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 [25 Man Casual Raid] Retribution / Protection Paladin

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December 13, 2013, 11:48:56 am
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[25 Man Casual Raid] Retribution / Protection Paladin
« on: December 13, 2013, 11:48:56 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Kelzin
Server: Kazzak
Class/Spec: Paladin (Retribution MS / Protection OS)
Raid: 25 Man Casual Raid

Personal Info:
I am 31 years old and have been playing on and off since mid TBC. I resubbed 2 weeks ago after taking a 1 year break from WoW, and have been trying hard to gear up as much as possible since. This has been through timeless isle, LFR and this week I have organised my own flex grps and cleared flex p1,p2 and p3.

I am happily married and am lucky enough also have to awesome kids (2½ and 4½ years old). The oldest is playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii U with me nearly on a daily basis, and its him asking for it everyday - Making daddy proud :P. I work as a IT System Programmer, saving the world one line of code at the time, mainly at production companies. It gives freedom to sometimes work at home and I love my job.

When im not working I am 100% family man, but I also love the challenge of WoW raiding and the whole social aspect of working together and overcoming hard boss fights. So after being granted two awesome kids and a fantastic wife, I have come to the conclusion that 2 raid nights is what fits the best for me and the reason why I am writing to you fine people :).

I am currently mainspec retribution and have been loving it since I was asked to switch in Wotlk during OS progression. I was mainspec protection up until that and have kept protection as offspec since the switch. I allways try to keep my protection set updated with reforges, enchants, gems etc when I get loot for my offspec.

Paladin, levelled this one in TBC with a friend and have been my main ever since.

I have Belf Frost Mage on Kazzak, but is mainly used for farming ore when needed. She is not kept up to date with gear as I dont feel I have the time for it atm. :)

Jewelcrafting / Enchanting, both fully levelled.

Raid Experience:
As stated I started in TBC and have very found memories of stepping into the world of raiding with Karazhan, Gruuls, SSC. During levelling I joined a guild called Reign Of Chaos. And this was my home for almost 4 years I think and we did semi-hardcore raiding in Wotlk. The guild sadly started to fall apart towards the end of Wotlk and it never recovered from that.

Since that and after becoming a family man, I now seek serious but casual raiding 2 nights per week. Serious in the sense that, I seek to get to most out of the two nights as possible. I am no elitist but I do try to keep up with current theorycrafting of my class, simply to get the most out of my gear. This way I can offer my guild the best possible dps with the gear I currently have.

That being said, I would like to think of my self a quite a jolly guy who loves to joke when the time calls for it, but also knows when to keep it down and focus on the fight at hand.

Previous Guilds:
Described in raiding section.

For raiding - 2 days per week, but will be online on other nights aswell, just not at fixed times.

I have no problem speaking and communicating in english, I am not the one who will be constantly speaking but I will chime in when I have something to contribute with :)

Computer / Connection:
16 gb ram
MSI Geforce GTX 780

And my current connection is 25mbit / 3mbit, and cant remember a time where I have been disconnected so no problem there.

I use:

Other Games:
I mainly play the Wii U with my oldest son, but have recently played BioShock Infinite which was really a great game imo.

Why Iron Edge?
Your desciption on wow-progress caught my attention as a serious ( in the good way ) casual raiding guild with a raid schedule fitting perfectly with how I would like to spend time on raiding. I am a very dedicated raider, and will allways try my best to have flasks, potions and food in bags when logging in to raid. I will allways do my best to keep up with boss tactics and have been reading SoO normal tacs since returning two weeks ago.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??
Well tbh I found you while looking at wow-progress and after reading your guild description I decided to make and application here.

Last Words?
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

December 13, 2013, 02:57:24 pm
Reply #1

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: [25 Man Casual Raid] Retribution / Protection Paladin
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2013, 02:57:24 pm »
I like your application, but as you might have seen on wowprogress as well, we are currently not recruiting for the raid and your gear and experience is not really what we would be recruiting right now since we are working on the third wing in heroic mode.

If you are interested in social spot for now, I think you would be a nice addition.

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