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 Raider Application - Monk (Healer) - konaanfu

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November 07, 2023, 11:07:16 pm
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Raider Application - Monk (Healer) - konaanfu
« on: November 07, 2023, 11:07:16 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: konaanfu
Class/Spec: Monk (Healer)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

My name is Ali Kayed, age 39 years old, married, live in UAE , but i am from lebanon , i work as a crewing manager in a marine company, have 1 kid


I am applying as a mistweaver monk,as it has been my main since dragon flight, i was healing in Monk before until Battle of Azeroth , then i been playing in 2 char, monk and shadow priest .
my ilvl at this moment is 446

as a mistweaver , i am looking for Haste, then I will come Crit, vers , and at least mastery , on season mastery was important, but now no.
rotation , keep as much as RM in player using the 2 charges on the RM and RSK , and then using SM and Spam vivfy, keeping in mind to use my RSK in CD and RM.
In raiding build i goo Y'lan , how does it work , opening i use RM before start the fight , then potion ofcourse the use yilan , then EM 4 times , 1 RM , then SM and spam VIviy , then RSK then agane SM and VIVIy . etc this is a small expliantion


yes i have an alot its a shdow priet


Enchanting and Herbs , starting from dragon flight i use the herbs to sell it .

Raiding Experience:

i been playing since vanilla soo i will give u the list starting from the last 2 expansion and current one.

The Emerald Nightmare -7/7 Mythic
The Nighthold-10/10
Tomb of Sargeras- 8/9

BATTLE FOR AZEROTH - changed to priest  
Uldir - in monk  4/8 then had urgent family issue
came back in Battle of Daz- on priest  - 7/9 - Killing Jana
The Eternal palance - 6/8
Nyalotha - 12/12

Shadowland - between Monk , Shadow priest , Warlock
Castle Nathria - 7/10
Sactum of Domination- 8/10
Sepulcher - 7/11

Dragon flight -
Vault - 5/8
Aberrus- 4/9 - progress in sarka to 6%, then the guild decide to take certian ppl and bost them to get the kill

Previous Guilds:

ok will start with my last couple of guild
ter ego , they decide to gear up they friend who decided to play monk, so we become 2 monks , and ofcourse they will go with their friend , in Rewritten - i was with them to cover the summer vacationa and they having less healer , soo when they are done and all their old hear come back , i became benched .... and in size matter , the guild decide to goo casual no more raiding they decide to stop raiding and ppl alreaday have a plan to leave  , in Profanities - the gm is my friend , but there was no spot for me as healer and healer officer had a plan to go with certain setupp


I am avaiable every day , and if i am absent i will be informing the officer morning time ,unless i die



Computer / Connection:

NP with my FPS or MS


1- Bug Wigs
2. Weakaura

etc , here is my UI Screen

Other Games:

Counter Strike ,

Why Iron Edge?

i am really fetup from changeing guild , and i am looking for a stable guild that i progress with them and be part of in the raiding , and nex expansion

What can I offer Iron Edge?

i am team play , fast learner when it come to tactics and healing CDS Adjustment , positive vibes , ready with all consumable for the riad

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

wow progress

Last Words?

i hope you guys give me a chance and to see what i am capable off ..

November 08, 2023, 04:12:28 pm
Reply #1

Offline Spetsnaz

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Re: Raider Application - Monk (Healer) - konaanfu
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2023, 04:12:28 pm »
Hi Konaanfu,

Thanks for applying,but unfortunately we won't be offering you a trial or position in the guild.

Good luck on your search!


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