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 [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - ev?ltw [Declined]

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July 21, 2011, 01:59:06 pm
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[Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - ev?ltw [Declined]
« on: July 21, 2011, 01:59:06 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: ev?ltw?n
Class/Spec: Warrior (DPS/Tank)
Raid: Hardcore Raid

Personal Info:

Libero, i have  22 years old, im at 3rd year of university of engineering, and im live on italy.


im using to play as fury, exactly as SMF atm, becouse i think it is the better spec for doing demage as warrior, in off spec im playing as tank if the guild need it. and my current itemlevel as both spec is around  368/372.


I believe that the warrior has never been as strong as now in the DPS, its damage is huge especially with the right spec and gear, when I believe that the SMF is the best spec for warrior dps, the damage is very beautiful to look at this spec, then as all the other classes is still a matter of a class and know how to play certain knowledge of the move during the boss fight.


yeah but i have it only for twink, is dk lvl 80, whit almost 277 itemlevel, full ICC HM gear and shadowmourne too.


atm i have blacksmithing and mining, but i might change that last for enchanting probably.

Raid Experience:

yeah on vanilla till wotlk i was on super guild and we killed every boss as first on the realm, then we disbanded and i mostly quiting wow cause university.

Previous Guilds:

I was in the same guild for about 5 years, which I was the GM, then i can't say much about my history guild, it is that's it:P.


yeah always np about it.


yeah i understand very well the english, i learned here on the game, on raid and expecially on arena:P and yes i have TS 3

Computer / Connection:

well,, i have super computer, i never lag and i never got les than 50 fps, i payed this computer like 2500euro, so think about it;O


ell, I use a normal UI, that wow so to speak, because I find it very simple and compact, with fury having only just prefer to click to create a macro with all my cd's and of course I can check them all. certainly an easier way to use your character is sure to have everything under control, then all spells in the right place, now my keys I know them by heart, I put some of them bind to the mouse having blizzard, while others go directly with the mouse (having a mouse as fast as the light:). I am also comfortable with the interface of combat, very straightforward and simple. Then at the end of the addon do nothing but create more confusion in the game.

Other Games:

rift smth and i love game like call of duty, and battlefield ( im waiting the next forward)

Why Iron Edge?

pve and pvp is the way. i love both too..

What can I offer Iron Edge?

everything that u want, im simple and strongly too on both stance:P

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??


Last Words?

for the horde:P

« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 03:41:57 pm by Pluug »

July 21, 2011, 02:17:41 pm
Reply #1

Offline zenath

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - ev?ltw
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2011, 02:17:41 pm »
it would be nice if u can log of in your pve gear so we can see armory and provide us with some worldoflogs with your dps so we see how is the dmg

July 21, 2011, 02:25:32 pm
Reply #2

Offline Pluug

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - ev?ltw
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2011, 02:25:32 pm »
Pretty good raiding experience.
In order to reply here you will need to register, join us on IRC #iron-edge or whisper someone ingame to activate you account.

emo? >3

July 21, 2011, 02:33:02 pm
Reply #3

Offline Jasminka

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - ev?ltw
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2011, 02:33:02 pm »


Anyway gl, tho i didnt have nice xp from italian players in my 5 man randoms...

July 21, 2011, 02:44:32 pm
Reply #4

Offline delling

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - ev?ltw
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2011, 02:44:32 pm »
Looks good! I don't think we have any other Italians, so it will be nice to have one in the guild :)

Good luck.
Now I run a tech website.

July 21, 2011, 03:00:33 pm
Reply #5

Offline kagir

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - ev?ltw
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 03:00:33 pm »
Forza AC Milan!

July 21, 2011, 08:19:01 pm
Reply #6

Offline zenath

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - ev?ltw
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2011, 08:19:01 pm »
can u show us tanking gear as well

July 21, 2011, 09:44:32 pm
Reply #7

Offline Ezzardo

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - ev?ltw
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2011, 09:44:32 pm »
Orc female, already ten times better then Zenath.

Good luck!
все знают, обезьяну, но обезьяна не знает ни один из них

July 23, 2011, 03:29:13 pm
Reply #8

Offline Daekesh

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - ev?ltw
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2011, 03:29:13 pm »
Hi.  We've had a chat and we don't think we really need another warrior tank right now, unless they have extremely good gear and experience.  On top of that you aren't replying (you need to register to reply...) to our posts.

Thanks for the app, but I think we'll have to reject it for now.  Good luck finding a guild.



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