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 Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider

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August 26, 2009, 03:56:24 am
Read 4489 times

Offline DarkChaotix

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Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« on: August 26, 2009, 03:56:24 am »
Personal Information

G'day, I'm Darkchaotix, known IRL as Darren. I am currently 19 years of age, and I shall be starting my 2nd year of an IT course at college next month. I live in merry old England, in some small village that none of you will have ever heard of.

Character Information

Link to my Armory: Clicky

I know my gear is not the best, but RNG/God seem to hate me when it comes to drops. Also, my guild hasn't made the best progress in Ulduar 25, so I havn't been able to see that much quality gear drop for me. And they also raid Ulduar 10 on off nights with little/no information on what nights, or when, so I oftenly miss out on them by not logging on at the precise right time for those raids.

Since Lv1, (Well, Lv10 technically) I've been Enhancement. I love the way it plays, and I hope to stay as it for, well, forever. I have had this character for just about 2 years, and it was the first character that I actually enjoyed playing with, and he was my first toon to actual reach over Lv35.

Now, my play times;

Total: 54 days, 15 hours, 27 minutes
Lv80: 28 days, 9 hours, 47 minutes, 22 seconds

Now I know that's not much playing time, but I have reasons for that. I never played Pre-TBC. This character was made about 2 years ago, so no Pre-TBC raiding. I originally played casually, on a rubbish laptop, and by the time I hit 70, Sunwell had been released. I continued to play casually at Lv70, only doing dailys and occasionally heroics. Then, about 2 weeks before WotlK was released, I decided I wanted to join a guild who would be raiding at 80, so I joined my current guild, which was very new at the time. WotLK was released, and I decided to play properly. Also, my Lv80 playtime isn't as high as many peoples, but I have personal reasons for that, which I don't feel like divulging on a application form :)


Well, raiding times. For the next 3 weeks, I can raid practically whenever. Unless I'm asleep. On September the 14th, I go back to college, where I will still be available in the evenings. When it comes to boss tactics, I know all of them, and have experienced all of the ones in Ulduar (10 man, normal mode that is) and the Northrend Beast encounter in Colliseum.

More specific times:

Weekdays: 18:00 - 02:00 (Server time)
Weekends: Basically any time, unless I have things which need doing.

Generally, if I have some sort of social event which could occur at any given time after college, this will usually delay my return home by about an hour or 2, and generally, if I won't be able play WoW for the whole day, I will usually have a week or so's notice.

Gaming (optional) and World Of Warcraft history

I've been playing games since I can remember. My Dad had a NES, with Super Mario Bros. 3, Pacman and Chip N' Dale: Rescue Rangers. I can remember watching him play these when I was as young as 4 years old. We'd even play Multiplayer on the games from time to time, and I would quite oftenly play by myself or with my sister (a year younger than me) when possible. Since then, I have owned (In order) a Sega Megadrive, Gameboy Color, N64, PlayStation, Gameboy Adcance, Gamecube, PS2, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite (Cus I broke my DS...), Nintendo Wii, and Xbox 360. You could say I'm somewhere between a hardcore and a casual gamer, I like to play games, and I like to do well at them, but I don't strive to be the best around, but I try to play to the best standards that I can. I also have 28,000 Gamerpoints on my Gamertag, DarkChaotix, currently, so I obvious enjoy to play the odd game or 2  8)

I purchased WoW sometime in Summer 2006, probably late July/August as I used birthday money to buy it, but had been interested in it before then (Thank you Warcraft 3), but unable to purchase it, for reasons, which again, I shall not go into on a application form. The problem with me buying WoW then though, was that my PC was old and rubbish, and also full of viruses. Then, for Christmas, my mum bought me a laptop, as she knew that I had really wanted to play WoW. I played very casually at the beginning, never leveling a character much past the 10's, until the summer of 2007, when I decided to buy TBC. I leveled a Draenai Pally to the mid 30's on Karazhan server, which I knew some of my friends played on. Later in the year, when I went to do my 2nd year of A levels (Which I flunked out of, cus I'm a lazy bastard), most of the friends who played on that server had stopped playing. I then found out that some of my other friends played on Dunemaul, so I rolled my Troll Shaman there. Most of them rarely play now though, which is a bit of a shame.

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
I first found out about Iron Edge when I was but a casual player, when some, as I preceived it, Hardcore Rogue stood around Orgrimmar, with some sort of fancy Orange weapons, which looked totally awesomely cool. I saw the guild tag 'Iron Edge' and thought that these people must be some of the best players in the world, and aspired to be like this Hardcore Rogue, and get myself to the top of the top. Since then, I've always wanted to join Iron Edge, if not, a guild that would get me the sort of gear like that. Now I don't want in because of the fancy gear, I want to join for the progress. Even though I am applying to the B raid, I still want to have the feeling of progress within a group, especially when Icecrown raid is released. At the moment, in my guild, I do not feel like we are making the sort of progress that I would personally like. Now, I'm not saying my guild is terribad or anything, it's more that I have higher aims than what my current guild is reaching. And I feel, that if I stay with the guild I am in, I won't get to reach my main raiding goal, to finally defeating Arthas.

What can I offer to Iron Edge?
Well, I am a relatively active player off raiding times, so if anyone ever needs any help with anything, I would be glad to lend a hand where possible. I also always try to make sure I am ready for raids, by buying flasks, making food and having repair money whenever neccesary. Also, when I feel confident enough to speak up on vent, which may take some time (but the more comfortable I feel within the guild, the more likely I am to speak up), then I'm sure I can add my own little pieces of humour into the guild, although usually by completely messing up what I am trying to say...

Last words?
I should have probably gone to bed almost 2 hours ago, but I was trying to make my account on here, and then once that was sorted, type this up (whilst playing my Xbox though...). Think of my sleep deprecation for the sake of this application before you throw me aside :D

(My session timed out in the process of me typing this... And my God, didn't realise it was this long)

Edit: Made a fail with raiding times.
Edit 2.0: Made an epic fail with the Armory link
« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 06:15:35 pm by DarkChaotix »

August 26, 2009, 04:08:22 am
Reply #1

Offline delling

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2009, 04:08:22 am »
Great application!

But you need to be able to raid until 24:00 server time!

(Which is only 23:00 in the UK y'know...)

Now I run a tech website.

August 26, 2009, 04:10:50 am
Reply #2

Offline DarkChaotix

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2009, 04:10:50 am »
LOL, I meant to put 02:00, not 22:00.

And that's why I cannot raid past 1 in the morning, concentration goes straight out the window.

August 26, 2009, 11:02:35 am
Reply #3

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2009, 11:02:35 am »
Im so envious of you young people. My parents wouldnt allow me to have a gaming console :P So I had to visit friends to play them.

Application looks good and I find the gear sufficient for a trial, it doesnt look like icecrown is right around the corner so there should be time to improve the gear before then.

Do you have any plans on taking a night time job?

Bears like alts!

August 26, 2009, 06:11:21 pm
Reply #4

Offline DarkChaotix

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2009, 06:11:21 pm »
No, I don't have any plans on getting a night time job. I like to have my evenings to do whatever I want after college, so if I was to get a job, it would most likely be on the weekends.

But that probably won't happen, part time jobs are few and far between at the moment.

August 27, 2009, 12:42:10 pm
Reply #5

Offline Grilldyret

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2009, 12:42:10 pm »
Awesome application! Gear also looks nice.
Have you changed your rubbish laptop for a proper computer by now? People with bad FPS do bad DPS D:

I am however a bit uncertain whether or not we'd want another shaman. If I'm correct, that would bring us up to 5, with 2 of those enhancement. So if you'll give me some of your patience so I can talk to hugman about this, that'd be great :)


August 27, 2009, 12:48:13 pm
Reply #6

Offline cobratix

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2009, 12:48:13 pm »
Nice apply.

btw u dont need Elemental focus and Improved Stormstrike(they reduce cd on Shamanistic Rage to 1min so no more mana problems that much, maybe to leave 1/2 if u rly want) insted that u could put some points in Improved shields for more dmg :)  - and also if want pull out some talent from Ancestral Knowledge for that one.

And also try to replace that totem with deadly one,Totem of Dueling .....or new one from badges:)


gajaja: "Ja kad sam se ranije alkoholisao uvek sam sa sobom nosio otvarach za konzerve?"
Are you on crack?
emo (//_-)

August 27, 2009, 01:28:01 pm
Reply #7

Offline Yoica

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2009, 01:28:01 pm »
It all depends on mooifurhorny and his 1 month break. Experience shows this rarely holds up, ppl don't come back or become low attendance raiders.

August 27, 2009, 02:27:27 pm
Reply #8

Offline Grilldyret

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2009, 02:27:27 pm »
He took a 1 month break? I need to find the secret part of the forum where people notify me of these things!

August 27, 2009, 02:39:04 pm
Reply #9

Offline Goza

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2009, 02:39:04 pm »
I need to find the secret part of the forum where people notify me of these things!

Go to your profile, "account related settings", and check "Additional Membergroups": "Bad Boys".

August 27, 2009, 04:48:25 pm
Reply #10

Offline DarkChaotix

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2009, 04:48:25 pm »
Awesome application! Gear also looks nice.
Have you changed your rubbish laptop for a proper computer by now? People with bad FPS do bad DPS D:

Yeah, I have. I've had my PC for just over a year now. It's all good, needs a bit more RAM though, only 2GB, which WoW runs fine on, but if I have anything more than vent running in the background, it can get a bit pissy occasionally.

August 27, 2009, 05:24:17 pm
Reply #11

Offline Yoica

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2009, 05:24:17 pm »
He took a 1 month break? I need to find the secret part of the forum where people notify me of these things!

He even made a thread about it :p

September 20, 2009, 09:12:21 pm
Reply #12

Offline Hugman

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Re: Darkchaotix, Aspirational B Raider
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2009, 09:12:21 pm »
If you are still interested i would like to give you a trial with us.

Poke me in game, and we will have a chat.



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