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 [25 Man Casual Raid] Shaman (DPS/Heal) - Ikarose

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October 07, 2013, 10:26:23 pm
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[25 Man Casual Raid] Shaman (DPS/Heal) - Ikarose
« on: October 07, 2013, 10:26:23 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Ikarose
Class/Spec: Shaman (DPS/Heal)
Raid: 25 Man Casual Raid

Personal Info:

My name is Alexander, I'm a 20 year old, unemployed, swedish guy, currently residing in Stockholm. I've actively been playing WoW and raided during all expansions. Further information regarding older expansions will be given on request.
   I've recently been raiding on the server Silvermoon, were I managed to down 12/14 in SoO with a team of 10 people I raid leaded, but due to people skipping raids, neglecting to watch tactics and simply expecting the raids to be served on a silver platter to them, I've decided to completely change track and start over as Horde on Kazzak. I'm at the moment only lvl 88, but I'll ding 90 tonight. I will also, guaranteed, have ilvl 520+ by next wednesday.
   I do understand that Iron Edge is not currently recrtuiting, but I feel that due to my experience when it comes to the game, and raiding, I am a very decent asset to any guild. Also as I were both raid leader and GM for my latest guild, I have gained much appreciated understanding and respect for the amount of work required when it comes to leading a guild.


My intention is either to heal as resto, or dps as elemental. I've always enjoyed dpsing and healing, so when it comes to this character I'm very open to play what ever role is needed.


Resto: Intellect > Spell Power > Spirit > Haste > Mastery > Crit.
Reasoning: Well intellect is the awesome thing that gives me both spell power and crit, just a ridiculous stat that's super nice. Spell power increases the power of my spells, aka I heal more. Spirit in turn gives me mana regeneration. Haste decreases the cast time of my spells and also, when certain caps are reached, increases the number of ticks for my hots. Mastery, still not a bad stat even though it's pretty low on my priority list, increases my healing on targets with lower health. Crit makes me every now and then suddenly, I'f im lucky, do double healing with one of my spells (Also grants me mana when I crit with a spell).
I'll basically go for spirit untill I feel that I have high enough mana regen. When it comes to that I can start going after the "caster" stats, to simply increase my overall healing.

Elemental Stats: Hit/Spirit 15% > Int > SP > Mastery > Crit > Haste
Elemental Reasoning: Hit/Spirit to make sure I do not miss any of my spells. Int and SP have the same reasoning behind them as for Resto, except that I of course do more damage, not healing. Mastery increases the chance for my Elemental Overload to proc, granting me extra lightning bolts, chain lightnings, lava bursts and Elemental Blast.
Crit doubles the damage of my spell occasionly. Haste decreases the cast time of my spells + gives me more tics on my flame shock.


I would like that to remain private untill I get to know people more.


None at the moment. BUT I do have the in-game cash to fix whatever proffesion I want instantly. I'm going to go for engineering and alchemy. Engineering simply because it's fun, and gives one great mobility and utility options (also the best burst dps stat increase of all the proffesions). And honestly I pick alchemy mainly because I don't have to flask as often during raids.

Raid Experience:

Vanilla: Mc - AQ 40
BC: Kara - MH/BT
WoTLK: Naxx, ToC - ICC. Skipped Ulduar, did the rest on 25HC.
Cata: BWD/ToTFW/BoT - DS. Raided casually during the first part of Cata, picked up the pace and raided HC 10man from the start of Firelands until the end of Dragon Soul.
MoP: Due to me being away, travelling, I skipped MSV - Toes. However I got back mid 5.2 and started raiding ToT with my guild at the start of 5.3. We managed to get 3/13 down on HC before 5.4. Now during 5.4 I managed to kill 12/14 with the same 10man guild on normal.

Previous Guilds:

As stated above. I used to lead a 10-man raiding guild on Silvermoon, but due to people not showing up and not appreciating all the work I put down in the guild, I decided to quit.


I would like to say that I'm available 24/7, but I'm not. The thing is that I've recently started to play some DnD with my irl friends, and atm we are playing at least 2 times each week, usually during the evenings. I will of course, always, prioritize raids over DnD, a.k.a. I will not play DnD on raid days! :) Other than that I have nothing else comepting with the time I spend infront of the computer!


No problem what so ever. I'm not afraid to speak, but I also understand the importance of not speaking to much.

Computer / Connection:

Honestly I'm no computer expert. My computer is 1 year old, still manages all the new games on max settings (well except for crysis 3, that game is just sick). When it comes to internet I have 100/100 Fiber. I NEVER get disconnected, the ping is fine etc.


I may not be a computer expert, but I'm quite decent when it comes to setting up UI's.   This picture is of my DPS spec, when healing I have a grid raid frame right above my action buttons.
My current UI is inspired by the FatBoss people. I've always wanted my UI to look clean and at the same time being very funtional.
Raiding addons I use are DBM, reforgelite, Grid and _d. Compilation (a addon tracking cooldown usage and reports when popping certain abilities).

Other Games:

I play most games, but at the moment my attention is on WoW.

Why Iron Edge?

Seeing that I for the last couple of years only raided 10man, I've decided to once again try my luck when it comes to 25man. So seeing that I had a lvl 80 Horde on Kazzak, with cash, I figured Kazzak was the server to go. Started looking around on Wowprogress and read up on guilds, checking rosters and I must say that Kazzak has a ton of great guilds. But what really got me stuck on Iron Edge was this:
 "We are constructed towards the long-term perspective, with emphasis on taking care of our members and providing a positive social atmosphere throughout our experiences in World of Warcraft."
Looking back on my last guild, this sentence almost seemed divine to me. What I'm looking for is a 25man guild with good progress, and foremost a nice social atmosphere. Iron Edge seems to have all of it.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I'm a very dedicated player with 99.9% attendance rate. I've no problem when it comes to leading or being led and I understand that both are very demanding. I always make sure to be up to date with the latest tacts and class changes.
I'm not a quite person in the guild, but at the same time not the most talkative. I enjoy doing other stuff when it comes to WoW, not only raiding (altough I suck on pvp!).

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??

Last Words?

Even though you're not recruiting raiders at the moment I hope that you really take you're time to consider my application. Please keep in mind that by the time you're reading this I will most likely already be lvl 90 and be working on gearing up my shaman, and as mentioned above, I can both dps and/or heal.

Best Regards


October 08, 2013, 07:40:35 am
Reply #1

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: [25 Man Casual Raid] Shaman (DPS/Heal) - Ikarose
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2013, 07:40:35 am »
Out of principle I never accept applications to raid before characters are actually ready to raid. Its just stupid to promise someone a spot when you are not sure they are suited for it. As a former GM I guess you know how this process works and why I'm reluctant to just trust some random undergeared player.

We also expect two raiding professions.

There is a reason we have a minimum ilvl before applying.

We have a ton of ranged on the roster and enough healers as well.

Feel free to bump the application when your character is ready for raiding but, things do change and with heroics starting in a week or two people might start getting bored.

Bears like alts!


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