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 Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - BigDuke

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September 01, 2022, 08:27:08 pm
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Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - BigDuke
« on: September 01, 2022, 08:27:08 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: BigDuke
Class/Spec: Warlock (DPS)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

Name: Robin
Age: 29
Work/School: I am currentely doing theater classes.


I am currentely playing Demo/Destro for keys and I am simply looking for a guild to raid in for current (if actively raiding ofc) and Dragonflight.

both specs are around 295ish ilvl with Demo having the better gear.

For Demo It's Haste/mastery with some crit, The opener is something along the lines of

Pre-cast Demonbolt - Felguard - demonbolt - dogs - hand - tyrant -soul rot etc.
you set up your tyrant around 16-20sec left of CD timer and aim to have atleast 9 imps but can have 11 if done properly.

Destruction : I never intended to play this spec in raid but probably could with some practice.


I got a 296 Survival Hunter geard and ready (Also did CE Sanctum with this)
I got a 289 Fire Mage (I also did CE with this in Sanctum)
and a 297 rogue (Which I have never progressed as in raid.)


I really don't do professions beyond Engineering and Alchemy ever,

This might change come Dragonflight though.

Raiding Experience:

I can't remember If I did 3 dragons or not? But probably not.
15/15 Naxx
Never did Ulduar except first 3 bosses unfortunately.
ICC 12/13 HC Killed Sindragosa and never was in for LK progression.
Cleard Ruby Sanctum

BoT 4/5 HC never did Cho'gall.
Blackwing Decent we did 3/8HC
and killed first boss in Throne.
Firelands 6/7 HC
Dragon Soul  8/8 HC (Although with max dmg buff or nerf to their hp? or however it worked it's been to long) Still salty my Bomie never got BiS boots of Ultraxion.

5/6 HC Mogu'shan Vaults
2/6 HC Heart of Fear then quit.
Terrace I only cleard normal.
Came back for ToT
did up to Iron Quon HC.
Siege of Orgrimmar
My guild at the time got stuck on Paragon HC.
Cleard Full Siege when the Mythic change came out although the raid was a joke at the time (with a guild that I joined through a friend and got a freebie pretty much)

Never played WoD, or Legion,
Did Ny'alotha 3 mythic in pugs (Wahey! )
Also progressed N'zoth mythic for 2 or 3 weeks with my guild that you will find in the questionaire below.


Castle Nathria, 9/10 Mythic with 30% ish I believe on sire in p3? (I'm sure raider IO has a number If it truly matters) I also progressed first 8 bosses as Bomkin then I was brought in on my geard monk alt which I killed SLG with and then I went Unholy Dk for sire for them AMZs.

Sanctum of Domination 10/10 Mythic
I cleard 10/10 Mythic sanctum progression as Hunter
and then when I join Uncoordinated I was playing Mage and ended up reclearing 3 or 4 times.

Sepulcher of the first ones 2/11 Mythic

Previous Guilds:

I am gonna be listing the BFA/Shadowland ones since I do not remember many of the guild names through out the years.

I do remember Cakeman from Silvermoon EU where I did 6/7 HC firelands and some Dragon Soul bosses before I moved on to "Evasion" I believe the guild was called (may have changed It was originaly named this as it was a guild made by me and irl friends early firelands)

Iridium from BFA -> End of Sanctum
Reason for Leaving: I wanted to go join a multinational guild being bored of being in a full swedish guild for 2 years I wanted a change of pace. I was talking to a friend that happened to have a spot open up for a caster in their guild.

Uncoordinated End of Sanctum - Sepulcher
Reason for Leaving: Unfortunately things ended up with not having the time to raid during thursday nights and being incredibly busy IRL.  I got a apprenticeship at a radio station and also got a role in a theatric play at the theater school I attend (It's a actual theater with a program for context. =D )


I am available any day that's not Wednesdays primarly because of theater stuff during the evenings. This will change at the start of the next year however as I will have graduated by then.
Some weekends can be extremely busy with theater stuff aswell but in general it's pretty open.


I am proficient enough :D
And yes. I have discord microphone the whole chabang.

Computer / Connection:

I have a decent CPU. Running a amd 5600X , Nvidia 2080 on a 250/250 line hardly ever experience connectivity issues.


Bigwigs/WA/ERT (Method now I Guess? ) and that's primarly it for raiding.

Bigwigs for boss timers etc.

Weak Auras to help keep track of important stuff.

ERT just for Notes I guess? Never had it being used for anything else really.
I have never really had a role where I Need to care for raid Cds so never had it setup. a picture of my UI.

I do use some other addons aswell like OmniCD and I probably forget something.
GTFO is also one.

But otherwise It's mostly just WA's specificly for fights etc no matter if the guild requires them or not. If I find something to help my life to get  easier I'll use it.

Other Games:

Apex Legends / Lost Ark , Soon to be Railbound (The demo is fantastic for a puzzle game let me tell you! )

I also sometimes dabble in FFXIV but usually only for story bits as I quit raiding in the game around when I came back to WoW in BFA.

Why Iron Edge?

Guild sounds cool. The litle bit I read on wowprogress. ^^

But mostly I just want a dedicated guild that wants to clear stuff while not being hardcore about it. Have a cool group of people around that just wants to game, I am actively playing M+ and what not so hoping to find some that are interested aswell

What can I offer Iron Edge?

What I offer is a dedicated player. I try to learn whatever class I play to it's fullest potential.
(Although I am not gonna pretend I will be top 30 parsing on every class cuz I aint that good. )

I come prepared both mentaly and read up for things. I also like to find quirky WA's for fights that could help. Wiping is a past time and it does not bother me much, In for the long haul I only care about the end goal. aslong as we reach it the path there dont matter all that much.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I was looking for guilds on wowprogress and found you.

Last Words?

Thank you for reading this incredibly lenghty (or maybe not so much by todays standards It's actually been years since I had to write such a detailed application lmao)

I am applying as Warlock currentely. But I can pretty much play anything.

I am a meta slave not gonna lie. Mostly for M+ purposes as I like to push (altho I am not that serious about it it's usually 24s and 25s at the highest if even that ) and I just have the most fun on 1 of the 3 classes that deals the most dmg in keys.

September 05, 2022, 12:29:36 am
Reply #1

Offline Chowzter

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Re: Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - BigDuke
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2022, 12:29:36 am »
Hello. (I just per automatic went with my usual name instead of the one I made the app  with lol)

Just letting you know I withdraw the application. Decided to look for a guild that is hopefully maybe still active through out season 4 . Did  a lot of thinking after making this application to hopefully have a trial and things before done before  the expansion to have a more steady expansion launch hopefully.

If you have been deliberating whatever to do with this I do apologize for wasting your time. And that this do not deter from maybe hearing from me again in the future if the chance arises.

September 05, 2022, 09:45:19 am
Reply #2

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - BigDuke
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2022, 09:45:19 am »
Hi Robin,

I am really sorry for the delayed response to your application. Of course this wont change anything should you wish to apply to raid with us in the future, many players still wish to raid through Season 4 and we are currently on a break until Dragonflight. I wish you the best of luck in finding a suitable raiding guild, and if things change in the future feel free to pop by again  :)
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