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 Social Application - Warlock (DPS) - Levinia (XR)

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February 27, 2023, 09:58:35 pm
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Social Application - Warlock (DPS) - Levinia (XR)
« on: February 27, 2023, 09:58:35 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Levinia
Server: Thekal
Class/Spec: Warlock (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Name: Ruan
Age: 29
Location: South Africa
Work/ School: Finished studies for my 3D animation Bachelors. Currently looking for work.


I chose Warlock because the character I made was inspired by a children's show in my country when I was little. The character was only ever meant to be for leveling when my friends weren't online.
However, that quickly changed once I began the leveling journey. I out-leveled the original characters extremely fast without actually realising it, due to the fact that I was having way too much fun with the character.
I'll most likely stay as an Affliction Warlock, unless the guild would prefer me to switch specs.


I have a level 64 Shaman on Golemagg that I plan to transfer over sometime soon'ish.
I also have a level 16 shadow Priest that I plan to level further once I have access to heirlooms.
I'm also planning on creating a Hunter or Paladin in the future.

I also have a level 62 Paladin and a level 49 Priest on Golemagg that I don't plan to transfer.


Levinia currently has Herbalism and Alchemy, due to it fitting thematically with the character that I wanted to create.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

I've never done any Arena content, I did however do a bunch of Battle Grounds while leveling Levinia, enough to afford the Swift Warstrider mount and a bunch of pvp gear for when I reached Outlands.
I don't have any Classic Raiding experience as I'll explain in the "Previous Guilds" section. I do however have some experience with retail raiding. I'd sub in for other guilds when they needed a healer, and I also did a bunch of LFR content during Warlords of Draenor and Legion.

Previous Guilds:

I was part of the "Icecrown Expedition" guild on Golemagg during Classic TBC. However, the guild disbanded while I was leveling my Shaman due to reasons I do not know.
I also had a guild in retail during the Warlords of Draenor and Legion expansions, but I honestly cannot remember the guild's name.


While I still do not have a job, I'll be available almost 24/7, however, as soon as a job comes my way this will change.
Most likely I will be available from 19:00 until 00:00 (GMT+2), when I have a job. On the weekends I'll be available again almost 24/7.


Yes, I am semi-proficient in English. I can also speak Afrikaans and I understand basic Dutch.
Yes, I have Discord. Yes, I can hear. Yes, I have a microphone and I'll use it if you want me to.

Computer / Connection:

These are my computer specs, I think they're fairly decent:
Ryzen 5 3600 3.60GHz CPU
Nvidia RTX 2060 Graphics Card
Windows 10 64bit
Two Monitors
My internet connection is decent. The only issue is when it rains or the wind picks up speed, as this has the possibility of tripping my power for a few seconds.


ElvUI, for raid frames and UI cleanliness.
DBM, to warn me of mechanics in case I don't hear callouts.
AtlasLoot, to scout out which drops I'll never receive.
TacoTip, to see gearscore and the likes.
Recount, to see how hard I'm failing as DPS.

Screenshot of UI:

Other Games:

League of Legends.
Dead Space (Remake).
Stardew Valley.

Why Iron Edge?

Because I want to progress further into Classic Wotlk, and I'd like to do that in the same guild as some of my friends.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

What I can offer is a friendly face to bring to raids, that doesn't rage (in World of Warcraft). That won't sabotage guild runs and will do whatever they can to help out (i.e. Soulstone the right person, give out health cookies, closet summon those that need it, etc.).
I can also offer that I'm not opposed to doing PvP if any of the guild needs a Warlock. Nor do I mind running old content for mounts (or transmog if that is ever added).

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I heard about Iron Edge from my friend Westpharos, who's already in the guild.

Last Words?

I will say that I do prefer healing, as this is what I primarily did when I raided in retail. But Warlock dps is loads of fun so far.

Oh, in case you were curious. My character is based on the children's show "Liewe Heksie" (Beloved Little Witch), a little witch that lives with elves in "Blommeland" (Flowerland). This is why I decided to make her a Warlock, and why I chose Herbalism and Alchemy as my professions. They also share the same name, Levinia.

February 28, 2023, 10:03:40 am
Reply #1

Offline Westpharos

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Re: Social Application - Warlock (DPS) - Levinia (XR)
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2023, 10:03:40 am »
I do indeed know this person. Been a good friend of mine for a few years now.

March 01, 2023, 12:15:23 am
Reply #2

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Social Application - Warlock (DPS) - Levinia (XR)
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2023, 12:15:23 am »
Hey Ruan,

Thanks for your application, now we can be one of those warlock stacking guilds! You can poke me or another officer ingame or on discord for an invite. When do you think you will be ready to join us in Ulduar? Would be nice if you had a bit of gear already :P Let me know if we can help you with dungeons or anything.

March 01, 2023, 10:09:53 am
Reply #3

Offline Whackhead

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Re: Social Application - Warlock (DPS) - Levinia (XR)
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2023, 10:09:53 am »
I wasn't listed as a reference? pepehands  :'(
Plays wow 10 seconds into the future, don't ask how


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