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 [DK app] Dps and tank, Xrealm

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February 08, 2010, 06:09:42 pm
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Offline yoxeblue

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[DK app] Dps and tank, Xrealm
« on: February 08, 2010, 06:09:42 pm »
hi guys my name is dave, i'm  a dutchie and ofc <3 wow.

ok here it goes.

Character Information

Character Name: Yox
Current Realm: Shattered halls

Class: Death knight
Race: Blood elf

Armory or other profiler Link:

Professions: Jewelcrafting
Talent Spec: Herbalism (switching to blacksmithing in few days. i had my reasons for herb)
Secondary Talent Spec of choice for Dual Spec:
Tanking. cause it is good to switch to tanking. i got gear for unholy tanking and blood tanking. and i got gear for unholy aoe dps, single target and blood single and aoe. depends on the fight wich spec, talents, glyphs and gear i use.

Personal Information

Age: 20
Nationality: Dutch (NL)

Location: Netherlands
Time Zone: +1 eu

Playschedule availability: every day ! from 17:00

Should my application be accepted, please contact me this way:
either reply on the forum so i can migrate or

Question & Answer

About your application

Q: Why did you apply to our guild?
A: Your content is good. your world rank is good and i look for good endgame content guild thats has a good future. and i heard good things about this realm so you guys are first choice.

Q: What do you expect from our guild?
A: Endgame, fun, proffesional gameplay, serious when needed but fun when needed to. we are not machines, we are humans. but we need to be serious on good content. but a laugh once in a while would be great.

Q: Why should our guild take you as member?
A: I'm experianced. i take my dk to the edge. i read about my char alot. how to improve. i know every ins and outs about it. willing to respec when needed. even got an resto shaman to take if needed. that is also icc25 geared atm. my content is good. and i'm a dutchie so thats a +10 on social behaviour and laughs !!!!!!!

Q: Do you know anyone in our guild able to guarantee and backup your application? If yes, who?
A: umm sadly no. because i'm a cros realmer

Q: Where did you see our recruitment post bringing you to submit this application?
A: Found you on Wowprogress haha 

About you and your raiding experience and expertise

Q: What's your experience in PvE and high-end Raiding in World of Warcraft? A:
all vanilla, tbc up to sunwell. with my shammy i did pre ulduar (before ulduar release with the undying achieves and such. i quit before ulduar release. when toc was litterly being build i started my dk. and now i went ulduar to yogg. i got mad skill on 10 totgc, 4/5 on totgc 25, 8/12 on icc10 and 8/12 on icc25. i leaded alot of raids of them too

Q: Were/are you part of any other guild? If yes, why did you leave/want to leave those?
A: i was in Reunion 1 of the best guilds from my realm. and i am currently in Ocuk. the best guild from our realm. not counting the new kreml high that just migrated to our realm. i want to leave ocuk because our realm has big latency issues. dc's during raid aren't rare you can sit with a timer on raids and ppl dc. it's hard to do endgame like that.

Q: Do you have any WWS, WoWMeterOnline or any other combat log parser link about your performances? You can leave this blank but it is a big plus if linked.
A: nope not used but if really neccesary ill make an acc and give you one and do some pugs or raids with guild.

Q: In which areas do you feel you can improve yourself when it comes to raiding? We're not talking about gear here, but about you as a player.
A: everything. you can always learn. i know alot but the game changes so you have to make changes alot you have to be updated. it;s never good to say: hey ! i can't improve anymore. cause everyone can.

About you and your view of WoW

Q: Do you want to spend some words explaining some of your gear/gem/enchanting choices? You can leave this blank if you feel you have nothing to explain.
A: the gear i got atm is a balance for my stats. i got better gear for few slots but some stats would raise and some would lower. it's balanced atm.

Q: What's your opinion on learning/progress raids?
Read Read Read.... Wipe Wipe Wipe..... only thing you can do. is learn the fight before release. do it. wipe a few times to get to know the fight. and kill it after. ofc you will wipe else this game would suck. but you have to have patience.

Q: What's your opinion on farm raids during non-progress periods?

good. gearing up is always good. even for offspecs. ppl can change for fights with gear. ppl will learn fights. or even how to do quick rotation stats like ulduar fights.

Q: What's your opinion on (raid related) achievements?

good thing. not a must. but a good test if you have competent players in the raid. and may i note FUN TO DO !

Q: What's your opinion on the current raid content?

to easy. just to easy. don't have a hard to on the strats. just the disconnections here are a buzz kill. to be fair i wanted more out of the fights.

About you, the present, and the future in WoW

Good question.... i'm just a decent guy. trying to do his best and being one of the best. will go to the edge to do it. and have fun doing it.

Q: Do you have anything that could influence negatively your playtime?

only if i am sick thatsthe only reason.

Q: What are your short term goals and plans in World of Warcraft?

Kill lich king......... must.... killl.... lich.... king....... and help others achieving their goals too.

Q: What are your long term goals and plans in World of Warcraft?

i don't know yet. what the world of warcraft will bring me i guess.

Q: Where do you see yourself in WoW six months from now? And where one year from now?

six months: good guild. many ingame ppl that i know and having fun.
1 year: maby even an officer spot or class leader.

And, for last

Q: Do you have anything to add to your application that you would like us to know? You can leave this blank.

the dutch bring fun to this game. have a laugh, but be serious when needed !

extra info:  did blood queen 25 till 7% if needed i can provide a screen of my ui in raid. but seems imagehack isn't working so i can't uload it atm.

February 08, 2010, 06:15:18 pm
Reply #1

Offline Archz

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Re: [DK app] Dps and tank, Xrealm
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2010, 06:15:18 pm »
I like the Q&A, I think that's a first?

Good luck

February 08, 2010, 06:17:47 pm
Reply #2

Offline delling

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Re: [DK app] Dps and tank, Xrealm
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2010, 06:17:47 pm »
Q&A's from another guild's application template -- I like it. Maybe we should use it? :)

Nice app, matey.
Now I run a tech website.

February 08, 2010, 06:34:53 pm
Reply #3

Offline yoxeblue

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Re: [DK app] Dps and tank, Xrealm
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2010, 06:34:53 pm »
in addition, i got BiS crafted legs in my bag and 92 frost emblems so a new t10 is comming and then ill use the legs

February 10, 2010, 07:36:18 pm
Reply #4

Offline Intrinsic

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Re: [DK app] Dps and tank, Xrealm
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2010, 07:36:18 pm »
On server yet?


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