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 [Either Raid] Warlock (DPS) - Extinguesd

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June 19, 2011, 02:37:44 pm
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[Either Raid] Warlock (DPS) - Extinguesd
« on: June 19, 2011, 02:37:44 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Extinguesd
Class/Spec: Warlock (DPS)
Raid: Either Raid

Personal Info:

Carl Heijbel (Nicknamed Calle)
17 , 18 in october.
High School in Swedeen (T?by Enskilda Gymnasium)


At the moment I play as Destruction warlock. I prefer that, as offspecc I use Afflication.

As Warlock I only need to gather one gear type, and my ilvl atm is 341 (It will prob raise to 350 this night)


On different server (Karazhan)
- ?rgetlam (Paladin) Retri geared - Ilvl 351
- Mecheri (Rouge) Any Specc geared - Ilvl 335
- Cowjin (Druid) Resto Geared - Ilvl 350
(This can be moved in the future to Dunemaul)


Nothing special actually, I got high lvled professions but I don\'t got any special or cool recipe at the moment.

Raid Experience:

I have played since Vanilla, I was there when Ahn Qiraj opened, I was in the eye.
But I quit when TBC ended, and somehow my account got stolen. Deleted all my characters so I had to begin again.
I got big brains in guild, and If I lack at some part of tactics. Give me one minute and I will know everything. You wont feel bad with me in a raid!

Previous Guilds:

Tea n\' Crumpets - On Karazhan.
I left because I wanted to try out Dunemaul, and this far it\'s 100000% better.
That guild also held me back and they didn\'t raid as much as I wanted too.


I got no school until 24th of August.
I will be in my senior year this year, so I wont be that much available after summer as I want too. But if I plan and organize everything, I\'m a player that you can always count on comming! (If not comming problably something happened).

I will start working in a couple of weeks, but with that work I will only work daytime, so raid nights wont get disturbed.


I speak english fluetly and my parents taught me when I was young.
I have never used teamspeak before since I only use Skype. I got no mic at the moment, but I will buy one this week so that I can chat again with my friends.

Internet Connection:

My internet is 100/mbit download and upload. So it\'s very very fast.
I never disconnect, and I download files with a speed of 8mb/s.


Don\'t really use addons, since I don\'t get the reason why. But I use Healbot for when I heal and Gatherer/Auctionator to earn money.

But I think that deadly boss mod IS the most important.

Other Games:

I have a PS3, which I barely play on, but I also play LoL (League of Legends) soon I will buy HoN (Heroes of Newerth) and maybe in the future I will buy DotA 2.

Why Iron Edge?

Because it seems to be a great guild, I\'ve heard of you from my friend in that guild and he only says good things. I\'ve been looking for a guild with alot of activity, and I think this guild is perfect for me. Since I wanna feel the good old days with raid nights.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer you a loyal player, that always will be on time. I will be active in g-chat. I will help other players, and I will always be polite. I\'m a guy you can depend on. I can write for hours here, but that can\'t be done. All I can say is. You wont get dissapointed!

Last Words?

I think I\'ve said everyhing I can say. I hope you will enjoy my application and that you will accept me into the guild!

June 19, 2011, 02:47:36 pm
Reply #1

Offline tronz

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Re: [Either Raid] Warlock (DPS) - Extinguesd
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2011, 02:47:36 pm »
who do you know in the guild?

you also seem to lack enchants on a lot of your gear.

June 19, 2011, 02:52:26 pm
Reply #2

Offline Daekesh

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Re: [Either Raid] Warlock (DPS) - Extinguesd
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2011, 02:52:26 pm »
Hey, Nice app!  There are a few problems, however :(

Your gear is pretty bad.  For the hardcore raid at least, you would not be able to join a raid with that gear.  The armory also says you're missing the following:

6 empty glyph slots
9 unenchanted items
2 empty sockets in 1 item
Missing Ebonsteel Belt Buckle

I can understand not wanting to enchant/gem blue gear, but, still, the 1 epic you do have isn't enchanted either.

I think you need to work on your character a little before applying to a raiding guild !


June 19, 2011, 02:55:36 pm
Reply #3

Offline Vorte

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Re: [Either Raid] Warlock (DPS) - Extinguesd
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2011, 02:55:36 pm »
Your specc is also pretty poor, alot of the talents you've got don't increase your deepeeezz worth their points  :)
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

June 19, 2011, 03:02:36 pm
Reply #4

Offline Ezzardo

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Re: [Either Raid] Warlock (DPS) - Extinguesd
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2011, 03:02:36 pm »
I can understand not wanting to enchant/gem blue gear, but, still, the 1 epic you do have isn't enchanted either.

I can NOT understand why you not wanting to enchant/gem blue gear, but, still, the 1 epic you do have isn't enchanted either.

I guess you are friend with Cemce? - You can learn from his application!

все знают, обезьяну, но обезьяна не знает ни один из них

June 19, 2011, 03:09:56 pm
Reply #5

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: [Either Raid] Warlock (DPS) - Extinguesd
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2011, 03:09:56 pm »
Your gear is simply not good enough.
Two greens, 339 pvp items, several 333 items.
In a week you can buy epics with justice points, you could consider reapplying then.

Bears like alts!

June 19, 2011, 07:27:05 pm
Reply #6

Offline shankski

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Re: [Either Raid] Warlock (DPS) - Extinguesd
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2011, 07:27:05 pm »
Hi thanks for your app,

As others have said:

Gear is no way near the standard we require, especially as Firelands is round the corner it is required that raiders are in at least epic quality gear.

Also missing glyphs, enchants and gems not good.

By all means you can apply again once your gear has improved.

But for now:


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