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 TOT Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Minlock

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April 17, 2023, 11:31:07 pm
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TOT Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Minlock
« on: April 17, 2023, 11:31:07 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a TOT Raider.

Character: Minlock
Class/Spec: Warlock (DPS)
Member Type: TOT Raider

Personal Info:

25 years old
I work in a kinder-garden


I'm currently rolling a Warlock after playing a death knight for 6 years. I chose Warlock, because they seem to be in blizzards good grace and usually have at least one spec on top of the leaderboard which is good for progress  


I've got my death knight, i could reroll to if needed.


I picked them because in they usually save me a lot of money and make me a lot of money.

Mythic+ Experience:

I have raided since the start of Warlord of Draenor :
-3/7M Highmaul
-7/10M BRF
-13/13M HFC

Legion :
-7/7M EN
-2/3M ToV
-9/10M Nighthold
-6/9M ToS
-5/11M  Antorus

-8/8M Uldir
-6/9M BoD
-5/8M EP
didn't do Ny'alotha

Shadowlands :
-10/10M SoD
( I hope you enjoy the Music :D )
-9/11M Sepulcher

my guild died around that time so i quite afterwards.

Previous Guilds:

I started Shadowlands in a guild named Triggered and joined Distopia for Sanctom of Domination, they broke up after killing the Jailer so i quite at that point and played Classic for a little bit.


I'm a big nerd, so my attendance rate will be 100%


I live in France, but i'm from England. I speak fluent English and i do use my mic :D

System / Connection:

GPU : RTX 3070Ti
CPU : 5800X 8-core Processor
Speed tester :

I usually raid with above 100 FPS


The addons i use to raid are :
-Angry assignments
-Method raid tools
-Weak auras
-Grid 2

Other Games:

I usually play RPG or FPS games outside of WoW.

Why Iron Edge?

I Want to join Iron Edge, because i hear you are a nice group of friends that raid together, I have a friend in you guild, Virtués. we used to raid together back in legion.

What I can offer Iron Edge:

I'm a capable raider that can clear cutting edge content, i'm a consistent player and i'm always on time.

i'm a versatile guy and i can adapt to a lot of environments.

These are my DK logs you can check the whole Shadowlands expansion for an accurate image :

Where I heard about Iron Edge:

I heard of you from a friend. :)

Last Words:

I'd love to chat with you guys about a possible position in your raiding roaster !


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