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 Heides, Feral druid

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June 24, 2007, 11:54:15 am
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Offline Awol

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Heides, Feral druid
« on: June 24, 2007, 11:54:15 am »
Hello Iron Edge,

My name is Heides, also know as Timo in real life. after i read that Legolew will quit the game, and that seeing that IE needed a new feral druid i got thinking about applying.

As it is now im an still in Sympathy Lost but i allready wrote my goodbye post reason for this is the lack of focus and people on the new bosses. Now with the MT o vacation i see my raiding grinding to a halt in the future.

so without further ado, the app

Class/ Race / lvl
Druid, Tauren, 70

I am currentlly specced Feral with a 1/ 46 / 14 spec.
tho i am open for debate on changing this i feel this is one of the more optimal feral specs
more details at


i am logged out in my tank gear i think if not then its my cat gear.

The stats of both are without any buffs
AC: 27046
Dodge: 33.46%
Defence: 407
Resilience: 15
HP: 14778
The combo of the defence and resilience make my as crit immume as you can be

AP: 2347
Crit: 32.45%
Hitrating: 111 (7.04%)

For Hydross i also have 100FrR and 135NR so i can tank the adds (ive done this but we have never killed the boss)

tho i know the stats of my cat gear are somewhat lacking the reason is i prefer being a tank over being dps, tho both are enchanted / socketed up.

Armory link:

Raid Times
Monday: 1930-2400
Tuesday: 1930-2400
Wednesday: 1930-2400
Thursday: 1930-2400
Friday: standard babysit evening
Saturday: i work from 6:30 till 16:00 and spent rest of the day with gf.
Sunday: varies alot sometimes whole day free, others all day busy

Although the req's are lifted i did 3/4 of the heroics for the eye and completed the ssc prequests. The BT and Hiyal quests are not yet avalible to me.
wich also brings me to:

Raid expierence
With my druid i cleared Gruul / Magtheridon / Karazhan and did a couple of tries on Hydross
i have expierence in offtanking Gruul and Maintanking Karazhan
i have played all the old wow instances with Ravenous up to Heigan in naxx and twin emps in AQ
wich is a nice portal to

Who is I on Dunemaul?
Some of you may know me a Awol, who is a lvl 70 hunter that used to be in Ravenous, this was my main char for over a year but with the TBC comming out i swa that i couldnt bring anything to the table in heroics or in dps (never tried BM), before TBC i allready started playing my druid and when i got bored of Awol o levelec him to 70 with the idea that being a tank it would be easier to get groups for the heroics and 5 mans.
This was very much true and now i have the ability (with a semi decent healer) to make any 5-man normal a succes. Making pugs and optional and not al all uncomfertable.

Reason for Joining
As i said quickly before SL is going for a bumby ride in the near future with the MT being on holiday and some more internal issues that i heard from one of the officers, this combined with the fact we still havent killed Hydross after 2 nights potted up makes my skin crawl. Im not the guy that gives up at 22:00 cause the flasks will soon run out, and especially with the new Pots changed its so damn easy to get them.

Why me?
Tho im not really in the position to answer this and i dont want to list all my positive atributes (spelling isnt one of them) the main reason should be that im a ready made raid feral wich requires very little gearing up. My hunter is a herb /alch so i can susstain my pot usage

My downsides
The main problem i have with this game is that i love to make my char better and see the effect of new gear on my stats. this does however require gear and makes somewhat gear oriented, i tend to get upset if loot is distributed in an unfair way, tho with my current setup i am more then happy and dont require any raid loot to really make me a (much) better tank.
Also as a stated before my primary love is being a bear tank so my dps isnt as high as ive seen other druids in movies / screens. I am sure however that this can be resolved with one of your Feral druids or druid class leader.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 01:13:39 pm by Awol »

June 24, 2007, 12:32:57 pm
Reply #1

Offline Legolew

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Re: Heides, Feral druid
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2007, 12:32:57 pm »
Hello Iron Edge,

 after i read that Legolew will quit the game, and that seeing that IE needed a new feral druid i got thinking about applying.

Bah dont believe everything you read or hear even if i wrote it :P.

Your gear is fine , your nr/fr needs a little updating should be aiming for 200 off each.

just wondering when you re-rolled to Druid why didnt you stay on Rav , from what i remember they had a time at the start of TBC raids where they needed Tanks/Ferals ?
how old are you?
like i said dont believe everything you hear , until Delling Smites me to death and dranks my Cl position from my dead worthless body then i'm stilll CL think we'll have a chat tonight /w me when you are online , there could be a spot available but i'll fill you in online rather than on Forums.

Nice application btw


« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 12:34:31 pm by Legolew »

June 24, 2007, 12:51:26 pm
Reply #2

Offline Awol

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Re: Heides, Feral druid
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2007, 12:51:26 pm »
The reason i did not stay in Ravenous is because i wanted to stop raiding, but after i had geared my druid abit in the 5 mans raiding was the next ligical step, SL didnt have a feral druid at that time so i just started joining raids.

I rerolled druid because i liked the shapeshifting and wanted to be a tank / healer so i could be of some use in heroics, stopped wanting to be a healer about 20second after i got mangle

i currentlly 20years 3months 13days and 12hours and 50mins old, give or take

about the Nr / FrR i felt like this was optimal (unbuffed) with still able to keep 20k+ hp raid buffed, but opinions are subject to change :)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 01:14:00 pm by Awol »

June 24, 2007, 01:03:01 pm
Reply #3

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Heides, Feral druid
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2007, 01:03:01 pm »
wtb the extra 2 talent points u have :P

P.S Nice app!  Good luck :)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 01:05:49 pm by TTaM »


June 24, 2007, 02:11:40 pm
Reply #4

Offline Starbrow

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Re: Heides, Feral druid
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2007, 02:11:40 pm »
I've heard some positive things about you, but must say I disagree slightly with your spec and your view on resistances for Hydross, but those are details really.
Feral, a class of its own.


June 24, 2007, 11:01:06 pm
Reply #5

Offline Zakk

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Re: Heides, Feral druid
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2007, 11:01:06 pm »
also know as Timo in real life

Timo as in Timo Boll?
Would be cool  8)


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