Iron Edge
Iron Edge => Recruitment => PvP Recruitment => Topic started by: curseme on May 30, 2011, 08:52:07 pm
Name IRL: Rene Alphenaar
Age: 25
From: The Netherlands
Work: Social worker with youngsters in trouble.
Applying with my affliction warlock named Curseyou, race orc.
I choose to be orc cause of its awsome looks and the great PVP and PVE racials.
PVP experience: I started playing arena from seison 2 i think, before that i loved the pvp at Hillsbrad foothills, with my rogue where i had absolutely no skills at the time.
I learned other classes by playing them and keeping my eyes open in BG's and arena's to become a better player. I would say i am a competetive person in this game, but the main factor for playing is fun. However, if i lose a lot, its no fun wisely spoken ;).
Frost mage - 2100 rating 3s on server vashj
MS Warrior - 2280 rating 3s on server vashj
Affliction warlock - Dunemaul
PVE experience:
I pve't from the start of wow, here are the dungeons i raided: MC/BWL/ZG/ZA/AQ20/AQ40/Ulduar/SSC/Gruul's lair/Onyxia/Crusade/ICC/BWD/BOT, and probably some more that i forgot atm.
What am i looking for atm:
ATM i really want to improve my PVP skills , aswell as PVE. To max my rating. I never said i am the best pvp-er, i just really like to play pvp and i improve myself still everyday.
I heard Iron Edge is a great guild, in PVP and PVE, for that reison i would love to be in this guild, to learn, have fun and make bosses and gladiators shit themselves at the sight of curseyou! :D
Why would i be a good pick?
I think i am a social person, that loves to win, wants to be at his best in this game and i just like to have fun. So far, with the people i have spoken with from iron edge i like the guild, and when i like something , i am loyal.
If there are any other questions, let me know! Until then, May your swords stab many Elfs and your fireballs may shave loads of dwarfbeards!
Salute, Curseme
Hey there, thanks for applying to Iron Edge.
Good you decided to write a second application.
Can you prove that you have achieved those ratings on those alts. And are you interested in playing rated battlegrounds or just arena?
and when i like something , i am loyal.
It's not hard to be loyal when you like something :P
Hellow :p
I can show the achi's ofc, its on server Vashj on alliance. Also the rated bg sounds great!
Here is tha Proov 8)
It's proof that the character exists, however that still doesn't prove it's yours :)
Don't you have any screenshots etc?
i showed to waterpistol that the char is mine ;)
i showed to waterpistol that the char is mine ;)
I hope you realise that Therash is Waterpistol?
actually i did not know :p Now taht i do i can stalk him at least! Muaha! :-*
get this guy in hes a good player, and than he finally stops spamming for for answers^^ kidding :)
Give more dutchess!
Hey guys, anyone knows when i hear if i can join or not? let me know on curseyou please :D kinda did stupid by putting my dk name here :-\ cya !
Hey there, sorry for taking so long with my reply - irl shit and all that.
Since you're applying with your warlock, but just started it, I don't really have a good reason to let you in YET. Especially because of warrior "balance" in certain setups and in certain seasons of WotLK, I don't have a lot of proof that you're a good warlock. Not to mention that 2.2k is not that impressive by itself.
Give your warlock some time, get some stats, and make a short reapply, and I'd be more than happy to trial you. Of course in the meantime, you got my Real ID, so stay in touch!
Hope to hear more from you soon!
Np and thanks for the comments! gl to all