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 Adomar - lvl 70 holy priest

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December 12, 2007, 06:27:39 pm
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Adomar - lvl 70 holy priest
« on: December 12, 2007, 06:27:39 pm »
hey there. im adomar from medusa i wanna join to you guyz coz my guild is disbanded(will disband) i played this game for 2.5 years. ofc i didnt lvled this char but im gonna tell my story about my game experiance. i opened a dwarf hunter on my first account. i did full t2 him name was shase and i played on burning leagon realm. maybe 1 of you can know my guild its called "CATASTROPHE" it was a turkish guild and i saw c'thun max with catastrophe... then i just left the game 1 and 5 mounths ago. but i came back 3 mounths later. my catastrophe was disbanded and we migrated to ahn quiraj server with some old guildies. we tryed to crate a good guild there but we just killed 3-4 bwl bosses. in this while i rly bored from hunter and 1 day 1 of my friend came to me and said "do you wanna chace acc" he were had a human priest and i accepted... played 3-4 mounths with priest. saw naxxaramas with my priest. then tbc came and didnt found some money for it. then just rerolled again for tbc money :) and i played rog. but didnt played rog too much max 2 mounths maybe 3. just gathered some blue items and rerolled again coz rog sux cant focus anything in raids with rog.(coz i wanna see my damages :D ). and then bored from rog too at last. after some while rerolled again to a warrior and priest. did pve with warrior(tank) and pvp with priest(holy). killed 2-3 ssc and tk bosses with my warrior he was good geared and did some arenas with my priest he was prety good geared too. and then just thinked to leave this game but another friend said pls gimme your chars take this 1 and im gonna give you money :D and i become a paladin :D did raid with medusa i was class leader in medusa. paladin was totaly out of my experiance but i was 1. in every heal meter coz of my game experiance. and then our guild master wanted me an exchance and i become a priest again :) now medusa is disbanding and i wanna do some progress. im rly playing good you can ask whatever you want. rly know how to use tactics my char etc. rly know "what is the raid" coz many ppl in this realm dont know this... so i wanna join to you guyz. and about me:

  im 20 years old. im from turkey so ofc i got some lag problems sometimes but i just used to play in spike :D:D almost all nights i can be onlnie but in january im gonna go driving license kourse for 3 weeks. in this while i can be onlnie after 20.30 or 21.00 dont know atm but before this or after this i can be online 18.00 to 01.00 everyday and much more in saturday and sunday so about my gear lets look to my profile:

  so there is some extra info about me: im shadow atm but im gonna be holy coz my shadow items rly rly rly sux still have 4 blues . i didnt left any guild in past. i dont have no1 in my ignore list in this 2.5 years and no1 didnt ignored my in this 2.5 years i hope i can join to you guyz...

December 12, 2007, 06:47:03 pm
Reply #1

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Re: Adomar - lvl 70 holy priest
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2007, 06:47:03 pm »
Wow... what classes haven't you raided with? :P

I'm afraid we don't currently have a space in the guild for a raiding priest.

Perhaps you can trade your priest for another character that is BT attuned?

You seem like a nice guy though, so if you can magically find a friend in IE, and you're happy to never raid... F&F might be for you!

Now I run a tech website.

December 12, 2007, 07:35:02 pm
Reply #2


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Re: Adomar - lvl 70 holy priest
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2007, 07:35:02 pm »


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