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 Raider Application - Demon Hunter (DPS) - Dorballom

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August 09, 2023, 11:13:46 am
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Raider Application - Demon Hunter (DPS) - Dorballom
« on: August 09, 2023, 11:13:46 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Dorballom
Class/Spec: Demon Hunter (DPS)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

Name: David
Age: 33
Location: Norway
Work/School: Offshore


Main DH since Legion
i have too much free time to play and i loved this game since classic, so i usually have 1-2 more main alts that are kept up to date for raiding and m+
current characters im playing atm in dragonflight season 2 are as follows:

first and foremost i always sim my characters and gear both for single target and aoe so i use
after that i always check what other top players are using
im also using
just to be 100% sure that i am going with everything right


relevent alts as of per today are linked above in spec section of this application form


alchemy for extended buff times of flasks

Raiding Experience:

as i think i mentioned above ive played this game since its first initial release, and i havent stopped since, theres been some small breaks inbetween some expansion.
raiding wise most guilds ive been in have been semi hardcore / casual, i got couple of CE's with a few different guilds and others not, but the goal was always try-harding atleast in my case doing my very best and always trying to perform as solo and as a group dealing with mechanics, i understand that sometimes i am willing to sacrifice dps over performance and dealing with the mechanics for the greater good of killing/progressing a boss, logs can always be done on reclears.

Previous Guilds:

there was only 1 guild in which i left because the environment and the raid leader was abit toxic, i was not alone in feeling like this.
most guilds i was in disbanded at one point due to lackluster of players or officers stop playing


always available


english is good
and i understand my fellow scandinavian friends from denmark and sweden

Computer / Connection:

up to date computer, no fps issues, internet connection stable


all spells and abilities are keybinded, my muscle memory has grown strong from playing this game for 20 years, thats how im able to play so many different characters and still perform very good
for raiding i use dbm, method raid tools, rclootcouncil, and weakauras, and anything else that the guild will require from me to use

Other Games:

as of per today i play also sometimes call of duty and diablo 4 for fun

Why Iron Edge?

iron edge seems to fit me, i saw the picture of some of the guys on your homepage and thought to myself wow this guild seems like it has a good enviroment and nice people

What can I offer Iron Edge?

a consistent raider willing and wanting to progress and learn new mechanics.
positive vibes

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

i found you on as i was making applications for guilds that were in search for players to fill theyre raid roster

Last Words?

fingers crossed, hoping that youll see my effort abit more this time into the application, looking forward to be hearing from you

August 10, 2023, 07:33:09 pm
Reply #1

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Raider Application - Demon Hunter (DPS) - Dorballom
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2023, 07:33:09 pm »
Hi David,
Thanks for resubmitting your application with a little more information.
We'd be happy to accept you for a trial in the Main Raid

Please /w an officer ingame for an invitation.



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