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 Surg?ry disc priest pvp application

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June 24, 2011, 10:25:23 am
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Surg?ry disc priest pvp application
« on: June 24, 2011, 10:25:23 am »
Hi Iron Edge here is my app hope u like it

Some personal information

Irl my name is Kerem, 19 years old and living in Ankara, capitalcity of Turkey. I am studying mechanical engineering at university and this is my first year. Since this is my first year; lessons,exams and that kind stuff is easy atm so i have enought time to play wow :D  I also love to play Dota with my friends, i also like watching new movies and playing tennis in my free time.

Game Hitory

I started this game about 2 years ago at summer with a good irl friend. We were first time playing so we didnt know anything about game we were like "WTF dude there is a rare mob" "omg look my cape it looks awsome" etc. Newbie times :P But that times was probably the funniest moments in my game life anyway. That summer we just levelled our charecters and learn basics of game. After summer ends i had to quit wow because of universtiy exams. Me and my friend gave a break like 1 year.

 I started again last summer after exam my irl friend still working for exam :D Anyway i had a paladin and a druid that times but when i came back to game i guess it was pretty end of wotlk because i remember pvp vendors was selling wratful gear for honor. I opened a priest and start to lvl it. When i ding to 80 a few weeks later cata came so istartted to lvl up again. Btw i levelled all my charecters with battlegrounds. My priest is levelled by bgs since it was 60lvl till 80lvl. I learned some basics by this.


After popping 85 i started to get some gear and my first step into arena :)There was a nerfeddisc priest time at cataclsym i cant rember which patch but our bubble was absorbing 8k and everybody 1 shoot disc priest. I couldnt get a good rating at that times since everyone that i know was playing shadow priest at that times but i didnt reroll shadow because it was a good oppurtunity to learna class when it was nerfed. That was my opinion anyway i couldnt get a good rating that times.
After that patch i met a guy called "refixed" an encha shaman and started to make arenas with him. Soon we became very good friends and we made bgs all the time then we started arena with 2v2

First arenea team with Refixed2V2 1900ish personal rating

First 3V3 Dk ret pri with burch and khurgad 2150 personal and team

Kfc with kettu and Lilshocker 3v3 2200 personal and team rating

Encha shaman warrior disc pri with refixed and hunex 3V3 2300ish team rating 2200ish personal rating and i got t2 for my best friend Refixed:)

After this an old friend of me called "kyana" (now its jael) came dunemaul he is relly good friend of me but he is so unlucky that he couldnt find a proper team at other servers after he came we started arena

Encha shaman Feral druid Disc pri with refixed and Ja?l3v3 2200 team and personal again and my feral friend got his t2:)

FMP with polat and ja?l 2200 rating again for our mage friend polat

Bsicly i playedd with all of my friends and got them 2.2k after i got mine. This my very first season in game and also in priest so i know these ratings arent super cool but for a very first beginner i am happy:)I love playing this game with friends so getting a 2.7k rating is less important for me to get 2.2k for a friend but next season i will probably go for higher rating swith my friends again!

Why Iron Edge Atm i have a guild with 13 members but  9 or 10 of team is t2 person and my friend like refixed and ja?l. The main reason i opened that guild is for rbgs and hanging with friend. But we cant make rbs as much as i expect since making all 10 people online is pretty hard :) anyway i know ie has a good pvp team and good pvpvers like waterpistol or elunealol so i want to join ie and geet an active role at rbgs. I also will ask all my friends to make an app for ie cause they r great people and can help ie community also:)


Ty for reading this cheers /Surg?ry

June 24, 2011, 09:44:07 pm
Reply #1

Offline Rash

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Re: Surg?ry disc priest pvp application
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 09:44:07 pm »
Hey there, nice application!

It's good to hear so many players from your current guild are also taking an interest in Iron Edge. We've had several talks in the past, so I think I know most of what I need to know already.

Are you also interested in playing arenas with IErs or do you really want to keep that a thing with you and your friends?
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin

June 24, 2011, 10:12:28 pm
Reply #2

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Re: Surg?ry disc priest pvp application
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 10:12:28 pm »
Well i guess my friends will make application also so they will be an ie player too i hope so i am gonna play with ie'rs :)But of course if i get into ie i can play with  old guildies why not:)

June 25, 2011, 09:36:48 pm
Reply #3

Offline Rash

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Re: Surg?ry disc priest pvp application
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2011, 09:36:48 pm »
Fair enough, welcome on the team!
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin


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