Hello, Iron Edge!
I am applying to be a social member.
Character: Drasne
Server: Gehennas
Armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/Gehennas/DrasneClass/Spec: Priest (Healer)
Member Type: Social
Personal Info:Ryan, UK, 27, work full time no later than 6pm finish so would work well with raiding and such and to hang out socially.
Class/Spec:I am currently jumping between Holy and Disc priest as I find my feet more in Cataclysm, I have experience playing disc priest in WotLK and have enjoyed it very much.
Alts:No current alts on Cata Classic, might start levelling one at some point
Professions:Enchanting and Engineering both max
Raiding/PVP Experience:I have little Cataclysm raiding experience back from when the expansion came out originally, would love to get more experience with raiding, massive MMO fan wether it was World of warcraft or Final Fantasy.
Previous Guilds:I'm yet to find a guild in Cata Classic
Availability:I can be available 7pm UK time to 1am UK time weekends anytime
Communication:English is the only language I speak, happy to use discord or via chat.
Computer / Connection:I have a computer which runs wow perfectly, very rare wifi issues but that's hard to prevent.
Addons/UI:I use a number of addons, DBM, Grid 2 are main ones functionality wise, welcome to any recommendations
Other Games:League of Legends, various single player games.
Why Iron Edge?I'm looking for an established guild, happy to join socially and maybe join raiding if it suits the guild, would love to find a community that I can join in Classic.
What can I offer Iron Edge?Fun Personality, happy to chat or raid and be generally social
Where did I hear about Iron Edge?In game recruitment
Last Words?I hope I can join you
Apply as a Social
Name, age, location, work/school, etc.
Why are you playing your current class/spec? Is it simply because it's strong or because you think it's fun?
Any relevant alts you have and their levels.
What professions do you have and why? Any cool/special recipes?
What previous raiding/PvP experience you have, Setups, Ratings etc.
Previous guilds and reasons why you left them.
Times at which you are available. Include things like work shifts, upcoming exams, holidays, etc.
Are you proficient in english? Do you have Discord and can you listen? Do you have a microphone and do you use it?
Do you have a decent computer? Do you have fps issues? What's your internet connection like? Is it stable? Do you have high ping to Kazzak? Do you lag? Do you disconnect every hour?
List any addons you use for raiding and why you use them. Also include a screenshot of your ui (this is mandatory) and list any relevant key bindings that are not shown.
What other games do you play?
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Friends? Wowprogress? Openraid? MMO-Champ? Battle.net? Trade spam? Somewhere else?
(Write the name of the owner of the dog in the picture above!)