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 Raider Application - Monk (DPS) - Voidey (XR)

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December 06, 2022, 04:19:09 pm
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Raider Application - Monk (DPS) - Voidey (XR)
« on: December 06, 2022, 04:19:09 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Voidey
Server: Twisting-Nether
Class/Spec: Monk (DPS)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

Callum - 25 / UK

:Just your everday dude with a passion for gaming and the competitive nature that comes with it throughout growing up it was very much focused on the FPS side of games, and have developed a love for MMO's the main one being WoW Playing it since MoP. When im not playing Games which isnt often i love to go for a good grub of food or play the guitar.

I work as a Teacher specificily in the subject of Business most of my work now is from home via Zoom classes.


WW is my main as thats what i enjoy most and has always fit my playstyle.

In terms of offspec i've played both BM and MW for raid purposes when needed out of the two im more comfortable with MW as i played that for progression for a solid bit of time before hand, but if ever needed it would be no question that i make myself familiar to the needed level of that spec.

Stat priority for WW has been for a while and still is - Agi > Vers = Crit / Mastery / Haste

For ww there isnt really a set rotation but more of a priority list due to our Mastery & " Hit Combo" which is a dmg multiplier talent when there is no repeat of skills in a row.

Depending on your talents but ill just go over ST here your priority list depends on what the most recent skill used was such as.

Black Out kick would always be first with Teaching of Monastery buff due to the x3 damage.
Strike of Windlord on CD
Night Fae ability Faeline stomp

And then from that its using Rising Sun kick when you have Xuen's battlegear for the increased crit chance as well as following that on from Skyreach for the 50% crit chance.

WW is very reactive and has a lot of flash procs, while also being insanley mobile its about knowing what mechanic is next and keeping said procs / cd's for it.



Leather Working as my 2 Mains are Leather users.

And then Blacksmithing for my Warrior because plate.

Raiding Experience:

I played alot more casual before looking for a hardcore team in SL.

I progressed through MoP with just friends and then took a break after MoP to get my life to a good standing and start to move into the adult world and then returned just before SL and started progressing into Nathria when i had to take a Forced break.

I played Mistweaver through ToT and mained WW after that always playing to a decent level for the raid needed and the team i was in, my logs & parses have always been high even during progression showing that i know my class well and how to perform in a raid enviroment.

Previous Guilds:

Not leaving any guild atm, last one disbanded to which then i took a forced break

Last guild was -


Due to me working from home, id be able to make 100% attendance.


Yes to all.

Computer / Connection:

Actually got a new computer recently so more than okay especially for WoW and connection / lag is never a problem.


Addons are as follows;

Bigwigs ( Raid Mechanics )
Elvui ( UI interface )

Other Games:

Most recently is spent alot of time on Lost Ark while waiting for DF, and if its not thats its probably Valorant.

Why Iron Edge?

Iron edge seems like an enviroment of raiders and friends that is constantly looking to improve while at the same time having fun, a place that when its time to raid it becomes serious and when not there is moments to have a good time.

A guild that has stable management and a good core group of raiders, that all constantly look to give it there all and make progress and raiding a enviroment you want to be a part of. A place where critisism is seeked to benefit the group as a whole to constantly get better, and overall a good place to be.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I know and play my class well, and have always done so throughout my time playing.

I constantly make an effort to be as prepared as possible when it comes to raiding and things outside that directly effect how our raids progress. Im comfortable with critisism as no one is perfect and there is always areas to learn.

I can confidently say that i am always giving it 110% and look to show that not only through me as a person but in my performance as a raider. As well as being adaptable to suit the group's need whatever that may be.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Wow progress

Last Words?

 I Understand the application may seem vague due to gaps and as i played more casually before SL but sitll raided but am unable to locate logs, i have every intention of raiding in a serious manor and can ensure i have the quality of a player to do so, and was unfortunate i had to take a break.

I welcome any questions that may help to further my application as i do want to be apart of the Raid team and hopefully that is a posibility. I think not only will i be a good addition to the raid team but to the guild as a whole.

My times through progression i have always performed and parsed well and hopefully that shows a small insight to the potential i know i have and can bring to the team.

December 08, 2022, 11:25:27 pm
Reply #1

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Re: Raider Application - Monk (DPS) - Voidey (XR)
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2022, 11:25:27 pm »
Hi Callum,

Thanks for applying and sorry for the delayed response. Unfortunately we won't be able to offer you a position in the main raid currently. I did like the application so it is unfortunate that were at capacity for windwalkers.
Feel free to re-approach in the future and good luck on your search!


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