Hi all,
I have been in the guild for a year now and kept a fairly low profile. I wanted to reach out and properly introduce myself especially given the current lock down situation across Europe I will likely be playing a bit more.
Enjoying my time in Iron Edge over the past year intentionally as social status and have grouped up with alot of guild members socially mainly for m+, islands, dailies etc.
I am from Cardiff, Wales (UK) and have played wow for 15 years since age 20 (now an older veteran of the game at 35!) and moved to social play after wife and I had 2 kids.
My previous guilds where I enjoyed fairly serious raiding+guild RBG several times a week for many years were Champions of the Hall and Adrastus III (Skullcrusher/Outland Alliance).
I main warrior and play all 3 war specs fluently/equally. Mained fury in pve through most of expansion (recently switched to arms main in pve which I am finding really strong if played right). I intend on remaining social but feel free to hit me up in-game.
I also wanted to gauge interest on guild RBG groups which I would be happy to lead depending on interest.
Cheers all
Apply as a Social
Name, age, location, work/school, etc.
Why are you playing your current class/spec? Is it simply because it's strong or because you think it's fun?
Any relevant alts you have and their levels.
What professions do you have and why? Any cool/special recipes?
What previous raiding/PvP experience you have, Setups, Ratings etc.
Previous guilds and reasons why you left them.
Times at which you are available. Include things like work shifts, upcoming exams, holidays, etc.
Are you proficient in english? Do you have Discord and can you listen? Do you have a microphone and do you use it?
Do you have a decent computer? Do you have fps issues? What's your internet connection like? Is it stable? Do you have high ping to Kazzak? Do you lag? Do you disconnect every hour?
List any addons you use for raiding and why you use them. Also include a screenshot of your ui (this is mandatory) and list any relevant key bindings that are not shown.
What other games do you play?
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Friends? Wowprogress? Openraid? MMO-Champ? Battle.net? Trade spam? Somewhere else?
(Write the name of the owner of the dog in the picture above!)