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 Raider Application - Mage (DPS) - Pä

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December 08, 2016, 10:14:36 pm
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Raider Application - Mage (DPS) - Pä
« on: December 08, 2016, 10:14:36 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Class/Spec: Mage (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Erik, 19 , Sweden , curretly studying.  


I play Fire because it's a best spec at the moment. I don't have that great of specs but I'm currently collecting arcane and frost gear due to all the changes that all the specs will get in the next couple of patches. I'm ready to (mentally) to switch to another spec if another spec becomes better than fire.
my fire is 879 and the other ones are hard to say because i haven't got a full set in the other specs.

Fire mage is all bout crit and pyroblasts. Because you need to crit 2 times in a row to be able to get your instant pyros you want to stack as much crit as possible to higher your chances of getting a instans pyro streak where you can just continuesly fish for more pyros by firing your fireballs away with and instant pyro directly after(Because heating up doesn't dissapear even if you don't crit on the next attack aslong as you crit with a spell within about 0.2 sec makes this fishing method very efficient at getting on one of these streaks). But for this all to work you need to go crit on all your gear to get it to approx 66% when you hit your crit soft cap. After crit it's either haste or mastery you want. The general consensus is that Haste is the next best stat after crit, thought you could choose to go mastery because it gives better cleave damage while haste is more ST oriented. I try to balance mastery and haste to be all-around. Another big part of fire mage is your CD usage. Your Runes of power have to utilized effectively to maximize damage, this is done by getting as many pyros in during the RoP.  By pooling up your pheonix flames
to your RoP that you place between your combustions(assuming you're running kindling) while you only use your Flame on whil you have comb and RoP up you can get more pyros of during your RoP and thusly doing a lot of damage. There's probably alot more you can go into like different specs for different fights(Like kindling might not be the best on ursoc if the fight is 4 min, then cinderstorm is better) and maximising damage by using your icy floes in the best way possible and planing ahead when you position your RoPs. But ye I always try know as much as possible about my class by being part of chats and forums with other mages to in order for me to become as good as possible.


I have no alts


Herbalism and Alch to make pots and cooking to make crit food.
I've got the 375 crit food in rank three.

Raiding Experience:

I first started to raid in cata where is was able to kill BWD BoT and Tot4w on heroic and then 4/7 heroic on Firelands, all pre nerf, before I had to focus more on school and had to stop raiding seriously.
When MoP came I couldn't raid either but around the time SoO came up I could one again dedicate myself to raiding. I was able to clear 11/14 Mythic in SoO pre nerf(We got stuck on blackfuse because or hunter on the tredmill never figured out what to do.. and because we started so far inte SoO the nerfs where around the corner).
In WoD I cleared 6/7 heroic in highmaul in one week before I decided that the expansion sucked and quit.
Jumping to Legion I've cleared 4/7 Mythic with my last guild that disbanded.

Previous Guilds:

My last guild <PLONKAN> disbanded sadly due to lack of attendance and all the cores leaving becasue poeple weren't dedicated enough, and my current guild <Abeir toril> is too unfocused and unorganized.


I study on a college level so my times are very irregular, sometimes I'm available from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed while sometimes I have to study alot. This however should not affect raiding.
Around holidays I might not play as much because I'll be stending time with family. But generally I'm always on at some point of the day.


I'd say my English is pretty good and I'm not scared of talking in a voice chat. I do have TS3 and I have no problems with being silent and listening when the people in charge are talking. (I understand that as a dps I generally don't have anything that important to say during encounters, obviously there are exceptions though.)

Computer / Connection:

My ping goes between 30-40 and my internet is very stable.
in raids i usually on a steady 100 Fps without any drops.
Lagging has never been a problem.

I use DBM when raiding. I don't have any other interface addons

Other Games:

I pretty much only play Wow

Why Iron Edge?

My friend Vadåbannad got invited and according to him it is a very nice guild with dedicated and funny people that are pleasurable to play with. I also want to do some serious raiding which it seems that I can do with Iron Edge.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer you the best of my ability and dedication. I'm always trying to become as good as possible and get as good gear as possible by running a lot of m+.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?


December 09, 2016, 02:57:59 pm
Reply #1

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Raider Application - Mage (DPS) - Pä
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2016, 02:57:59 pm »

Quite a decent application, but the situation with the guild is that we are already quite heavy on the ranged department. Rocking that good old 5 mage composition as we speak.

Currently all I can offer you would be a social spot in the guild if you were interested in being in the same guild as Vadåbannad, but I cannot offer you a raiding position. If this would be of any interest, you can poke me or any other officer ingame, but if you would rather choose to find a guild with an active raiding spot available, I do wish you the best of luck!  :)
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