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 Uraqt-Hunter Application A Raid

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November 03, 2009, 11:36:22 pm
Read 3111 times

Offline Uraqt

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Uraqt-Hunter Application A Raid
« on: November 03, 2009, 11:36:22 pm »
Personal Information
howdy my name is james  or if u want jimmy =p im 28  work full time as a builder so im pertty much my own boss

Character Information
sexy female orc hunter called Uraqt i was a gayelf but changed for better racials  to improve my dps even more professions are  eng and mining both max thinking about changing mining to jc

My armory

My computer specs:
intel core quad cpu
Q9550 2.83Ghz
2.84GHz 2.00Gb of ram

Nvidia gtx260 card
 22" screen


I work Mon-Fri from 07-00 - 16-30 so i can raid every day without  out fail
More specific times:
Mondays: 18:30 –any 
Tuesdays: 18:30 - any
Wednesdays: 18:30 - any
Thursdays: 18:30 - any
Fridays: 18:30 -  any   
Saturday: 18:30 –  any
Sundays: 18:30 -  any

Gaming (optional) and World Of Warcraft history
well gaming started ona amstrad  playing games  like combat school roland on the ropes and harrier attack this is going back aloooooooong time so forgive me if there not right . then i had a nes megadrive snes xbox etc always kept uptodate with new consels coming out till i got a pc that is and decided to stop buying them all lol my first mmorpg was phantasystar onlne on the sega dreamcast  then moved to pc  and got guild ways over wow cuz it was free  then my mate convinced me to start playing wow my first toon was a human rogue  i started to play just befor vanialla came to a end so didnt really get a chance to see end game content  just ZG a few times  when tbc was released i rerolled shaman and raided on that  and cleared all content  pre nerf this was back as alliance  on a small rp realm called darkmoonfaire i was inthe top guild on the server there mind u there wasnt much compition there so the guild transfered to shadowsong and kind of fell apart as people left to do other things
when wotlk was released i decided to start playing my paladin that  on magtheridon  i used to play this casuale when  there was nothing to do but i made it my main for wotlk i transfered to dunemaul to play with a friends in first blood but he stopped playing  now  so instead of goign back to mag i decided to stay here raiding as holy even though i didnt know any1 here  i was just happy to be part of a guild  raiding again  this is when guild asked me to switch to my  hunter to dps for them in raids as we was abit overloaded with healers and not enough dps to do things since then my hunter is my main and i have no intention to stop playing it i love eveything about the class and looking forward to  the changes  in cata when its released .lately peopel in this guild have show a attutude that i dont like towards raiding and just piss about  dont come perpaired to raids and just go afk  with out saying anythign and this is really biggining  to get to me as we cant do anything in togc cuz we have to take alts  cuz peopel only turn up for raids when they know there gonna get loot from totc normal i my self havent missed a raidin the last 2 months maybe more if i do there is a damn good reason  and i will let u know in advance dont  dont get me wrong i like alot of people in my current guild but its the attutude of some people that i just dont like . i know this bit was about gaming history  but i kind of got carried away   while typing sorry for the wall of text  .


Guild history
my history  on dunemaul is just first blood

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
i want to be part of a serious guild that matches the same abition as me and  doing server firsts  like i as doing  back on my shaman  in tbc  and  i see IE as the guild for that

What can I offer to Iron Edge?
well my dps  for a start  my attutude towards raiding im allways ready  for raids on time and come perpaired  flasks /food etc and ofc my english charm =p
 sorry for the typos  in advance thanks for reading

best reguards  james/uraqt

« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 11:36:45 pm by Uraqt »

November 03, 2009, 11:49:12 pm
Reply #1

Offline Uraqt

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Re: Hunter app a raid
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2009, 11:49:12 pm »
was late when i did this so made it look kind of messy
here is my wotlk exp
voa 10 cleared
voa 25 cleared
naxx 10 cleared
naxx 25 cleared
os 10 cleared inc 3d
os 25 cleared inc 3d
maly 10 cleared
maly 25 cleared
ulduar 10 cleared all hm execpt  mimiron
ulduar 25 cleared i think got 6 hm from there not to sure
toc 10  cleared inc heroic mode
toc 25 cleared and first boss on heroic and a few trys on second boss

hope this is a  bit better now .
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 11:45:01 am by Uraqt »


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