Iron Edge
Iron Edge => Recruitment => PvP Recruitment => Topic started by: Moriar on June 26, 2011, 07:04:40 pm
Hello everyone!
My in-game name is Moriar and I'd like to make an application in order to join into an IE's PvP team. So here we go.
Real life general info:
My name is Jan (John in English) and I'm living in Poznań City, one of the biggest cities in Poland. I'm 17 years old. I'm in High School in Math-Science class profile. As well I've got quite much time since I don't have many interests, girlfriend etc. so I've got enough time to support your RBG team. :)
Overall WoW XP:
I've started playing WoW since Black Temple patch release. First I created a hunter and played nothing serious. Of course I had some decent PvP gear but due to my bad English language I couldn't really speak on Skype and I didn't take this game serious at all so I was playing randomly 2s with random players in random combos on random days. I haven't even been over 1.7k (playings 2s only at that time) but I wasn't that bad. After ICC release, in the beginning of July I watched some Klinda's movies who got me into warrior. So I've started playing on my shit green gearead 70th lvl warr and advanced to 80 pretty quick, supporting myself by those funny PvP movies. After reaching 80th lvl I haven't played nothing serious. At the end of WotLK I had some XP how to play a warrior but still the way before me was long and hard...
Cata PvP:
Through the fact that I didn't have any better XP in WoW's PvP than just 1.2k, I've started raelly nicely. Starting in 2s and getting 1.9k pretty quick and it happened in blues. Nevermind this, I'll skip my shitloads of teams and team partners and try to focus on those more serious.
My first serious team was with Egfo (resto druid) and we were around 2k in 2s. So we decided to make 3s team because 2s really sucks and it's very imbalanced. Our first partners was a hunter called Ichaw. We raised our rating to 2.1k however we couldn't pass it because Ichaw's dmg was very low. So we started looking for another partner and then Egfo has found a Nazek - frost DK. Obliviously it's more faceroll than skillzor but we reacehd 2.250 very easly. However Nazek was a raider and he was raiding all the time so I've just left team.
Summarizing all this boring shit, my XP is ~2.3k; played diffrent combos, more or less stupid. Played against ppl over 2.7k MMR (But it's bugged thingo so let's stay with this 2.3k
What do I expect from the guild?
At the moment I'm struggling myself with Articulo Mortis which is really tireful because I'm putting there my all affords and they're mostly just complaining. People don't use vent on RBGs, we haven't done many RBGs because we lack on players etc. etc. etc.
What do I expect is to join into a nice, friendly guild that can collect 10 good players for RBGs. As well I'm looking for new arena partners for upcomming season. And that's pretty much everything
Why would IE need me?
Of course the guild doesn't really need me but I might help improve it's PvP adventures. I've got pretty nice damage and tons of helpful ideas that (as its hard to guess) might help :o I'm not afraid in using Vent and got shitloads of time to share my passion with someone. ;D
I'm fancy in trying new combos, meeting new people and learning something more or just improving.
To end this...
I was thinking about an application even before joining Articulo Mortis which is nonhardcore PvE guild not PvP guild at all but when I've seen Koshan's app with XP over 2.7k and playing at 2nd Arena Team in whole Battlegroup I was thinking something like "omg and I've got shit 2k lol..." So this is how it ended but today's morning my dear friend Surgery told me that I had to make an appli here because I had a very good chance to get into IE.
Armory link: (don't expect anything crazy because for last 4 weeks I'm capping with friends and that's all)
Regards, Moriar
P.S. ye fucking wall of text but couldn't really make this shorter because I felt that I must speak my mind and tell my WoW's story. Thanks for reading this whole shit and I hope that u'll not leave in unasnwered.
Polak Polak Polak!
Don't apologise, I love your wall of text!
Very solid application. Just curious: have you ever played RBG's with Surgery aswell, or just tried to play them with AM? And how is your overall RBG experience?
Also, Narw don't be rude to your fellow polak!
Sounded more like he was cheering him on to me.
Don't apologise, I love your wall of text!
Very solid application. Just curious: have you ever played RBG's with Surgery aswell, or just tried to play them with AM? And how is your overall RBG experience?
Also, Narw don't be rude to your fellow polak!
Hi there, yeah before dear Guild Master of Articulo Mortis kicked me I was doing RBGs, my XP with RBGs isn't really huge one but I'm learning quite fast as well as I've got many ideas what to do and as I said before I'm not afraid to call for help, incomings etc. I haven't played a lot of RBGs anyway. So maybe it's time to repair it ? x)
And ye I forgot, I've been playing some RBGs with Surg as well as I've done many arenas (5v5) with him x)
aren't you the guy that flames people in durotar and makes up excuses for every duel you lose? or am I mistaken
aren't you the guy that flames people in durotar and makes up excuses for every duel you lose? or am I mistaken
Maybe it happend once or twice. I don't really duel ppl on my own, waiting for them to challange me and if I had lags why should't I say it ? ;o I don't get this question seriously...
When you lose and you say "OMG LAG" it makes u sounds like a sore loser... and a bit of a retard.
aren't you the guy that flames people in durotar and makes up excuses for every duel you lose? or am I mistaken
He is flaming ppl cuz they like swifty and he doesn't.
Just kidding, GL with your app.
Who the hell likes Swifty ?
I see that most of dear Iron Edge' players see only bad things and point out those that have been saved in their memory. No matter if I helped ridiculous amount of players by helping them in quests, ganking allies, finding a way to something, picking up a better item, enchanting for free, learning something etc. etc. So as I said it doesn't really matter here because in the past I've done this this and And here's the thing that I've been thinking on, for a while. I guess that you don't really want me to join to IE but why you can't just speak your mind ? It would be much nicier to say "NO" than insulting someone that at least is trying a new challange.
I see that most of dear Iron Edge' players see only bad things
I'm insulted, not all of us are pvp'ers!
You made a nice app, Therash makes the final call so don't throw the towel in yet, good luck.
I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but keep in mind that I will be keeping an eye out for stuff like this.
As a PvP member of Iron Edge we do our best to set an example to players outside. A lot of players consider us arrogant. That's an image we're working hard on to get rid of. Trashtalking people after winning or losing a duel, is even worse than looking arrogant, it makes you look like an ignorant childish dick. I've never seen you trashtalk anyone, so I won't decline you based on what other people say you've done.
Just let it be known that it has to stop. If it doesn't, I'll kick you right there on the spot, even if it was just to preserve IE's image.
If you can make that promise, then I'm more than happy to call you our newest member on the PvP squad! :)
Thank you a lot Therash. I'd like to say that this kind of "rage" happens only durning really bad days that I had like 3 weeks back from now. Never mind was what it but trust me that I'm not talking about bullshit etc. etc. As a proud of member of the guild, such as Iron Edge, what I can say is that, I'll try to help improve community between players from other guild and this one and moreover, I'll keep your words in mind, never flame, never blame, always try to help (as I'm mostly doin) etc. etc. Thanks once more for inviting me here :-)
Dueling in this expansion is nothing short of useless and provides little to no factual evidence of your actual skill. If you're a sane human being able to see things objectively, you call a spade for a spade.
I hope you're better than what I've heard! Gl with your trial.
But Polacks never rage, this is something unheard of!