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 [Casual Raid] Druid (DPS/Tank) - Incubø[Accepted]

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April 11, 2012, 04:22:34 pm
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[Casual Raid] Druid (DPS/Tank) - Incubø[Accepted]
« on: April 11, 2012, 04:22:34 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Incubø
Class/Spec: Druid (DPS/Tank)
Raid: Casual Raid

Personal Info:

Greetings mates, my name is George and i am 23 years old. I have born and i am living in Giannitsa a small town of greece. I have recently graduated from the university of komotini, greece, in economics so that makes me an unemployed economists ^^


my main spec is feral(bear form 397ilvl/10800 GS) i use it because tanks are needed and good tanks are needed more :) also i chose to be tank cause no one from my friends(hitnrun, spaxos, hulkie) have one and that way we can form a decent group with all roles. My OS is balance i am trying to gear up cause also Rdps are needed and its really good and fun role.


I am pretty sure that i know my class. As far as i understand we (bears) need agility cause it grants AP and dodge that we need to keep aggro and have more survivability. Also stamina and mastery/armor are vital attributes for tanking. About my rotation, differs from single target and multiple targets. On single targets/bosses i always spam faerie fire and have 3x Lacerate on the target and use mangle on cooldowns, doing that i keep threat on high percentages. Also i try to have all the time pulverize on me cause it increases the chance of crit and that produces more aggro and in combination with the berserk skill,that makes mangle instant cast, there is no chance on losing aggro. A really usefull skill for both single and multiple targets is demoralizing roar that decreases the physical damage done by the enemy! When i am facing multiple targets i usually change forms to cast thorns on me so that whoever hits me will receive dmg and i will have 10 rage on beginning of the fight, its kinda usefull cause helps me with aggro against multiple targets. Also thrash and swipe on cooldowns. In addition i glyphed Challenging roar so have a minus 30 sec on the CD, so i can use it more frequently, and in case i need rage to 'create' aggro i use enrage that grants me rage. in the end i like to change to cat form and dps as more as i can in encounters like hagara's fight and DW's.


nothing special.. i am lvling a resto druid that is currently 32 lvl druid powa :D


the profs that i use are skinning and leatherworking. the first one grants me crit +80 and with the second i can craft items that really help me a lot both on bear and balance spec, like the wrist item and the legs. Also its pretty useful the emboss that LW provides, +130 agility on wrists, and the other items enchantments.

Raid Experience:

i started wow on wotlk, my raiding experience was mostly from pug groups. when i was terribly disappointed from pug raiding i tried to have progress with a guild and joined loktarogar and we cleared ToC and did ICC til sindragosa all on 10 man. then one month before the release of cata i joined the army for my duty , i am talking about a 9 month period, and wasnt able to cope with the raids that were fresh that time, BD BOT TFW. After that a lot of pugs until i join Abomination and clear DS on 10 man and have 1/8 on 25 man HC.

Previous Guilds:

My previous guild is Abomination. was the guild that i had to play more seriously than the pug raids and we did a good progress. we had a good group but we were trying the hardest mode(25 man HC) and to be efficient to that u need to go the hard way and have less fun :) so would like to try that way!


as i said before i dont have any commitment so i am available 24/7 these days i am only  dealing with the necessary documents that i need for the post graduate studies that i am willing to do.. so there is a lot of free time.


yes i am. i can speak ,imo, pretty good the language and i can hear. i dont have ts3 but can download it. mostly using ventrilo but can cope with ts3. i dont have mics but i can hear good and speak with the mic that is on the camera.

Computer / Connection:

i have an intel core 2 quad cpu q9400 @2.66ghz at 4giga ram. never had fps issues, usually around 40fps. my internet connection is fine dl speed 11mbps, my ping on dunemaul is max 100. and dont have any disconnect problems atm.


about the addons that i use are DBM, recount, gearscore and i am recenlty changed and using ElvUI cause helps my see more and play more clear. also helps with the threat with the enemys bars that change colour when are attacking u or not.

Other Games:


Why Iron Edge?

because i think that can make progress with that guild and with my mates. and of course cause u are the best in realm.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

my patience and my loyality to the guild.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??

from my irl friends, that we usually lan together, hitnrun, spaxos and hulkie

Last Words?

nope! thats all take me and u wont regret it.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 06:51:50 pm by graxlos »

April 11, 2012, 04:48:47 pm
Reply #1

Offline Hulkie

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Re: [Casual Raid] Druid (DPS/Tank) - Incubø
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 04:48:47 pm »
he isn't actually that much bad as he sounds   ;D, thought new to the game i can vouch for him, he knows all boss fights, wipe hater that will keep on trying and he has no emotiotions as a human being...

April 11, 2012, 08:40:56 pm
Reply #2

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: [Casual Raid] Druid (DPS/Tank) - Incubø
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 08:40:56 pm »
Looks good to me, will be nice to have another bear in the guild, now that I'm the last active bear in the guild.

Poke me or an other officer for an invite.

Bears like alts!

April 11, 2012, 09:06:03 pm
Reply #3

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: [Casual Raid] Druid (DPS/Tank) - Incubø
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2012, 09:06:03 pm »
Remember to make an account on the forum and logon to irc to get it actvated

Bears like alts!


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