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 Casual Raid Information!(25m) *READ THIS BEFORE YOU APPLY*

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February 12, 2009, 02:29:06 am
Read 13856 times

Offline Grilldyret

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Casual Raid Information!(25m) *READ THIS BEFORE YOU APPLY*
« on: February 12, 2009, 02:29:06 am »
The Iron Edge Casual Raid (25m)

Updated 23rd July 2013 by Doomslay

This group within the guild is a 25-man group that raid two times a week. Our playerbase contains of skilled and devoted players that want steady
and good progress, but don't want to devote more than two nights a week to raiding.
The raidgroup started in the beginning of WOTLK as a very casual group, we have become increasingly serious since then.

In WOTLK we cleared NAXX, ULDUAR(4 Hardmodes), SARTHARION 3D, ONYXIA, 3/5 HEROIC TOC, 12/13 HEROIC ICC.  

We cleared 6/7 in Heroic Firelands and 8/8 in heroic Dragon Soul.

-- Raid times --

Currently we raid:

Monday   - 20:00 - 24:00
Thursday - 20:00 - 24:00

Try to plan it so you log on at least 5 minutes before raid start.

-- Contact persons --

 Gaeios(Graxlos), Rashkebab, Doomslay.

-- Current progress --

We are 12/12 in the Thone of Thunder and 1/13 Heroic

[MoP] Requirements
It's not all black and white. We are looking for experienced players that can start raiding ToT without the lack of gear holding you back. Most of your gear should be atleast Looking For Raid level.
We expect you to have the best gems in your gear and the optimal enchants.
We expect you to have two useful professions for your main spec and we expect it to be at the level where you benefit from it the most.
You should at least have killed or attempted up to two of the final bosses in their respective instance. Earlier raid experience is not a must, but it is a bonus.
During your trial we expect you to bring flasks, but we generally supply with feasts and Flasks.
We expect everyone to bring and use their own potions!

Hardware and Connection:
You must be in possesion of a computer able to play wow with decent settings and fps, we dont accept bad hardware as an excuse for bad performance in the raid.
You must also have a good and stable internet connection, we dont want you dcing every raid.

- Your english skills need to be acceptable. You must be able to communicate important things through voicecoms (Teamspeak 3). Being on/listening to Teamspeak is required every raid.
You are required to check the forum daily, especially the the B-raid thread, where we announce about the current event in the casual raid.

-- Loot Distribution --

We use DKP. You are rewarded for being "on time", you get dkp for every full hour you attend and a bonus for staying till the end.
DKP is only used for your main spec, if no player wants an item for their main spec its ffa. roll for offspec. Only different roles are consired offspecs.
If you are an arcane mage you dont get free gear for fire, but if you are a prot warrior you can get free loot for arms/fury.
In general if you want an item just /roll, if you have enough dkp or noone needs it you will get it. If you want it for offspec just type OS in raid chat.
If you are available to the raid but we dont need you for the current fight, you receive standby DKP which is the same amount if you were actually raiding. You do need to be ready and available:in game on an alt f.ex. or on ts so we can tell you when we need you. After each raid we reset your dkp back to 0 if you went negative, but during a raid you can have negative dkp which means that if you got an item and went -400, the guy with 0 dkp will get the item. If you got two items and got to -1000 dkp the one with -500 will get it. If two people have the same dkp, the Raider with the highest attendance will win the Item.
You can check your dkp at

-- Recruitment process --
Once your application is pending, there is a 24 hour wait while your application is open for discussion. In that way, everyone can get a word in. After 24 hours have passed,
your application will either be denied or accepted. After that there is a two week trial period, where you must do your utmost to impress us and show that you can be reliable.
Should you pass your trial, you will be promoted to the B-raider rank and gain access to all it's benefits. You need an authenticator to be promoted to the full raider rank where you also receive 450g for repairs pr. day.
Btw. Doomslays cat is called Norbert.

-- The Iron Edge community --
The Iron Edge community is a vast and renouned community that is not only limited to World of Warcraft. Here you can find people to play almost every game, and even find
good friends. We have our own IRC channel and Teamspeak server that we use greatly. We love to chat and talk outside of games about almost everything.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 10:17:22 am by graxlos(Gaeios) »

February 12, 2009, 05:04:59 am
Reply #1

Offline Hugman

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Re: B-raid Information! *READ THIS BEFORE YOU APPLY*
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2009, 05:04:59 am »
Bravo mien Fuhrer!

So i assume this is not just a clarification of our rules, but an attempt to get some of the classes we need? (like huntards who do over 2k dps, and warlocks who know that there role in our raid is not just so ppl can jump off the pipe?  8)).

February 12, 2009, 08:49:48 am
Reply #2


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Re: B-raid Information! *READ THIS BEFORE YOU APPLY*
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2009, 08:49:48 am »
really nice brief by Grilldyret...
even i want to re apply now :)

« Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 09:26:50 am by Eyehole »

February 12, 2009, 09:49:11 am
Reply #3

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: B-raid Information! *READ THIS BEFORE YOU APPLY*
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2009, 09:49:11 am »
Should you not mention something about what classes we lack?

Bears like alts!

February 12, 2009, 09:58:44 am
Reply #4

Offline Goza

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Re: B-raid Information! *READ THIS BEFORE YOU APPLY*
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2009, 09:58:44 am »

May 22, 2009, 07:44:49 pm
Reply #5

Offline Morbid

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Re: B-raid Information! *READ THIS BEFORE YOU APPLY*
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2009, 07:44:49 pm »
Just to update this post abit now we have ventured into Ulduar.

The B-raid currently have killed 10/14 in Ulduar, Mimiron, General and Yogg left.
Beside that we have a server first on 20 man Freya! ;)
Our 2 raiding days are mondays and tuesdays from 19:30 till 24:00.

Since the start we are using a dkp system aka the regular IE dkp system which has proven his value after over 4 years of use and tweaking/updating it properly.

What we are currently looking for is:

1 Feral druid
2 priests, 1 shadow and one Disc/holy.
1 Enhancement shaman
1 DPS, pref rogue.

October 11, 2009, 10:26:37 pm
Reply #6

Offline Daekesh

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Re: B-raid Information! *READ THIS BEFORE YOU APPLY*
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2009, 10:26:37 pm »
Something I think needs to be mention here:

Hugman doesn't generally answer these posts during the week, but at the weekend.  So if you've not received a yay or nay to your app yet, don't fret, Hug just takes his time :P

Good luck!



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