13:56 am
Ye Kage and that enima is mixed of ralugnis or larulp.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kagemoth on August 10, 2010, 02:37:48 am
wats a larulp?
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Daekesh on August 10, 2010, 03:58:06 am
More than 1 liaf.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kagemoth on August 10, 2010, 04:32:29 am
WTF IS A LIAF! stop playing theSE mind GAMES!
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Nachmanun on August 10, 2010, 11:07:18 am
WTF IS A LIAF! stop playing theSE mind GAMES!

Yeah, mind games with someone who lost his mind ages ago just ain't fair.
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Rucious on August 10, 2010, 05:57:57 pm
WTF IS A LIAF! stop playing theSE mind GAMES!
We are not gonna stop unless you understand KAGE!!

Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Ino on February 01, 2012, 05:17:15 pm

Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: kagemoth on February 01, 2012, 06:31:49 pm
Title: Re: Bleach
Post by: Grishnag on February 01, 2012, 06:35:10 pm

he also said that it would take another 10 years to finish bleach... with his pacing he can do it in 1 arc