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 [25 Man Casual Raid] Monk (DPS) - shandango

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October 15, 2013, 03:47:26 pm
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[25 Man Casual Raid] Monk (DPS) - shandango
« on: October 15, 2013, 03:47:26 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: shandango
Class/Spec: Monk (DPS)
Raid: 25 Man Casual Raid

Personal Info:

Andre, 23 , College student, Ireland.

Currently defering my final year so lot of free time atm :P


WW , been playing a lot of toons and kinda just gearing them all through lfr as i have not raided in months and like how monks feel dps wise, they are fun classs to play and even though my weapon/s suck the balls of life (the rng gods seems angry with me) i still find myself near the top of dps in LFR. I know gear wise its far from impressive but that can be improved greatly from some flex and praying and performing sacrafices so that a decent weapon drops for me.


WEll stat wise hit cap, exp cap the its sort of a feel thing with haste, its the best stat until you find yourself capping out on energy regularly after that it come to critting your face off then mastery as your lowest stat.

Rotation wise its about keeping your buff up from Tiger palm, keeping debuf applied from rising sun kick, using that on cd , using combo breaker procs, FoF at low energy, TP procs, then chi wave and blackout kick to use excess chi. so lot of black out kicks to the back of the head ususally does the job :P
CD wise xuen on cd unless a fight demands a burst phase and use your brew on ten stacks again unlesss saving it but letting it get over 19 is a bit fail blog .org


Sindoriel - Holy/Ret Pala

This was my main through out the exp so far until i took a break from the game still has a lot of solid healing gear from ToT as my old guild were a heroic guild but the ret spec has now outgeared it, this toon has the legendary cape and such.

Tuberculos - Unholy DK

Generally my farming bitch but found myself playing him a bit and his gear is pretty decent from a lfr pov , and generally i do enjoy playing all my alts.

Meadh - Frost mage

Was a mage for years so this is a char will always be one close to my heart (like dis if you cried)

Volcanus - Ele shaman

Ashai - PRot/arms warriooooooorrr smoooooossssh


Currently got leatherworking and skinning but will be willing to swap out skinning for alch or scribe instantly if thats a requirement ye need its np.

Raid Experience:

I have a metric shit ton of previous raid experience. I have complteted all the heroic content of the last exp, during the exp ofc and most of Wotlk. I was in a heroic mode guild for ToT and moved to frostwhisper to join them cleared normal in two weeks and started hc progression solidly 3 down, missed 3rd :( but then had to take a break for exam season and when i came back the guild split, so i was like dafuq seeing i spent 80 squids to transfer chars over there i was annoyed and took a break from the game for a while. The current tier i have no exp as you can ofc tell but i am a solid raider on any char and am willing to play whichever ye need .

Previous Guilds:

Outlaws Torn - Emerald Dream, left as the realm died and could barely get a raid together :(

Vanquish - Frostwhisper, again this guild fell apart when i was doing exams but was a solid hc progression raid guild.

Rockshandy on kazzak is just a guild i am in with RL friends atm


I am available anytime as i live in a cave and have no life.


Yeah i speak english fluently, well if you consider the irish accent understandable :P
have used TS3 in the past so can get it np and could listen to any abuse you can throw my way

Computer / Connection:

Yeah i have a solid compueter, top of the line imac, i know i know but it was for college work ok i swear! reliable internet and such so no probs there.


Elv Ui, affiniti config is the primary add on i use
VuhDo for healzoorrrzzzzz best addon EU

Other Games:

I play several other games, Dota 2,D3 (not the mighty ducks) Dabbled in FFXIV and swtor, Football manager, pokemon, currently got Y cuz X is gaaaaaaay.Arma 2, day Z mod ofc

Why Iron Edge?

I saw your progression on wow progress and its solid plus i am just gettin back into raiding and i want to take it a bit more relaxed and social than the super hardcore approach before. Plus ye seem like a solid sized guild with a good community which is vrey important to me.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Banter! and to those who know not what that means, the laugh. I'm a fun guy with far too much exp in this game even though im a wrath baby i became obsessed so here i am solid on any char and helpful guy who is always up for talkin pure nonsense and telling tales of wonder and glory!

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??

wow progress

Last Words?

I am applying with my RL friend Taridan cuz we both in similar situation, though he hasnt really raided since Cata hes a solid player and one of those who thought me and got me into the game!

I know armory wise you can look and see meh shite gear half ench not there etc, but thats again due to lfr gearing when i get solid even lfr gear ill sort that out pronto. I know not prob gonna be in the main team for a while but even a few weks of flex you can test me out and see what i can do. This being a like dont judge a book by its shitty gear as i think i could be a strong asset to your guild.

Sorry about the fecking essay i am after writing have a pint on me! look forward to hearing your reply, laters!!

October 17, 2013, 11:10:03 am
Reply #1

Offline RomeoMustDie

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Re: [25 Man Casual Raid] Monk (DPS) - shandango
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2013, 11:10:03 am »
hello andre,

thanks for the nice application but ur gear seems low for SoO.

lets see what our meelee dps officer's says.

gl and have fun

October 17, 2013, 12:30:29 pm
Reply #2

Offline Nubby

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Re: [25 Man Casual Raid] Monk (DPS) - shandango
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2013, 12:30:29 pm »
Decent application, but i have a few things. Many of your items are unenchanted, ungemmed which tells me you are not taking your dps seriously. Youre over the hitcap and way under the expertice cap. Even tho you speak about expertice and hit cap in your application. :)

Think we have 2 monk dps atm which are doing pretty good and our roster is big. Anyways that was my 2 cents, and ofc im not officer so i would let the decision up to them.

Gl buddy :)

Also come support my livestream. Will be doing it every week Monday/thursday from 20-24. Heroic raids! Might do more during the week.

October 17, 2013, 01:44:44 pm
Reply #3

Offline Auja

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Re: [25 Man Casual Raid] Monk (DPS) - shandango
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2013, 01:44:44 pm »
Nice application however it seems like this character was an alt. never killed normal modes, missing gems, enchants. It is definitely "no" from me, however i am not in charge of melee, let's see what Aretum and officers gonna tell.
Manga freak, free spirit, deist, chain smoker, Activist and Protester, #occupygezi, 34 and still getting older! (Astrild)

October 17, 2013, 02:19:06 pm
Reply #4

Offline Gurzog

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Re: [25 Man Casual Raid] Monk (DPS) - shandango
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2013, 02:19:06 pm »
You need to get more haste, 7k is very low (especially without the CDR trinket!!), you are not even Expertise capped so i can't see why you are gemming agility over exp + haste. Reason for telling you to gem haste is merely because the fights on normal and beyond requires as close to 0 haste cap, Also NEVER EVER PICK CHI BURST (might be useful on some fights like Galakras), the cast time makes the ability suck and Chi wave is much much more powerful as it jumps about 4 times and doesn't have that long of a CD (15 sec compared to chi burst), I would recommend doin flex or something before trying again (even though I am not the melee officer I am just a WW monk pointing out the flaws, please note i have nothing against more WW monks).

Also try to get that Xuen trinket off ASAP (replace it with a Flex trinket), it REALLY sucks for WW monks, because increased TEB regeneration during a proc might be nice, but getting trinkets that increases your agi or anything alike is much much more powerful (and it gets more powerful as a key rule in monk rotation is to line your TEB up with trinkets and popping the brew at 18 stacks (coz it can double-proc and getting to 21 stacks (which means a wasted stack) can be a big difference. aside it takes 2 sec to regen (1 sec with chi brew, which is very powerful on some fights) (or crit, don't go for haste/mastery proc trinkets with the current mastery, which may or may not get changed in 6.0).
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 02:22:03 pm by Gurzog »


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