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 Meeckah - Warrior

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January 28, 2008, 03:44:13 am
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Offline Meeckah

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Meeckah - Warrior
« on: January 28, 2008, 03:44:13 am »
Ingame Name: Meeckah

Real Life Name: Richard

Real Life Location: Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath London, UK

Age: 22

Occupation: Student! I used to be a Cocktail/Flair Bartender at TGI Friday's, but it's a very very stressful job... Plus I actually couldn't flair =P Though I did make a damn good cocktail!

Class: Warrior

Spec: Prot (I prefer fury, but my Fury gear is a mixture of blue and purple, whilst my tanking is 99% purple, and purple is a pretty colour! I also understand that as good as an app can be, gear plays a big role, so I do prefer Fury, and if I ever got into a guild from merit on the app alone, it would be fury, but I'll apply as prot =P )

Armory Link:

Note: Was wearing DPS gear when I started this, changed over so it might take a few hours to transfer. I know I'm wearing Glad shoulders to tank in, but they look much cooler than the Bold ones, and that's all WoW is about really... the aesthetic look! Who cares if you can tank Illidan! If you don't look good doing it, then there's no point!

About Me: Well, as previously said, I'm 22 and a student studying Computer Science at Kingston University... no, not the best Uni in the world, but hey! I obviously bring it up a bit. I really enjoy playing the guitar (as you may have seen from the Christmas Giveaway thing) but can't sing to save my life. I'm also part of a thing called Benrik ( ) on which, if you look for the username Mickah, you'll find all my weird wacky stuff I've done over the past year, like running in the snow in my boxers, making plasticine have sex, disciplining other people's children and creating a new sport called CFC Wars.

I could do the whole regime of "I'm a fun guy! I'm funny! I make people laugh lolz and I don't epic whore!!!11!1onenone!".... which of course all of the above is true. I have a very British dry sense of humour, and I'm not offended by anything (though I am a Christian!... people always try and offend me when I say that... and I wet myself a little.. and cry inside.. but then I get better). I've played WoW far too long to care about epics.

WoW History: Pre TBC I played since US Launch. I quickly joined a US guild called Immortality when I hit 60 and we were one of the foremost guilds at the time, clearing BWL at the same pace as Death and Taxes (and only because the instance bugged for both our guilds, so when everyone else was cockblocked at Vael, we managed to get to Chromaggus and Nef) they hit a downward trend when TBC was announced, and never fully recovered, only getting to the four horsemen in Naxx. I unfortunately couldn't raid Naxx much, so didn't get much experience there, but everything prior to it I have completed on a Mage.

TBC I started a warrior on EU, named Meeckah, and levelled him pretty fast to 70. I managed to get my first guild raiding, though we only killed Huntsman before it kinda folded, and I then joined a few more guilds, which folded in time, or I felt weren't right, so left before taking any loot (though I was in them for at least 3-4 weeks. I don't take guild decisions lightly!) I eventually settled in Equilibrium, and cleared up to SSC (Kara/Gruul/Mag). However, I missed my RL friends who were playing the game, so I joined them and there I stayed for 4-5 months. We merged with another small guild called Rage for Order and have been raiding Kara for about 2 months now. I honestly don't care about epics. I was only in that guild as my RL friends had never raided before, and me with my experience could convince the other guild that we should all join! However, my RL friends have now all stopped playing, and Rage for Order is on the verge of collapse after 4 core members have left within a week. I told them if one more core member was to leave, I'd quit, as gearing people up just for them to join another guild annoys me immensely (though yes, it may seem like I'm doing that, but I'm happy just to play by myself). Anyway..

Why I want to join Iron Edge:

I don't care about lootz. I just want two things from this game. A good environment to level and to experience some of the content. I was a huge Warcraft 3 lover, and just want to experience the continuation of the story. But even if I can't raid, I just want a friendly bunch of people to talk to. RFO is a very friendly guild, and loosing those people has made it odd. I just want somewhere were people are easy to talk to, have a good sense of humour and won't be offended by my British wit!

What I can bring:

This is the part where I boost my ego! I can bring... my musical talents! I love writing terrible songs and would love to write some songs about gmembers if given a chance. Also, I'd bring.. myself. I am me. I don't pretend to be anyone else. Think of me what you will. I'm slow to anger and quick to praise. I don't like bigging myself up too much, so if theres anything you want to know about me, just ask.


Fridays/Saturdays: I'd rather not
Sundays: Nope
Mondays-Thursdays: Yes, though I don't like whoring spaces and am happy to sit out.

I'm happy to answer any more questions, you can normally find me on Meeckah or my alt Waawaawoo (named after a Borat quote) or just leave a message below.

Note: I'm not expecting to get in, or if I do to raid ore WotLK, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if you were to prove me wrong!

January 28, 2008, 03:51:11 am
Reply #1

Offline delling

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Re: Meeckah - Warrior
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 03:51:11 am »
Wow, uber text wall...

I'll read this one over lunch tomorrow!
Now I run a tech website.

January 28, 2008, 03:54:34 am
Reply #2

Offline Meeckah

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Re: Meeckah - Warrior
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 03:54:34 am »
Yeah sorry - I'm on of those "If you're gonna do something, do it properly... or just hit them with a text wall"

And I hate people who don't spend time on their apps =)

January 28, 2008, 04:12:26 am
Reply #3

Offline Vorte

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Re: Meeckah - Warrior
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 04:12:26 am »
Waiting for armory to load your tanking gear  :D

Anyway, a great read, the casual part of us is flooded with warriors, but lack tanks. Think the atmosphere would suit this guy pretty well..just wondering, do you know anyone inside the guild already?  :)
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

January 28, 2008, 04:15:03 am
Reply #4

Offline Jasminka

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Re: Meeckah - Warrior
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2008, 04:15:03 am »
write song about me!!!
maybe some day it will be hit song  :)

gl with app! jaca :D

January 28, 2008, 10:05:04 am
Reply #5

Offline Cwave

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Re: Meeckah - Warrior
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2008, 10:05:04 am »
I lol'ed. Good read.

Good luck with the app :)

January 28, 2008, 10:29:17 am
Reply #6

Offline kagir

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Re: Meeckah - Warrior
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2008, 10:29:17 am »
lol i did some Naxx'in with u'r old guild on 1.11 PTR aswell as with DnT! And the connection was ... *drums* .. Kuwaities! :S

gl with your app buddy!

Edit: Btw, you dont happen to be that female human mage that got hacked some month(s)before tbc release right? if so I know who did it! she had alot of t3 tho hmm..
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 11:37:51 am by kagir »

January 28, 2008, 11:11:14 am
Reply #7

Offline Starbrow

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Re: Meeckah - Warrior
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2008, 11:11:14 am »
Absolutely loved the application, really funny and interesting read to be fair. I am not entirely sure on your chances of getting in as a raider, but I do hope you join our guild in one way or anther, as you sound like a decently nice chav, who'd get along quite well alongside our regulars.

Good luck with the app.
Feral, a class of its own.


January 28, 2008, 01:46:50 pm
Reply #8

Offline Meeckah

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Re: Meeckah - Warrior
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2008, 01:46:50 pm »
as you sound like a decently nice chav

A nice chav?! =P

And no Kagir, my US mage was called Mickah and was a grumpy old human. I remember someone telling me that the character you role is what you desire... He rolled a NElf priest... I rolled a paedophilic looking human.

Vorte: I'm afraid I don't know anyone inside the guild. I have instanced with some people once or twice, and I remember doing ST with my paladin Waawaawoo with a 51 IE warlock about 2-3 weeks ago, but nothing else really.

February 20, 2008, 05:07:51 pm
Reply #9


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Re: Meeckah - Warrior
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 05:07:51 pm »
Star just doesn't fully understand what a chav is. He just loves when Sint does his chav speak on vent :)


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