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 Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Ragish

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February 25, 2023, 10:20:39 pm
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Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Ragish
« on: February 25, 2023, 10:20:39 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Ragish
Class/Spec: Warrior (DPS)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

My name's Bar. I'm 25 years old from Israel and I live in Denmark :) I work as a tattoo artist and I enjoy my fair bit of WoW. Living with my girlfriend and our little doggo. I main Fury Warrior so far in this expac and I've been loving it! As a tattoo artist I'm usually flexible with work but since I'm in a language school for Danish it means that on Mondays and Wednesdays I'm usually with the study group from 18:00-20:30 server time (sometimes I'm muted on Microsoft Teams and still play WoW)


I prefer playing Fury because I enjoy the fluid playstyle with low cooldowns/high uptime and versatile kit from the talent tree. That being said I can try and learn offspecing into Arms or Prot if that's necessary. I'm 413 with Fury and Arms and probably similar ilvl with Prot.

Fury uses a priority system and as of 10.0.5 it mostly focuses around not overcapping Rage at all costs, so the priority will look something like this:
1. Rampage
2. Execute
3. Onslaught
4. Raging Blow
The idea is to have Recklessness and Ravager on the lowest cooldown possible and to try and synchronize the rest properly with it or at least as closely as possible. Usually if you have Avatar or Spear of Bastion at more than 15s cd it's better to not save them for the sync because your Recklessness/Rampage cooldown is roughly 30-40s if you have consistent access to dumping Rampage. Onslaught should be prioritized to be used inside Spear of Bastion windows and during Execute Phase/Sudden Death procs you still prioritize Rampage dumping to avoid overcap over using those procs.


Frost DK at 398, can get it to higher ilvl if needed. Also want to open a mage but I want Zandalari Trolls first :)


Blacksmithing/Mining on my main, no cool recipes yet :( on my Frost DK I have Engineering and can craft the Zapthrottle thing that can capture Fiery and Frosty Souls for the Frostfire Belt.

Raiding Experience:

I used to raid lead my own guild for a bit during Legion before I quit. It wasn't anything amazing and for the brief time the guild existed we pushed AOTC and 2/11mythic on Antorus. I don't have any CE experience but I do believe that from a mechanical standpoint I am able to get it and prove that I'm CE raider material. I quit during BFA leveling and now I'm back and enjoying the content so far :) I've pugged AOTC VOTI and 2/8m so far completely alone.

Previous Guilds:

I want to leave my guild because I have no room in their roster atm and I feel as if the "guildness" doesn't really exist.


As I wrote, most of my weekdays are usually free. That being said, Mondays and Wednesdays I have Danish lessons (roughly around 20:00 it's easier for me to play as the lessons ease towards the end, so I just usually stay muted in the lesson meeting)

Apart from that I also go to the gym on my spare time (but that's flexible) and play DnD with friends on Saturday evenings :) I try to also spend time with my girlfriend here and there haha.


Yes to all the questions :)

Computer / Connection:

I have 200mbps fiber connection with 20ms latency to the game. I run a 1080ti and haven't experienced *major* FPS issues during raiding yet. I rarely disconnect outside of the usual "wtf got dced? wtf blizz" that we all experience.


ElvUI - cleaner visuals for my eyes
DBM - self-explanatory, though I run a WA for it to make it into a timeline bar so everything is accessible and doesn't hoard my screen
WA - love this to death
MRT - notes, ready check, raiding info
Plater - easier healthbar modifications for me, threat info, easier interrupts
Details - love this also to death
BindPad - easier to have generalized keybinds. I only have specific general keybinds that I never change on it :)
OmniCC + OmniCD - easier to spot my own and my team's cooldowns
Simulationcraft - gotta know what's optimal :^)

Other Games:

Not much right now, maybe some Valorant? Dead Cells? It's mostly WoW. I played League a lot as well.

Why Iron Edge?

I want to join a guild that will provide a good atmosphere for me to improve the technical side of my gameplay but also not neglect the fact raiding is fun but still should be taken seriously. It's unenjoyable for me to be in raids where nothing progresses because people are "too kind" to each other and are afraid to be stern; but on the flipside I dislike raids where people have to be silent and it's the whole "CLEAR COMMS" joke playing itself out while you feel like you're basically playing a chore. The wowprogress advertisment looked appealing to me.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I mean there's thousands of other zugzugers out there but I feel like I've got a good sense of understanding where a good warrior and a great warrior seperate themselves. I've only been zuggzuging for maybe a month or two but my parses already stand for themselves and I only aim to improve them. I'm capable and a quick learner once I experience an ability and the how behind it. I'm vocal and I feel that I can contribute in both presence and gameplay.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Wowprogress :)

Last Words?

Didn't know it's a death sentence! Badumtss!

February 27, 2023, 08:33:08 pm
Reply #1

Offline mortos

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Ragish
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2023, 08:33:08 pm »
You say Monday and Wednesdays your in School from 18:00 till 20:30

we raid Monday and Thursday and Raid start at 20:00 (with invites starting 19:40)
Monday being more likely to be full Progress raid
will this cause a problem?

Your name caused me to laugh (as I am an Israeli as well)

February 28, 2023, 06:52:23 pm
Reply #2

Offline Ragish

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Ragish
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2023, 06:52:23 pm »
You say Monday and Wednesdays your in School from 18:00 till 20:30

we raid Monday and Thursday and Raid start at 20:00 (with invites starting 19:40)
Monday being more likely to be full Progress raid
will this cause a problem?

Your name caused me to laugh (as I am an Israeli as well)

Depends. Most of the time I remain on Microsoft Teams on mute with the Danish class since sometimes we get called to answer a question or two; then around 20:25 the class is dismissed. I'm still able to play for the most part uninterrupted. If that's something that is a deal breaker then of course I understand.

March 01, 2023, 12:19:56 am
Reply #3

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS) - Ragish
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2023, 12:19:56 am »
Hi Bar,

Thanks for applying and responding to Mortos.
It was a question that definitely needed asking and we appreciate your honesty in your answer

We wouldn't be able to offer a trial due to the availability issue that this would bring every Monday.

It is unfortunate as the application was very promising. If you find yourself with the full availability there in the future, please do re-apply

For now, we wish you luck on your search and pay attention in class!


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