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 Level 70 Warlock wanna join Iron Edge

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April 11, 2007, 11:00:31 pm
Read 7031 times

Offline Hazzidra

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Level 70 Warlock wanna join Iron Edge
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:00:31 pm »
Hey guys... My name is Simon Larsen... I live in Denmark i'm 15 years old and i am going to get out of school in some months... I'm playing a lvl 70 warlock named Hazzidra... i have been playing with Kimimora slash Deizen and Jaquire slash Acira for about 2 years now... They are my best ingame mates and i hoped to join Iron Edge so that i could keep playing with them on a bit higher level than just chatting...

My experience at online gaming started already at Diablo 1 and Warcraft 3. Reign of Chaos... I love just to chat and i get depressed when guild chats are totally dead.... And mostly im not the luckiest one... as you see on this picture... (i'm the one in his stomach)

April 11, 2007, 11:06:25 pm
Reply #1

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Re: Level 70 Warlock wanna join Iron Edge
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2007, 11:06:25 pm »
well I'm a Horde Casual and an Ally Dally Rogue atm on Dunemaul, but still I'd vouch for this guy, been playing with him since my first char was around 40 i think... which feels like an eternity :P.. anyway he's an awsome guy, great humor and a certain sence of maturity compared to his age.. most "irl lowbies" tend to be too immature and Hazzi sure isn't one of them ^^

My thumbs, if a casuals thumb is good enough


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