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 Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Devoid (XR)

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May 11, 2023, 09:44:36 am
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Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Devoid (XR)
« on: May 11, 2023, 09:44:36 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Devoid
Server: Mazrigos
Class/Spec: Priest (DPS)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

Hello, my name is Tomek, but in game I go by Tom or Dev. I am 41 years old and reside in Poland. I work remotely as a Sourcer (Talent Acquisition) for a PL based US Software Company and have been doing this type work for the past 12 years (from sourcer to recruiter, to managing a team of sourcers). Over time, I have gained much expertise in this field, which led to me being invited to lecture at a postgrad MA course at a university in Krakow. In addition to my full-time job, I also run my own company where I freelance as a trainer, sharing my knowledge and experience gained from my work as a sourcer. You can say I'm an equivalent of a geek programmer but in sourcing/recruitment :)

On a more personal note, I'm married, have 2 kids (2,7yo). I played drums for the past 24 years. Recently I parted with one of the bands I were in but if anyone is interested you can watch me on drums here:

Otherwise I spend evenings either with my family or casually PUGing the current content in WOW.


Currently, I have been playing exclusively as a shadow, although I do have the capability to learn holy or disc in a short timeframe. While I do enjoy healing on alts (mostly my paladin), I prefer to limit my gametime on my priest strictly to shadow. In the past, I have played arena matches as disc. Additionally, in the initial days of my WoW adventure, I healed Kharazan and some dungeons at the beginning of Burning Crusade.

In terms of my gear level, It's 418 on shadow.

In 10.1 as Shadow you basically have 2 routes, its either crash (3 idols - Nzoth,Yogg,C'thun) with variations for raid enviroment or no crash (there are some variations though).

When going for M+ or 2+ targets in raid I aim mostly for crash build, dropping insidious ire and going for 3 idols. That's for aoe heavy fights.

On ST fights I drop crash, maddening touch and nzoth and buff my ST spells/plague with void touch, mental decay and insidious ire. (Though having saved this as a draft and testing some of the new encounters in Abberus I might change some things around)

(the below will likely change once I get accustomed to some of the new fights in raids)

With regards to stats: Haste Mastery all the way. Vers phial seems to work the best.

In terms of Shadow rotation this is my prio:

ST: eruption>pi>mb>mb>plague>spike>void torrent>void bolt>plague>mb>mb>ms insanity>plague>ms insanity>mb:>plague>mb:>ms:insanity>voidbolt>ms:insanity>mb and so on. Prio is to have VB on cd, MB on cd and not overcapping on MS insanity procs from Plague.

AOE: shadowcrash, 2x mb, shadowfiend, void erruption > st rotation (void torrent when MB and voidbolt on CD) I'm getting used to not pressing MS:insanity as it lights up ;]

As there are great content creators when it comes to Shadowpriest in general I Follow Publik, Xanderer e.g. They often have different view points (like mind sear and no mind sear build in M+ and their viability) I do check what other, better routes more experienced players take.

I'm currently testing some of other combinations of builds in season 2:


I keep promissing myself I will stick to one character but I always end up playing some alts. The most relevant would be:

Hunter - 410 ilvl - Raided with Pugs 8/8HC, 2/8M. Can Play BM or MM, hate Surv for some reason - this is also my herb/mining farming character. Armory:

Warrior - 407 ilvl - Mostly doing M+ as a tank/dps (fury) Armory:
Paladin - 403 ilvl - I sort of like tanking with it, mostly played as a healer in m+ and initial HC in VOTI. Armory:

In the past I played a frost DK, warlock (destro/demo) and a feral druid though never as main characters.


I have the following Professions, some tree decisions might have been made better though these were made when I was not expecting/planning to use professions for making gear (at least on my priest)

Priest - Tailoring / Inscription
Hunter - Herbalism / Mining
Warrior - Alchemy / Blacksmithing
Warlock - Jewelcrafting / Enchanting

Low lvl ones:
Druid - Skinning/Leatherworking

Raiding Experience:

Burning Crusade: All raids as shadow, biggest achievement killing Mu'ru pre nerf (having everyone in the raid going for leatherworking drums to kill a boss is something blizzard needs to do more of XD)
WOTLK: Lots of kills in Naxx and Sanctum, Eye of eternity, Ulduar (some hard modes), ICC (most of heroic)

Played shadow exclusively, some experience playing holy pala in iCC. By the end of ICC I stopped playing to focus on RL stuff. Payed on and off in some expansions very casually, not stepping into raids until late Shadowlands (not like LFR counts as a real raid though).

With the release of Dragonflight as I read about all the changes and failures of Shadowlands I decided to  give it a shot. Started with a warrior in M+ and planned to do this only casually, switched to a hunter  for VOTI normal but annoyed I cant get the bow to drop decided to get back to my priest and it clicked again. Shadow was supposed to be weak but I switched to it right in the middle of season and focused on maxing the gear I can get in PUGS.

Overall in DF I did 8/8 HC with pugs, also the classic PUG 2/8Mythic, some pulls on Terros mythic.

Just yesterday  I basically Pugged my way past 3 bosses we took down with my guild. Currently 8/9N and will be working my way towards heroic.

Previous Guilds:

It all started for me in Burning Crusade with a guild called Into Oblivion(On Vashj), we cleared Karazhan, Gruul, Magtheridon etc. By the time we were in SSC?Black temple Myself and a few other players stared noticing things can be run differently, setups made in better ways and some raiding decisions could be improved. While not being heard much The group collectively decided to leave Vashj server as a whole and migrate to another server to form Serendipity.

On a new server Serendipity recruited new players and blasted through content eventually becoming best on the server (Mazrigos). My most active gameplay with the guild was through Black Temple and Sunwell and Initial raids of WOTLK (Vault>Naxx>Obsidian Sanctum>Eye Of Eternity>Ulduar). Right about that time I got more and more busy IRL and eventually stopped playing. The guild went on and continued successfully throughout expansions and I became a social member.

Every once in a while I used the free week of gameplay to jump in, do some leveling or questing just to see some content but never really got back to Raiding. Not until end of Shadowlands.

Serendipity was mostly social at that point, the guild stopped raiding long time ago and I found myself loging in to 2/3 max people online. New to the content I mostly pugged and played very casually.

With the release of Dragonflight some of the members became more active, we played some M+ together but I mainly spent time pushing with random groups. Looking for a more active environment I joined Intercreep which is currently one of the most active of 17 guilds doing VOTI on the server. Just a few days ago the most active and best players migrated to more populated realms, leaving mostly the casual team behind.

This is where I am right now, in a guild where I can't play on the level I would like to.


I work 8-16 sometimes 10-18 CET, this means I'm available to join raids in the evenings and I am specifically looking for 2 days of raiding. This is one of the reasons I chose to apply as the times and days you raid fit well into my schedule.

Monday/Thursday 20:00-00:00 fits perfectly into the schedule I am looking for, gives me enough time to   close the day, help out with the kids if needed and be ready to chill in game/raid.

I dont usually log in on weekends during the day, maybe for an hour when the younger kid is taking a nap. Sometimes when I have spare time I may log during the day for a m+ or some farming.

This year I am taking classic polish holiday - 2 weeks of where one week I do renovation/maintenance work around the house and second week I do day trips (coming back home for teh evening). This should not interefere with raiding but if it does I should know way in advance.

Generally times when I am off or unavailable in the evenings are rare. I am applying with a commitment to maintain high attendance on those 2 specific days,  if there are to be days when I'm away - they are planned in advance and I can let the guild know sooner then an hour before the raid ;]


I am proficient in english both in speach and writing, its the language I work in most of the time so I'm up to date. I'm on discord and yes I have a microphone, I speak little but can hold a conversation easily :)

Computer / Connection:

I have a decent Gaming Laptop and a desktop PC that will be decent with a graphic card upgrade. Never had performance issues in Raids.

My net provider is reliable, I have not experienced disconnects in game even though I play on WIFI sometimes, pluging in a cable when I raid just to have more solid connection just in case.

I'd probably have to test my ping on Kazzak, Mazrigos ping is close to 40 most of the time.


ElvUi -Quazii's setup. Loved it for m+ and recently testing it in raids.
DBM/Bigwigs - Warnings, timers, dodgnig fire ^^
Plater - mostly for m+ priority targeting but i love the clear nameplates it offers in raid as well.
Omnicc - cooldown tracking (dungeons mostly)
Details - Awesome to see other classes outdpsing my priest (unless were aoeing a pack of 10 mobs ;p), on a serious note, good to see what's going on and track performance and monitor what can be improved.
WeakAuras - Using weakauras ability overlay, tracking cursor, a few quality of life improvements for dungeons and raids.

Dungeon UI:
Raid UI:

Other Games:

Currently none, I played a bit of FF14 just to try it ,played Lost ark. May try Diablo 4 when it's out. In the past played a lot of diablo 3 (GR 150 kind of vibe as a monk tank), quake 3 arena (way way back, would actually love to check if my railgun aim is still as good as it used to be xD).

Why Iron Edge?

My primary objective in submitting my application was to find a guild that has a precise raiding schedule that aligns with my needs. However, I have also heard positive things about your guild as a whole, and it seems that you have a group of individuals who share similar interests and enjoy playing the game together. This is precisely what I am looking for in a guild, as I consider myself someone who loves to play the game and challenge myself on Heroic/Mythic encounters, while also engaging in m+ activities.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

As a WoW player, I bring a high level of maturity to any guild that I am a part of, while still maintaining a sense of humor that can help lighten the mood when needed. Usually I tend to be a more quiet one in discussions initially, but once I get the feel of the group and whats acceptable ( I heard a lot is :) ) then I jump on board.

I don't do drama, and I am always willing to engage in open and honest communication with my fellow guild members, this includes my performance, discussion of strategy or anything game related.

One of my greatest strengths is my ability to perform well consistently, which is particularly important in a this game, where success is often dependent on teamwork and coordination. I am always striving to improve my skills and am open to feedback and constructive criticism, as I believe this is the best way to grow and develop as a player.

Overall, I am confident that I can offer a great deal to any guild that I am a part of, both in terms of my skills as a player and as a person outside of the game. Surely I can also learn fromplayers in your guild that are more experienced than I am, that is something I am looking forward to as well.

Oh I do love new pixels on my character, that being said, I learned that gear comes with time and have no problem passing on loot when it benefits someone more.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I sort of know Mortos, we were in the same guild (serendipity) though at different times. What remains of that guild is a chat where a few officers, past players and myself are, thats where Mortos introduced your guild and I got interested.

Last Words?

Hopefully this was not 2 long and gave you enough information about me to have a full picture of my profile as a gamer and who I might be. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, looking forward to hearing from you.

May 11, 2023, 09:53:18 am
Reply #1

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Devoid (XR)
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2023, 09:53:18 am »
Recently I parted with one of the bands I were in but if anyone is interested you can watch me on drums here:


May 11, 2023, 10:10:33 am
Reply #2

Offline Devoid

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Devoid (XR)
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2023, 10:10:33 am »

May 11, 2023, 01:16:41 pm
Reply #3

Offline Liquidroom

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Devoid (XR)
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2023, 01:16:41 pm »
Great application! Good luck.

May 11, 2023, 01:50:19 pm
Reply #4

Offline Devoid

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Devoid (XR)
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2023, 01:50:19 pm »
Thnx a lot :)

May 11, 2023, 02:24:22 pm
Reply #5

Offline mortos

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Devoid (XR)
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2023, 02:24:22 pm »
as mentioned I have raided with Devoid back in the olden time
He is an Ancient and a good guy all in all, dedicated and with Tons of xp.
we kinda renew touch in Dragonflight and have been back to playing with him a bit of M+
as well as him joining a couple of Bronze Edge Raiding With us.

Plus its a Shadow Priest! what more can be said.

I vouch for him.

May 12, 2023, 03:08:45 pm
Reply #6

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Devoid (XR)
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2023, 03:08:45 pm »
Hiyo Devoid,

I really like your application and I'd be happy to offer you a trial for the main raid! You can poke me or any other officer in-game for an invite  :D
"You smell so much nicer when you're awake"

May 12, 2023, 04:51:00 pm
Reply #7

Offline Devoid

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Devoid (XR)
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2023, 04:51:00 pm »
Hey, Thank you :) I will transfer my character over the weekend.


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