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Please Read The Following Carefully! After submitting your application, you will need to Register on our forum to reply to any questions on your application. You will not be able to edit your application after you post it - Please make sure everything is correct. Thank you for applying to Iron Edge! Yes I did read the text.02 Jul 2018 - The end of LegionThe End of Legion!
![]() When I made this overly optimistic forum post two years ago, I really hoped Blizzard learned from the mistakes they had made in recent expansions, but particularly in WoD. Well, as it turns out, they did! Legion was the most content-rich expansion since WotLK and it brought World of Warcraft back to where it was many years ago in terms of game quality. The legendary system sucked, but we knew that going into it. And let's be honest; if the legendary system was the worst thing in Legion, it sure as hell beats a 14-month content drought. A rising tide raises all ships - and the Iron Edge spaceship was no exception to that. Legion was a great expansion for IE. Let's look back on some of our accomplishments:
And now on to BfA. If Legion was any indication of the progress the WoW development team has made under their new leader Ion, I'm looking forward to whatever BfA will bring. I realize now that much of the hype I felt when Legion launched was because WoD was so deeply disappointing. In this case, BfA's got a tough act to follow. The officer team is busy planning some changes that we're going to make in BfA so keep an eye out for these announcements on the forum in the coming weeks. Thank you to everyone who was here for Legion and the years before it. Without IE and the people that make up IE, many of us would have quit this game years ago. Enjoy your summer holiday and I will leave you with our kill video of Argus Mythic, by far the most difficult boss we've ever faced in WoW. 01 Nov 2017 - "Small" Gathering in the Netherlands 2017!"Small" Gathering in the Netherlands 2017!
![]() Well, it didn't exactly end up being a very small gathering. But fortunately my apartment was able to give everyone a (hopefully) comfortable place to sleep. It was a meet up that had everything: a lot of stoned neckbeards watching children's cartoons in my living room, good food, savage Eastern Europeans mixing with Norwegian weirdos, and of course, a trip to the emergency room. Thanks to everyone for coming out to Holland. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. You can find the photo album here. See you next time! 23 Jun 2017 - Edgefest 2017: Prague!Edgefest 2017: Prague
![]() It's kind of hard to believe but after a fairly short period of planning time the Prague Meet Up came together and it finally happened. The anticipated bunch of 17 people eventually ended up being cut down to 14 proud Iron Edgers from all different "raiding generations" to come hang out and drink beer. I, as usual, have a few highlights of the event I want to share for those of you who weren't there:
Thanks to everyone for coming to yet another very special and successful EdgeFest. I'm already looking forward to whatever we decide to do in 2018. You can find all the pictures of the weekend in this post. Thank you all and see you next year! 06 Jun 2017 - He was a good boy, he dindu nuffinHe was a good boy, he dindu nuffin
![]() After invading her home and brutally slaughtering Elisande and her helpless allies, which included a harmless botanist and an innocent astronomer, for the crime of making a rational decision in an attempt to save what was left of their people, we decided to continue our murderous campaign by putting an old man with a troubled childhood and some questionable life-choices out of his misery. We did this Oh, and Illidan's helping us, too. Don't worry about that either. It's not like that fucking guy screwed over god-knows-how-many Night Elves, he's a good boy. Once again Iron Edge has proven capable of killing a final boss on the hardest difficulty before the end of a content cycle, and just in time, too! Congratulations to everyone in the main raid, and especially to Fieryfero, Elfrighteous, Kensan, Romeo, Vejeta, Amstrup and Mortos. They may not have been there when we finally killed him, but they fought just as hard and will get their kill and Cutting Edge achievement soon. Thanks Everyone! See you in Tomb of Sargeras and/or in Prague in less than two weeks. HYPE! 23 Apr 2017 - Meetup 2017!Iron Edge Meetup 2017: Prague!
I’m very happy and proud to announce Iron Edge will be having its biggest meetup yet, and it’s not even in England! At least 20 people have signed up and are confirmed to be attending our Prague meetup over the weekend on the 16th, 17th and 18th of June. If you’ve been under a rock for the last two months, or if you were interested but not sure yet, you can still attend! All the information you might be looking for can be found here. ![]() In World of Warcraft Our raiding teams are still fighting their way through The Nighthold. Xormn’s Weekend Porkchop Warriors, Abyiss’ Mighty ToT raiders and of course the main raid are going strong with a variety of progress. Recruitment is also open for all raids, so check out our WoWprogress page if you know somebody interested in raiding with us. We’ve also made a change to our officer team. The main raid has been going without an official healing leader since WoD, so I’m very happy to announce our new dedicated healing officer: Lethys! I’m very much looking forward to seeing all those familiar and new faces at the meetup this year. See you in Prague, HYPE! 06 Jan 2017 - Happy 2017!Happy 2017! Overall I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we had a great time in Norway and I’m looking forward to planning our meet up in the summer of 2017. You can find the pictures of the meet up in this thread. Thank you all for coming out and I hope to see you all again soon!![]() I needed a couple of days to recover from the sustained 5-day IRL-cyberbullying I experienced in our Norway meet up before I could make a front page post wishing you all a happy new year. Despite all the naysayers complaining about how bad 2016 was, 2016 was a great year for Iron Edge, and I’d argue, World of Warcraft and gaming in general. The Norway Meet Up Even though we had already had a huge meet up this year in Manchester, somewhat spontaneously it was decided to have another meet up in Norway for new year’s. With the help of Stian (Glacio) we were able to book the master suite of a fancy 4-star hotel in downtown Stavanger, which turned out to be a great place to get wasted and do a whole bunch of sexually questionable shit with each other. I will once again attempt to keep Palmar’s tradition going by summing up these events to a few bullet points filled with dank memes and sneaky insults.
World of Warcraft
Back on the WoW side of things I’m extremely proud to say that Iron Edge once again has three sustained raiding teams running simultaneously with varying degrees of casualness, thanks to the efforts of the brand new Too Old for This raiding team and the Weekend Porkchop Warriors. Legion has brought us a lot of new content and there is no indication that this is going to be slowing down any time soon, with The Nighthold opening up in just two weeks of my writing this. It looks like Helya was a little too difficult for us (and everyone else) to kill within the time, but since it doesn't have a "Cutting Edge achievement" attached to it, I guess it was never meant to be that way anyway. Next month will also be Iron Edge’s 12th birthday, so I’m looking forward to celebrating that with you all as well. Anyway this post has been going on for way too long. Thank you all for a great 2016 and may we have an even greater 2017! 19 Aug 2016 - LEGION HYPE!![]() LEGION HYPE! Normally I would start my rants about upcoming WoW features with "Call me a cynic, but..". But there is honestly not a whole lot to complain about this time around. *cough* random legendaries *cough* I'm still recovering from the Gamescom reveal of patch 7.1 called Return to Karazhan, but much of the announcements and information that we have so far is giving Legion the impression of becoming the best expansion to World of Warcraft by a fucking landslide. Not only will we be guaranteed to have a whopping 18+10 raid encounters at the start, we will also be given another small raid that is supposed to be in between those two raid instances. Also, everyone that has had access to the Legion Beta knows that there will be plenty of shit to do as soon as the game launches. I'd also like to take a moment to reflect on these quotes from Gamescom this week: Quote
Am I in the fucking twilight zone right now? I already know this level of optimism is almost certainly going to leave me disappointed, so please control your shitposting. But fuck me, this is as promising as it's ever going to get. This is also going to be the most exciting expansion launch for Iron Edge. We already know that at least 4 separate LAN-parties are going to be held (Scotland counts, too!). Let's hope our new Discord server can hold us all, but it's probably more convenient to go on TS when we have that many people ![]() I'm looking forward to celebrating this launch with you all. See you on the 29th! 19 Jul 2016 - Legion Incoming!Legion Incoming!
![]() With the pre-patch coming out in about 24 hours, the longest content drought in the history of World of Warcraft has finally ended. Goddamn, here's to hoping that's the last time I have to write/say that phrase. We're also using Discord now as a hub for the guild to hang out outside of raiding hours. You can see the invite button for that on the top left side of the forum. We'll still be using TeamSpeak3 for raiding for the foreseeable future. After about 14 months of Hellfire Citadel and an impressive performance from the Iron Edge raid, we can go into Legion fully prepared with a massive roster. Phoenixflame has wrote an introduction post that you can find here. Our goal this expansion will be to become the best casual raiding guild on Kazzak. We ended on third place at the end of WoD, so it's easily doable. Enjoy your last two months of your raid-free schedules and I'll see you all in The Emerald Nightmare! 13 Jun 2016 - Iron Edge Meet Up 2016!In Palmar’s tradition, I decided to do a write up of my observations this weekend:
Thanks to everyone who’s made it out to England, it was a great success. It was absolutely amazing to see so many familiar faces as well as new ones. Even though this event was almost being planned for half a year, I never expected as many as 16 people would show up. We’re working on consolidating all photos in a shared photo album, you can find it here: See you all in 2017! 07 Feb 2016 - Archimonde Mythic Down!Congratulations for killing yet another final boss of an expansion. Some people in the raid (*cough Romeo cough*) said that Archimonde was one of the easier final bosses we’ve had in a long time, but I disagree wholeheartedly. Regardless we were able to kill it and now we have entered the longest content drought in the history of World of Warcraft. So what’s next for Iron Edge? Our New Forum! If my estimations are correct, you should be reading this front page post on our brand new forum! The guild has just turned another year older (11 years now!) So we thought it was time it gets updated to the latest version on a brand new server. So we should be able to shitpost for a long time without any interruptions. We’ll also be taking steps in the near future to add new features to it, as well as simplifying its current layout and retiring some of the older boards we don’t use anymore, so keep an eye out for that! You can see all your unread posts in the top right corner from now on. If you have any other questions about this new forum, please contact me, Grax or any other officer and I’m sure they’ll be able to help you out. I wanted to give Grax and Delling a special thanks. Grax for making this new forum happen, and Delling for hosting our forum and our Teamspeak for all these years! The Iron Edge Summer Meetup! The next Iron Edge meetup is scheduled to be in early June in accordance with the release date of the Warcraft Movie that’s scheduled to come out on June 3rd in the UK. So it’ll either be the weekend of June 3-4-5, or the week after, June 10-11-12. I’m hosting a meeting after the raid on Monday the 8th on TeamSpeak, so anyone interested in coming out to England this summer should attend it! We can perhaps change the date of the weekend if too many people are unable to attend, but I’d like to plan it as close to the Warcraft movie as possible. What are we going to do in WoW? As I’ve stated before, a lot of players will still be around during this content drought, including me. We’ll continue the raid for the foreseeable future, but after that I’d like to get back into my old passion: PvP. If you’re interested in joining the rated battleground team, let me know in this thread and we’ll see if we have enough people interested in slaying some alliance (or horde) in the near future. A change in the leadership Unfortunately Andreas (Valkyrie) is going to be taking a well-deserved break from raiding for the foreseeable future. Because of this, I am happy to announce that Ryan (Atlanteans) will be taking over his duties as healing officer while we farm the current content, and of course he will continue doing the job in Legion! Hopefully Andreas will be back for Legion to raid with us again. Thank you all for a great expansion. I hope to see a lot of familiar and new faces at the Iron Edge Meetup this year, and I’m looking forward to playing WoW with you when Legion comes out! Check out our nerdscreams for the Archimonde kill! |
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