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 Weekend Raider Application - Demon Hunter (DPS) - Skankqt Demon Hunter (XR)

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May 25, 2023, 01:31:52 am
Read 5593 times


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Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Skankqt
Server: draenor
Class/Spec: Demon Hunter (DPS)
Member Type: Weekend Raider

Personal Info:

My name is Daryn. I am 32 years old. I live in South Africa. I have stayed and work in Thailand for a few years. I work from home. I am very chilled and always enjoy a good laugh. I have been playing WoW for 17 years. Recently find myself playing alone and my brother is in your guild (Westphoras). He said I would enjoy the atmosphere and should apply.


I Play Havoc. I enjoy the fast pace playstyle fast-paced, high mobility combat and utilizing the awesome abilities. I can play off spec tank but I do need some practice and always open to learn more.

The stats for raiding are Crit > Mast=hast > Vers.  the rotation is basically utilizing abilities like Fel Rush, Eye Beam, Blade dance, Chaos strike and of cause Metamorphosis. It excels at dealing burst damage, cleaving targets, and generating Fury for devastating attacks. It also has great defensives abilities such as blur and darkness ( raid wide defensive). Demon hunters also apply %5 increased magic damage for all raid members.


I can play: Spriest ilvl 402
                 Ele/resto shaman Ilvl 400
                 BM hunter Ilvl 404
                 Brewmaster Ilvl 398

 I am a multi class player. I enjoy playing most classes and getting to understand each one. I also enjoy gearing chars on my down time.


I got skinning and Herb but I haven't focused on them. I willing to level any proff that may be needed.

Raiding Experience:

I have been raiding for many years. I have been semi-hardcore before. I have main tanked in BFA ( brewmaster). I have also played dps roles. I regular get my key master done each every season.

Previous Guilds:

None. I just played WoW with RL friends and we never had a guild.


I am Available most days. I am interested in raid on the weekend as this will be when I am most free to raid. I do have a small baby at home but my partner and him go to bed fairly early so I can play all evening. I play most evenings and sometimes in the day.


I am English. I use Discord and I am able to speak.

Computer / Connection:

My system is perfect for WoW and many other games such as Warzone. I have no issues at all with running WoW or internet connections.


deadlyboss mobs

Other Games:

Warzone, F1 and few others

Why Iron Edge?

I have watched you guys raid on Twitch and I really enjoy that atmosphere. My brother and Whackhead are in the guild.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A good sense of humor and assistance in anyway that I can. I also have cookies!!

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

My brother ( Westphoras) and friend ( Whackhead)

Last Words?

Just do it.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2023, 07:55:25 am by Xormn »

May 25, 2023, 07:58:19 am
Reply #1

Offline Xormn

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Hello Daryn!

I've edited the link in your app because you wrote it as Name + Demon Hunter and our website automatically adds your character name to the link.

That aside, it's a pretty good app!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2023, 08:25:04 am by Xormn »
Ba dun tss!

May 25, 2023, 12:03:08 pm
Reply #2

Offline Westpharos

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This is indeed my brother. He also has a back up power system to fight off the final boss of South Africa... Load shedding

May 27, 2023, 10:43:37 am
Reply #3

Offline Rasgaas

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Hello, I'd like to offer you a trial ! Please poke and officer for an invite


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