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 Lajtner Druid

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December 07, 2006, 05:09:56 am
Read 4763 times

Offline Lajtner

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Lajtner Druid
« on: December 07, 2006, 05:09:56 am »
Personal Info

My name is Martin and I am 18 years old, and styding to an electrician. If u want to know something else just tell me

Character Information

Lajtner Druid

Fire resistance: 135 (giev +15 fire enchant and i have 150)
Nature resistance: 40-70 :C

Attunements: MC, BWL, Onyxia, Naxxramas

Gaming (optional) and World Of Warcraft history

I have played many games, both single player games and multiplayer (diablo 2, CS, Quake 4,) and many more
I like other consoles very much aswell, and I'm waiting like a crazy kid for PS3 atm :>
I started with WoW two weeks after the release and since 1,5 years ago i started to play a Druid here on Dunemaul.
I've done whole MC and Bwl intil Chromaggus cuz my old guild had problems to get ppl to BWL raids.
Before my Druid I played a warlock on the Bloodscalp server, but when I took a brake there was their first migration period so i lost almost all of my friends, that's the reason why i play on Dunemaul now with my new classmates (even if they have migrated to Boulderfist now and im stuck alone again xD)

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?

Everytime I have spoken to a member in Iron Edge they have responsed me friendly and respectfull, so it seem like a friendly guild ofc.
My goal with WoW is to see as much as possible of the end instances and Iron Edge seems to be a guild who can afford that!

What can you offer to Iron Edge?

I can offer myself, who is a good druid who's trying to do his best at all times, with good healing skills and I know my class very well aswell.
Last Words

eh.. what do u want me to say here.. almost told u my whole life story now   ::)

Raiding Times: shortly say: Whenever u want everyday.. days might be a problem when i can be with some friends on weekends but thats rarely on the weekdays (monday-friday). almost every saturday-sunday too i hope!
but times is no problem when I'm at home.

If I did forget something, please tell me and i'll post it asap!


« Last Edit: December 07, 2006, 05:19:15 am by Lajtner »

December 07, 2006, 06:53:51 am
Reply #1

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Lajtner Druid
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2006, 06:53:51 am »
Im not classleader or anything. But I see that you have 41 points in feral and the gear you are wearing on the profile looks very feral to me.

Do you want to raid as a feral or healer? You talk about healing skills, but not in that gear :-)

I see that you have cenarion in your bags, but I think you should be more specific if you want to raid.


Bears like alts!

December 07, 2006, 10:07:42 am
Reply #2

Offline Starbrow

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Re: Lajtner Druid
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2006, 10:07:42 am »
Okay, being the feral representative of our druid base, I've got a few questions for you:

- You have 41 points listed in feral, and 4 points listed in resto. This totals 45 talent points, which would make you... level 54? Your spec is also generally 100% PvP oriented as far as I can see, and we're looking for PvE druids.
- Your gear is also what appears to be PvP oriented, instead of a clear DPS/tanking feral. What exactly do you do?
- Previous guilds, and reasons for leaving?
- As Graxlos asked, exactly what would you like to do in our guild? Your gear suggests PvP, in which case you should most likely apply for a non-raider spot. Some parts of your spec suggests tanking (thick hide), but the rest of your build and gear states that this is not what you do either. Your gear and especially talents aren't geared towards DPS either, and you have no healing talents, although you say you can heal and have cenarion (which is a bit undergeared for us I think?)

Anyway, I'd like to see more feral druids in the guild, so I hope you can clarify some of the things I find lacking in your post, and we can find out if we have a spot for you :)

Feral, a class of its own.


December 07, 2006, 09:09:05 pm
Reply #3

Offline Lajtner

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Re: Lajtner Druid
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2006, 09:09:05 pm »
About this talent build... Something is wrong on allakhazam's profile, it cannot read my my Mangle and Predatory Instincts, so i am 0/47/4.. its a missclick in the resto tree too, shouldnt have 1 point in imp motw, and i wanted 5 points in furor so i will change it, if u want me as a dpser. It's all your choice :)

Almost all of my Feral gear is from PVP yea.. I played Pvp almost everytime we didnt raid in TBF, I had a real dps gear a while ago (but some of it were green tho), but i didnt have any mana so i changed it so much as possible without gimping myself on crit and str too much.

My first guild was Fearsome War Engine when i was a low lvl, so I dont know if you wants to know anything from that time, I left when it were some "chaos" there.
After that I joined The Black Fury and been there over a year now. Too bad our progress in MC wasnt so fast so we were stuck there longer than we should.
But when we started to go BWL ppl didnt show up and everyone wanted to do MC with their alts instead of trying to do some progs in BWL and waste cash on whiping. So that is one reason why I'd left them. They haven't made a raid for a while now except 20man instances.
One other reason is pretty silly maybe, but i want to see so many end instances as possible and try to help with progress.
I've done whole MC and up to Chromaggus, when our raiding "stopped".

What I want to do in IE is of course raiding. Allways been a healer, except a few times when TBF wanted me to help with the tanking.
I guess it would be easier for me to be a healer when I almost allways has been one.
So like I said before it's your choice to decide how you wants to use me, I will respecc again even if you want me as a dpser/healer.
And about my DPS/tanking gear, I've tried to get both dps and tanking gear from 20man instances but haven't won the rolls or there was a priority on that item I wanted, so I couldn't take it for that reason. And simply said in MC/BWL raids the feral drops haven't been with me. When they drops I dont have most dkp and as usual someone else gets it.

Here is a new profile on me in healing gear that was supposed to be the first time if you are interested:


December 08, 2006, 12:41:45 pm
Reply #4

Offline Starbrow

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Re: Lajtner Druid
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2006, 12:41:45 pm »
Well, if you want to be restoration, Shiftey is the one to decide weather your gear is sufficient for that or not. Feral is my department. As much as I'd like another feral druid in the guild, I do not see you as being sufficiently geared (I'd also change your spec, but nevermind that) to compete with rogues, mages, warlocks and hunters in Naxxramas as of now.

Anyway, it's up to Shiftey weather or not you get a trial, so we'll let him look at your posts and you should have an answer soon... :)
Feral, a class of its own.


December 08, 2006, 02:16:47 pm
Reply #5

Offline Lajtner

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Re: Lajtner Druid
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2006, 02:16:47 pm »
oke thanks


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