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 Xaero - PvE Applicaton

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November 10, 2012, 12:46:06 am
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Offline Xaero

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Xaero - PvE Applicaton
« on: November 10, 2012, 12:46:06 am »
Wonderful good day Iron Edge!

I want to start by introducing myself first, so here goes my

My name is Chris, 28 years old, I was born, raised and am still living in Vienna/Austria. After finishing school and getting my A-lvls, I worked for the Red Cross for a year, which is mandatory in Austria - either that (some kind of civil service), or army.
After my year @ the red cross, I started my student "career".
I started my university experience @ the law school of the university of vienna, I was there for about 1-2 years.
At that time I got my 1st flat, and this very fact (and also WoW) were reasons for me enjoying myself a bit too much than actually wanted lol. I dropped out, and changed to "english & american studies" and math. I decided to go for stuff I am actually interested in. I did this only for 1 year though, because I found out, that if I am not going to become a teacher, I am not able to do anything useful with these diplomas. Also WoW didn´t let me focus too much on the studies anyways lol.
So once again I decided to change to something else. I enrolled to astronomy and physics. This was my absolute love. After doing this for 1 1/2 years, half way to the graduation to bachelor, my uncle turned to me asking if I wanted to come to work in one of his firms (in this case a real estate company, which is in my family since a few generations). He offered me the position of the general manager there, after an appropriate education obviously.
After having studied for quite some years, and not having any money in my pocket, and this being an offer hard to reject, I consent to the offer, and shortly after started working in the company I should run at some point in time.
I am working there now since 1 1/2 years already, while at the same time attending to evening courses at the university of vienna.
1 1/2 years of having a 70+ hour/week lead only recently to a burn out, and a mental breakdown which had me reconsider my options for my future.
This is where I am standing in life right now. I quit my job and study only this week. I had to take this step, even though I didn´t intend or want to, all I know is, that I cannot continue this life plan of mine, which I decided for 1 1/2 years ago.

even though this all sounds pretty depressing, I am finally feeling good in a long time again. I want to focus on my gym training again and I want to take my time to decide what step next to take in this journey of life of mine.
I am in cheerful spirits though :) I am financially independent, own the flat I am living in, I am STILL "only" 28 years old, I have no kids, I am not married, I have no obligations holding me back to start a new chapter in my life.

also, I find time again for things I love to do, like wow :) since I have some free time on my hands again, I want to step back into raiding! this is why I turn to you Iron Edge! I am looking for a guild, I am looking for a raid spot.

next up, let´s jump to the interesting part for you,
(this is only a quick overview, I will get more into detail in the next section, WoW history and guilds)

I have been in, and cleared almost every raid there is in wow:
MC / BWL / ony / AQ 20/40 / ZA / ZG / kara / gruul / maggy / hyjal / SC / TK / BT / sar / maly / naxx / RS / EOE / OS / ulduar / ToC - ToGC / ICC
I have done some cata raids, actually cleared most of them, but it was in the time of my hardcore busy year and a half, so I couldn´t show as much dedication to raiding as I wanted to. I know all raids and tacts for everything in and out, and I really love to go to the old vanilla stuff still, so I am always up for stuff like that!

about what I cleared on the right lvl in the right expansion more here :

let´s start with my priest : Xaero - lvl 90
this priest of mine was created on the 1st day WoW went online, I have been around ever since. 
been MC (cleared) / Ony (cleared) / ZG (cleared) / AQ & BWL some bosses downed and some fail attempts on the others back then =p  the old Naxx I have never seen thou.
have Anathema/Benediction and some high warlord gear still from lvl 60, so not farmed afterwards!
one of my bigger achivements on him which I am rather proud of: Battlemaster. I was working on this achivement on my own, it took me quite some fucking time, but it makes me still proud :)

My Warrior: Rend - lvl 88
he was my main when WOTLK freshly hit and have been raiding a lot on him in naxx and Ulduar until I made a mainchange from my warrior to my priest
(I was writing an application to you once on him but I withdrew it again because Articulo asked me to come back after sorting out some things and issues which made me leave at one point)

My Shaman : Sobo - lvl 86
really nothing special about him, I just was bored some day and started lvling.

then there is my beloved Warlock: Asderil (my main in TBC) - lvl 90
exists since day 1, have been officer in 2 guilds (<the true mayhem>/ and <Intermission>) and then I joined <Deth Kult Social Club> the old <In Flames> after I gathered the gear to be able to be accepted there.

my druid: Alkon - lvl 85
(one of my mains from TBC, had full epic in feral/balance/resto and all that in PvP and PvE... which means my bank on him is stuffed with hundrets of epics)

my (only ally char) rogue: Lianna - lvl 85
created to gank and annoy some friends of mine ;)

my paladin: Xiro - lvl 81
nothing worth mentioning

my hunter: Alkono - lvl 72
not much to say about him, except that I loved to play him

My Mage: Asderel - lvl 60
exists since day 1 as well, never lvled him over 60. he´s equipped with HWL gear, changed him from UD to Orc just to look cool in my log-in screen lol

a twink warrior: Unfearable - lvl 39
lvl 39 with best gear available, was fun when twinking was fun in vanilla, hes my banker now

on all my chars I kinda have all professions covered with loads of special patterns/plans which don´t even exist anymore

that must have been it =p

next up,

Cursor, Atlas Loot, AVR, Bagnon, Bonus Scanner United, Cartographer, Chatter, Cowtip, Decursive, Dominos, Gearscore, Gladius, Grid, KG Panels, Link Wrangler, Need to Know, Omen 3, Power Auras Classic, Quarz, Recount, Satrina buff Frames, Sexy Map, Shadow Green Light, Speedy Actions, Sunn - Viewport Art, DBM

(I am always on the hunt for new ones, to improve my gameplay)

next up,

I think about WoW history I have given you a good impression already above, and about guilds more here:
over the years I was on my chars in many guilds let me point out a few here
on lvl 60 times:
- Recipe for Love
- Guild of SUN
on lvl 70 times:
- The True Mayhem (was officer there) raided kara lol
- Intermission (was officer there) raided ZA/maggy/gruul/TK
- somewhen there was a guild merge with whatever guild I can´t remember, and I ended up in So What
- Bladestorm
and finally
- Deth kult social club (In Flames) was at the end to TBC, raided everything up to BT there until they made the server change which sucked

these guilds I was in on mostly my Warlock Asderil which was my main in TBC and/or my druid Alkon which was my main be4 my lock ^^

on lvl 80 times I was in Articulo Mortis,
I was on my warrior there Core-raider (naxx & Ulduar times) which was the highest possible raider rank, and then I made the main change to my Priest where I became in a new guild ranking system Warlord which was/is still the highest raider rank (to my knowledge), until I took a break, lost my rank and got left behind
after that I tried to apply to you, but you didn´t have room for a Priest at that time sadly, so I was looking for another guild and ended up in Callous where I have been raiding for well some time! but after some time the bad things took over the good ones, and I felt that I need a change! so I left there.

After Callous, I applied to you, got accepted and raided with you for 1-2 months. I think I wasn´t doing too bad, I got member rank, but at this very point in time my mom passed away and I didn´t have the leisure to continue wow back then. after a few months break I came back to wow and joined some raiding with Eminence.

After this point in time I didn´t do much at all worthy mentioning - WoW-wise.

Now I am back to stay, and I am looking for a guild to conquer the content with!


well obviously you are over the years constantly known as one of the best guild on Dunemaul! and since I am looking for a new raiding guild now, considering I already have been a member of you at one point in time, and I´m not the worst player there is around I thought I would give it a shot and hope the best!


well, I am a quite exp. raider/PvPer on many classes, I know as mentioned kinda all raids and places there are. further more as mentioned as well I have many proffs, and can offer everything from there, as well my exp if anyone wanna go old vanilla stuff like MC, BWL or whatever, I know how and where preqs start and stuff ... (EDIT this stuff isn´t relevant anymore I was told, just leaving it here so you see I at least knew, lol)

I have to admit that I overtook some parts of the old application since it couldn´t get any better I guess, I hope that´s np. I updated it though to the present!

Important (!!!!!)
you can see that I have been raiding and playing on many classes, and all specs available to those. while I surely have classes or specs I prefer over others, I honestly do not really care THAT much about what class I actually play. Ultimately, I enjoy the game. since we are quite fresh in the beginning of this new expansion, and gear ain´t THAT much of a struggle yet (catching up I mean in this case) - or even lvlin up for that matter - I wouldn´t mind you to tell me what class/spec you are looking for the most atm.

all I am trying to say is, that if you need a specific class and spec, no matter what lvl I have it on atm, I wouldn´t mind at all to throw all my dedication into getting everything up and ready asap.
I can ensure you that I am fit for any challenge, I have always been. I know my shit, I have my sources (I LOVE theory crafting, spending time on forums reading up on shit and so on), you will never, no matter on what class or spec, find any flaw in my gameplay or knowledge regarding my main.
(probably worth mentioning here though is, I generally like DPSing and tanking in a PvE raiding environment, and healing in a PvP one.) But really, I wouldn´t mind even healing. Something new at least hehe

I have played my chars a lot in all kinds of specs, I know everything about it, every spell every mechanic, every talent. I usually play on a high lvl in PvE as well as in PvP (oh well forget the last point =p ) I am always up to date with all changes / fixes / nerfs made to my class.
I would say I can handle my Chars pretty well. So don´t be put off by my suggestion to let YOU pick what you want me to play as. I always like to think that guilds should recruit the player, and not the class.

This could be taken the wrong way. Don´t. It is not a missing dedication. At this point I am just basically open minded and can focus up on anything. I would need to start from "scratch" on any class atm anyway. I hope you get my point. :) 

Also: fav. pokemon: Gulpin, most pathetic looking one I could find =p (still!)

I hope everything is said, I hope you liked what you read, I hope the reading was´t too boring, and if you have any questions please let me know!

looking forward to hear from you,
until then,
love Xaero

ps: let me finish this wall of text with a fun fact.
Total time played: 570 days on all my chars.
not sure to be proud or worried lol.

pps: I bought myself a brand new PC only like a month ago. I spent € 2.5 k for it, it is amazing. I won´t have ANY problems whatsoever with hardware.
only thing annoying me like shit atm is, that my razer black widow keyboard (/drool) is bugging out on the "i" sometimes, which made this short-novel a pain in the ass to write. I gotta find out how to fix that :P 

November 10, 2012, 04:10:07 am
Reply #1

Offline Ezzardo

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Re: Xaero - PvE Applicaton
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 04:10:07 am »
all I am trying to say is, that if you need a specific class and spec, no matter what lvl I have it on atm, I wouldn´t mind at all to throw all my dedication into getting everything up and ready asap.


Nice application. Real estate is the future! You seems to be a good guy and a dedicated raider.

Good luck with your application!
все знают, обезьяну, но обезьяна не знает ни один из них

November 10, 2012, 07:27:07 am
Reply #2

Offline Skinkelinke

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Re: Xaero - PvE Applicaton
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2012, 07:27:07 am »
Nice app, I was an officer in In Flames, but looking at your old app it seems you joined after I stepped down.

The app was so long, might have missed why you left us in the first place :)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 09:51:16 am by Skinkelinke »

November 10, 2012, 09:12:49 am
Reply #3

Offline Yoica

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Re: Xaero - PvE Applicaton
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2012, 09:12:49 am »
Wall of text crits you for over nine thousand.

Great app Xaero and nice to see you want to raid with us again. I remember that you raided with us in ICC for abit and that you left a positive impression back then.

As for which class we want, ideally I'd say rogue/dps monk but since you don't have those your priest (as shadow) would be a good addition. You will need to work on your gear since it's quite low.

Despite that I'd like to get you back in, but lets see what others have to say.

November 10, 2012, 11:39:51 am
Reply #4

Offline Xaero

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Re: Xaero - PvE Applicaton
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2012, 11:39:51 am »
Hey Yoica :)

As for which class we want, ideally I'd say rogue/dps monk but since you don't have those your priest (as shadow) would be a good addition. You will need to work on your gear since it's quite low.

I can get started to work on my priest immediately, if you want me to play on him. :)
he surely would need the least work of all to be perfectly honest.

November 10, 2012, 05:29:39 pm
Reply #5

Offline Xaero

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Re: Xaero - PvE Applicaton
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2012, 05:29:39 pm »
" title="Hosted by

hey boys´n girls, just wanted to pop in a sec to show you my UI and inform you, that I am already starting to farm on my priest while waiting! :)

November 10, 2012, 05:50:13 pm
Reply #6

Offline Yoica

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Re: Xaero - PvE Applicaton
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2012, 05:50:13 pm »
Yeah go gear up your spriest

November 10, 2012, 06:10:02 pm
Reply #7

Offline Hugman

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Re: Xaero - PvE Applicaton
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2012, 06:10:02 pm »
Nice application.

November 11, 2012, 01:24:04 pm
Reply #8

Offline Yoica

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Re: Xaero - PvE Applicaton
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2012, 01:24:04 pm »
Poke an officer for an invite.


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