Hello, Iron Edge!
I am applying to be a social member.
Character: Ilithyå
Server: Boulderfist
Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/Boulderfist/Ilithy%C3%A5/advancedClass/Spec: Priest (Healer)
Member Type: social
Personal Info:Name: Roxanne
Age: 28
Location: Edinburgh Scotland
Work: Full-time, Research manager with Edinburgh Uni
Class/Spec:Priest/Disc (& learning Holy)
This was my second ever character, I started with a hunter but a friend recommended I try healing (lol i was a terrible hunter) and picked disc priest for me and I have loved it ever since. I was taught to atone heal right from the start so when the healing focus changed in MoP, I was at a slight advantage. I really enjoy being able to dps and heal at the same time, I think it's quite a unique class with that style. They have had their ups and downs over expansions/patches but I've always stuck with it and always end up back in my PW:S bubble regardless of many other classes I try!
Alts:Level 100:
Resto druid
BM Hunter
Frost DK
Level 90:
Holy Paladin
MW Monk
Ele Shaman
Frost Mage
Professions:I have all professions, I am hoard my gold so much that I would rather level an alt and get the professions myself rather than buy it of the ah! I also really like levelling professions, I'm not sure why...
Druid - Alchemy/Herbalism level 700
Hunter - Mining/Jewel crafting level 700
Ilithya (Priest) - Tailoring/Enchanting level 700 (I have nearly all enchanting recipes and most tailoring recipes) + Cooking and Fishing
Mage - Skinning/Leatherworking level 600
Holy Pala - Blacksmithing/Engineering level 600
I like making a contribution, in my previous guild I was responsible for making the pots/flasks for raids
Raiding/PVP Experience:I only joined WoW half way through Cata, it took me a while to actually understand what the heck this game was about, luckily I had some people who took me under their wing and showed me the ways, my first real guild (when I was first levelling I was accepted one of those pop up invites and ended up with some lovely Saudi guys, they didnt speak a word of English but we managed okay for a while lol) was mainly PvP but we ended up clearing DS HC.
I was a sub raider for the first few raids so was only really able to clear what I could sub into. I didn't want to risk getting a lock out with another group in case I was needed.
MSV: 6/6
HoF: 6/6 & 4/6HC
ToES: 4/4
ToT: 12/12 & 12/12
SoO: 14/14 & 11/14 (My armory is bugged for Nazgrim I swear!)
Due to circumstances I've detailed under previous guilds and me buying a house and having to do weird grown up stuff like buying curtain rails (...sounds easier than it actually is!), I ended up taking a step back from WoD after I was levelled. By the time I returned people were already onto HFC and HM/BRF raids were already being sold, I know from reading your forum that some of your members are looking at selling raids and I don't have any issues with it at all, I just have this (probably weird) moral thing and I think you shouldn't get something unless you have worked for it so I didn't want to pay for them (although that moose mount is pushing my moral compass!). The premade groups had already moved onto HFC and those who were still doing HM/BRF were looking for an insane ilvl and the achievement so I was a little stuck.
My refusal to pay for achievements also put me on the PvP path I am currently on, I wanted the 'Manslayer' achievement from the nemesis questline. So I went into Ashran to farm it and I ended up having a great time, 4 hours later I had my achievement and we had dominated so much I had enough CPs to buy my weapon and a robe, I've been doing Ashran and BGs ever since and am now nearly (1 trinket off) full CP geared. I've wanted to start arena to really test myself but I don't want to let a partner down by using them to learn so I've held off using the premade group tool to find someone to arena with. A good friend of mine is 2.2k rated and he keeps telling me it's simple - "heal, don't die"....but I'm sure there is more to it than that so I will keep practising in Ashran and BGs for the moment.
Previous Guilds:Cata - Kill The Healer - PvP guild on Boulderfist EU. I left this guild to move to a PvE guild after getting a thirst for raiding
MoP - Worthless - PvE guild Boulderfist EU. /sigh, this is a long story...maybe make a cup of tea/grab a beer before going any further...
So, a friend recruited me into this guild, I happily joined as a sub raider, I would join raids when either the main raiders didn't need anything from the boss or someone was going to be late/miss the raid. During ToT, one of the main raiders decided to stop playing WoW completely so I got a full-time raiding spot. We were just a 10 HC man raiding team so we were all really close, we never really took ourselves too seriously but we did well in progression. They had never had a disc before so the absorbs were a real shock to them.
All was absolutely wonderful until the great SoO content drought...I think it was our frustration at doing the same raid for a year and the complete lack of content that started pushing people to the edge.
One raid night, things were just not right, little mistakes made by all were getting blown out of proportion and very clearly no one in the raid was happy. A dps mistake in Malkarok later, the raid team exploded, looking back now, it's hard to actually pinpoint what it was that happened but I know now it was simply due to the length of time we had been raiding SoO and our frustrations at the game in general. The raid was instantly called, 3 of our main raiders logged out that night and have never played WoW against since, I retreated to the safety of gold farming...gchat was silent for weeks...I don't believe we were server merged at this point so getting 3 subs would be impossible, the raiding stopped, our TS nights stopped, everything was just silent.
It's weird trying to explain a situation like that to anyone who doesn't play WoW, you make such deep bonds with the people you play with, even writing this now and thinking about it all again kind of makes me well up a bit. These were people that I spent every day with, I still have 14/15 hour group skype call logs...there was a time I would have done anything for them as they would for me. The hurt and loss of the guild crumbling in front of my eyes was too much. I ended up setting an alarm for 4am to log in and gquit, I didn't log back in until WoD arrived, it took me a long time to recover from that, maybe that sounds mad, it is a game after all but hopefully you can understand it.
After all that, I swore I would never raid again, which is also why my WoD experience is not great. But it wasn't fully a sad ending! Some of us did reconnect during WoD and I recently had 3 of them up to Edinburgh for a visit to watch the warcraft film. I now feel that with a new expansion on the horizon, it's time for a new start.
After worthless I just moved around friends guilds a bit and now 'Guild Killers Inc' in my guild with a few of my friends in it.
Availability:I work Monday - Friday 08:30 - 16:30. I am usually on WoW most nights, a couple nights a week I go to the gym until 7ish (but if you insist, more than happy to give that up - lol, I hate the gym)
Communication:I am from Scotland so I am proficient in Scottish
Computer / Connection:My set up has done me well, it is a I5 build with a recently added GTX 970. I don't have any disconnection issues (unless we are talking about WoD launch of course...the less said about that better)
Addons/UI:I am a little addon heavy:
Healbot - I keep trying to move to Vuhdo but I am just a sucker for what I know, I always end up falling back to healbot.
WeakAuras - Just to set up Auras for different procs
Auctionator - Golding farming on the ah
Deadly Boss Mods
A few other profession related addons.
Other Games:I previously played a bit of HoTS but I'm really just in WoW. Always open to playing new things though, I am an absolute CurveFever champion.
Why Iron Edge?After everything that happened above, I've mainly spent my time in WoD to myself to try and work out if I wanted to play it anyone, if I did, what did I want to do? Raid/PvP/Gold Farm/Achieve Farm/Pokemon etc. It became apparent to me that its the people that make the game, some of the best times i've had have not necessarily being downing a boss, but have been guild xmog/achievement runs, or levelling together in a new expansion or going into an RGB in full PVE gear but still smashing the filthy alliance team. Your guild seems to valuable every member, you have stayed together for 11 years so you are doing something right and I can see from your meet up pictures and posts that you respect each other (well apart from the guy you made belly flop into a puddle lol, I saw a video on youtube!!!) and you are loyal to each other. After spending some time working out what I wanted from WoW, this is the top of my list.
What can I offer Iron Edge?I can offer Iron Edge a loyal member who will do anything to help (apart from that Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare achievement, I'm never doing that again!). I am happy to act as a sub if you ever need a healer for a raid/PvP but i'm also happy to come for alt raids or achievement hunting in old raids, helping level new alts, dungeon/BG runs etc. My professions are your professions, if the raid team needs something to progress and I have it, it's yours.
I don't have beta so I can't really comment on how strong disc will be in Legion, from the research I have done so far, with them being made a 50/50 dps/healer hybrid, they are either going to be stupidly OP or absolutely useless. If we are OP and you want me, I will be there. If we are absolutely useless, I'll make you some pots and food
Most of all, I think that I can offer you someone that will treat you all with respect and loyalty and will always make a contribution in whatever way I can/you need.
Where did I hear about Iron Edge?I found your website while I was researching guilds through google. I then read through your forum and checked you out on wowprogress.
Last Words?I'm sorry, I know I have rambled on a lot! I hope that I've managed to explain my lack of WoD experience well enough. I'm looking forward to Legion and I think a fresh start on a new server with some nice people is exactly what I need. Thanks very much for reading and I will answer any questions you might have.
Apply as a Social
Name, age, location, work/school, etc.
Why are you playing your current class/spec? Is it simply because it's strong or because you think it's fun?
Any relevant alts you have and their levels.
What professions do you have and why? Any cool/special recipes?
What previous raiding/PvP experience you have, Setups, Ratings etc.
Previous guilds and reasons why you left them.
Times at which you are available. Include things like work shifts, upcoming exams, holidays, etc.
Are you proficient in english? Do you have Discord and can you listen? Do you have a microphone and do you use it?
Do you have a decent computer? Do you have fps issues? What's your internet connection like? Is it stable? Do you have high ping to Kazzak? Do you lag? Do you disconnect every hour?
List any addons you use for raiding and why you use them. Also include a screenshot of your ui (this is mandatory) and list any relevant key bindings that are not shown.
What other games do you play?
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Friends? Wowprogress? Openraid? MMO-Champ? Battle.net? Trade spam? Somewhere else?
(Write the name of the owner of the dog in the picture above!)