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 Guys hello Lock here Drameus

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October 04, 2006, 06:34:19 pm
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Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« on: October 04, 2006, 06:34:19 pm »
Cut a long story short I am just appplying here FINALLY - u were the first guild I appraoched to join but Crazylock said that with my gear levels I might not get in.  SO i applied to every top guild on this server except U guys ( u can check all the top guilds I applied to them over the weekend - I didnt do yours coz I didnt think I would get in).

I got into Shadow Blood :-) and not anyother guild.  But they got 15 locks :-( so I am taking a fresh start to applciations and this is the only one I should ahve done.

However please know that all my applications are over, but I had a feeling just to apply to you.  I know u been looking for locks and as I said i would have just applied to you and didnt - if that was a mistake then I will live and learn.

I alswyas wanted to play with u guys, i knew some dudes in AFGM, i know people in all the top guilds.  U were my first guild in my Windows shortcuts link to guilds on Dunemaul so I respect u guys as a guild for a longtime.  All the other guidls have recently come on when I was applying to them

But having spoken to Crazylock again I thoguht I would apply anyway.  :-) So here it is.  This is the most comprehensive application out of all the applicatiosn I have done - I see the other applications that are now closed as a pre-warming up for this one.

Hey guys I am Drameus and I wana join your guild.

I know my gear sucks a bit but I was levelling my priest and I was on holiday – and I got no top 3 dungeon experience, but I am a top lock – if anyone of u guys wants to do a 5 man run or play some PVP to see my raw skills I am sure u would agree I know how to play my class.  And if u think I know how to play my class maybe a small trial could be done.

If u don’t farm MC anymore ok I understand that u don’t want me and that’s fine.  When I get good gear if the need arises I will get better gear and re apply.

-=Personal Info=-

Hey guys my name is Alexi, I am 32.  I am a Londoner.  I currently work in banking.  I am going into Esoteci studies soon and that’s where my future is.
I support Spurs so if there is any Arsenal fans in the guild prepare to fight!

-=Gaming History=-

I have always loved and played games and I am a natural talent at games. I have been playing Warcraft for a long time eve before the WOW came out.
I have played both alliance and horde.  I have on alliance side a level 60 mage done MC, ZG with, a level 55 Paladin, a level 30 hunter deleted and a lock which was my first ever character (first time I played I was a noob).  On Horde I have a quite well geared Priest 60 have AQ20, (don’t play him much anymore) I have a 30 Shaman, deleted Rogue 20, Druid was my first Horde character but he was on a PVE server so I deleted him.

I have awesome WOW gaming skills, I know all the classes well, tactics etc.  I LEAD a Baron run in 37mins and I know not many top guilds with full epix have ever done one nearly that quick.  If I had full epix I could most prob do it in 30 mins maybe less.

-=Character info=-

Name: Drameus
Class: Warlock
Race: Undead
Level: 60

-=Talent build=-

7/8/36 - I am a destruction lock it totally owns and has good sustained DPS.  When the new BS comes out destruction talents look the best by far although Affliction has interesting high end talents which would benefit more PVP I think then PVE.


I am on a pvp player type spec on this lock for the now – but if I had to respect to a plausible pve set-up I would consider it.  For example if crowd control was needed.  Staying destruction ofc :-0. 

-=Equipment info=-

Here is my current PVE - PVP gear for normal game play. I know it’s not the best but my playing skills make up the difference – plz feel free to come on a hunting expedition with me.

-=Prequests Done=-

Molten Core : Done
Onyxia Lair : Done
Blackwing Lair : Done
Naxxramas : Not Done (But I am on revered and can do the quests if needed – waiting to get to exalted)

-=Raid Experience=-

ZG: Full exp
Onyxia’s Lair: Full exp
The Molten Core: Full exp
AQ20: Good exp
AQ40: No exp
Blackwing Lair: No exp
Naxxramas: No exp

-=Raid Resistances=-

Current Fire Resistance unbuffed: 115
Current Frost Resistance unbuffed: 65
Current NR Resistance unbuffed: 53


1. CT Raid latest
2. TS or Ventrillo - I am friendly ad make jokes when the time is right and never abusive - however if we fail I make suggestions.
3. Threat Meter - Locks can cause imba dmg
4. Bongos

-=Some questions answered=-

Why do you want to join? U guys are a big guild and I wana join u guys for having fun and causing imba dmg.  I have seen you guys playing for a longtime and to although my gear isnt good if u allowed me a trail I would perform to guild expectations.  You were the first guild I took notice of and I believe the time has come to join an imba player to an imba guild.

Why should we pick you? I am an active I help the guild when asked to grind etc I am focused on raids. I have fun with my guild friends, cracking jokes, I can be serious when I need to be and I am a very good tactician, if we are stuck on a bozz I can figure out why and make suggestions.  I can also lead and take orders and am damn quick to react to any changing circumstance which is the difference between good and top players.

I can offer my skinning services to the guild.

Who do you know in the guild? I know crazylock a bit  I have played with Narbol and many of u guys before in both PVE and PVP and u play good and I know I can play better .  I now Chronical me and him levelled each other alot - I was playing Priest but I got bored of it, my lock is my main - I should have always played it.  I know alot of the other locks and peple on this server and even I know the lock who made the other last lock application.

What other guilds have you been in? Respawned, JVI, NBN ( and just got inot Shadow Blood – however they have 15 locks  so I don’t really understand why they needed me – I passed a trial with them by going to Alcaz Island and killing 2 elites 60’s at the same time – as a challenge I nearly took 3 with my gear – so that’s pretty good -  I know how to play my class very well)

Why did you leave them? Respawned become JVI and JVI, I disbanded when I come back from holiday when I saw many people left the guild. I tried to make it work but the core of the guild left when they said they wouldn’t. In NBN they argue alot and fight and many people lft, looks like its gona disband I dont know. I joined SB but they got 15 locks so I don’t know if I am gona raid with them much.

Do you mind paying repair bills after a long day with wipes? I don’t mind repair bills or whipping on bozzes as long as we are learning what went wrong and how to do it better the next time.  I am always reading up strategies etc, but its not enuf knowing them yourself, what u must do if ensure others know it too, that is the real skill.

Do you mind grinding something that the guild needs? No, I like helping people. I was guild leader for 4 months + and always helped the lower guildies with things they were stuck on, and many people on this server know me , respect me and like me as a person and as a solid gamer.

-=Final Thoughts=-

I consider myself a top player in PVE and PVP, I have lead 2 guilds respawned and Joint Ventrue Inc, I done lead a baron run in 37 mins - in pvp i have won on AB with only alliance scoring 20 points (I do this a lot – I am a very aggressive player)- I think I am a good player but there is always room for improvement. And with your help I can get better. I also can listen to orders and take the initiative if I have 2.

I also love raiding and can raid a lot in a week but to think I can raid all the time is not realistic - but I will have a high attendance %! And will play good 2.

I also am Looking forward for the Burning Crusade – I am a great player and levelling from 60-70 will be a challenge – I know  can help the guild here.  Its not all about high end instances, so I can be an asset to you guys.

I hope u guys pick me you wont be disappointed. A small trial would be great 

Good luck to everyone in guild have fun playing WOW that’s the main thing.

All I want is 40 mins of anyones time to show u I am good enuf on raw skill to be in your guild.  If u think I am gearing me up will be easy.  I hoep to get in as even a provisional trail.



October 04, 2006, 06:45:13 pm
Reply #1

Offline Legolew

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Re: Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2006, 06:45:13 pm »
your name i know it from somewhere.......... hmmmmmm...... maybe not.

ohhh have you ever been in Zg with F E or was once a member of them , ohhh yeah i'm sure i  did a zg run with you.

was it you?

my memory sucks!!!!


October 04, 2006, 06:50:03 pm
Reply #2


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Re: Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2006, 06:50:03 pm »
Maybe I did - i played with alot of people on this server and have many friends, maybe we done 5 man runs together.  DOnt think I played with F E.

I forogt to add that I ama  loyal dude.  I spent along time trying to make my guild work when top guilds at the time asked me to join them.  But i stuck with it for the good of the guild and the time other people put in it to make it grow.

I always stand for whats right and dont take crap from people being mean or anythign like that. 

I dont like ninja's and I dont like people who dont know what team work or team play is.  There is a time for solo glory but thats not in 5-40 man teams.

If u waa ask me anything plz feel free :-).

October 04, 2006, 07:41:46 pm
Reply #3


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Re: Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2006, 07:41:46 pm »
sorry my FR is nearer 140 :-)

October 05, 2006, 12:25:29 am
Reply #4


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Re: Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2006, 12:25:29 am »
okay, I'm rather tired atm, but I'll query a few things...

7/8/36 - I am a destruction lock it totally owns and has good sustained DPS.  When the new BS comes out destruction talents look the best by far although Affliction has interesting high end talents which would benefit more PVP I think then PVE.

Destruction is pure burst dps, very bad for mana usage in end-game raiding, also a one-way ticket to aggro - What's making you think it has sustained dps?

Destruction is also very very pvp based in the BC talents, affliction is more pve. - What's making you think it's the other way round?

I am on a pvp player type spec on this lock for the now – but if I had to respect to a plausible pve set-up I would consider it.  For example if crowd control was needed.  Staying destruction ofc :-0.

Sorry, not going to take a lock that's wanting to stay a pvp spec that I can't even consider the uselessness in Naxxramas.
as of now, most of the warlocks in IE are heavy affliction, because it's very effective in end-game raiding, and a few of us will stay heavy affliction (40/0/21) for pve because the talents favour PvE most, and you're only missing out the completely-PvP talent, Unstable Affliction.

Those are two things my tired-self picked up, and long story short, I have two warlocks with better gear than you, not excellent gear, applying.

There is a standard of gear, despite how skilled you are, that affects you in PvE raiding, even if you have a perfect rotation of spells, you won't be able to do well in Naxxramas, and I'm not exactly wanting to take a dreadmist warlock into bwl to gear him up, since I don't even know if we'll get nemesis, you could be in blues for a very long time and gimping our raids, or even being unable to raid because of your lack of gear.

Nice application, I must admit, if only you had better gear.

Sorry for being so blunt, I need sleep...

October 05, 2006, 12:41:54 am
Reply #5


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Re: Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2006, 12:41:54 am »
no worries dude :-)

Well I do well in DMG meters - In MC and ZG against mages - and with mana tap I dont have a mana issue - in terms of dps if u dot and then wait for a sensible time to aggro U aint pulling aggro - shadow priest do -  I dont die at all in the full MC nbattles or ZG battles I been in - aint been to Naxx - but I will bear that in mind.

But yea my gear sucks :-)  my priest gear is ok - shouldnt have created him to be honest - was just playnig my allaince mage - mage is fun - easy to kill and do burst dps -

No worries - I am an imba player though - I would be interested to see some stats on dps between afflication and destruction -

Havent played destruction in a long time

DOT dps is ok - drain life - sure - I might go afflciation later - but I know for fact locks that play full dest in Naxx - only going there and seeing your dps over time could you see.

I say When the new BS comes out destruction talents look the best by far although Affliction has interesting high end talents which would benefit more PVP I think then PVE. coz I dont see to many PVE monsters dispelling - but I do see that in PVP battles.

Otherwise its just a another heavy DOT waepon - its pretty good.  But at the same time the final point for destruction is a pure PVP tool or levelling tool but dont see much use in it for high end instances.

Now worries - my feriend will get me into a cool guild - if a farm alot which I will i coudl ahve good gear from MC quicte quickly - in etrms of joining at another date - sure i am a yop player look forward to quetson with u levelling up.  challenge lets see who does more dps :-0

October 05, 2006, 01:37:45 am
Reply #6


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Re: Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2006, 01:37:45 am »
I say When the new BS comes out destruction talents look the best by far although Affliction has interesting high end talents which would benefit more PVP I think then PVE. coz I dont see to many PVE monsters dispelling - but I do see that in PVP battles.

That's one talent, I don't see Patchwerk hitting me for an instant cast shadowbolt either.

DOT dps is ok - drain life - sure - I might go afflciation later - but I know for fact locks that play full dest in Naxx - only going there and seeing your dps over time could you see.

They might play as Destro, but they don't do the damage they could. - try doing a fight like Patchwerk, where you don't get healed after a lifetap, that's where the high mana cost of conflagrate fucks you up.

I did do naxx as destruction once, sucked hard on damage.

Otherwise its just a another heavy DOT waepon - its pretty good.  But at the same time the final point for destruction is a pure PVP tool or levelling tool but dont see much use in it for high end instances.

can only use on Corruption at a time, which'll be Corruption for pve, so yes Unstable Affliction is pure pvp, but I'm still going 40/0/21 which is the most pve build I can see.

Well I do well in DMG meters - In MC and ZG against mages - and with mana tap I dont have a mana issue - in terms of dps if u dot and then wait for a sensible time to aggro U aint pulling aggro - shadow priest do -  I dont die at all in the full MC nbattles or ZG battles I been in - aint been to Naxx - but I will bear that in mind.

doesn't work so simple in Naxxramas, Noth for instance, is a fight where he drops aggro constantly and needs good timing and the ability to hit escape like your life depends on it, also there are some fights where aggro isn't a problem, like Patchwerk or Razuvious.

As a destruction warlock, you have pros and cons, just like every build.

Pro: Burst Damage, High damage output in a short time.
Con: Less sustained damage, because of Siphon Life allowing you to continue life tapping and your mass DoT spells.

the above leaves destruction as a better for one fight off the top of my head, Maexxna, for one part, the web wraps, you also lose the ability to dot maexxna whilst doing wraps, and you lose nightfall which is -awesome- for wraps.

So I can't see any reason for Destruction to be better than Affliction for pve...

Bit off topic, but meh, it's a good thing to discuss :p

October 05, 2006, 08:20:37 am
Reply #7


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Re: Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2006, 08:20:37 am »
Excellent application drameus (if anyone else is thinking of applying please note) problem is the situation with end-game raiding, especially Naxx, is dependant on specific gear which as much as I hate it is something Iron Edge has to react too with the limited number of raid spots we have.

If the situation changes though, or perhaps after the release of Burning Crusade it might be worth reapplying.

October 05, 2006, 10:13:18 am
Reply #8


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Re: Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2006, 10:13:18 am »
thanks guys I can see your lock officer nows exactly whats he talking about - its good to have players with the knowledge and experience to be able to aplly themselves.

The things I said about u guys being the first guild that made me look up were true.    I did also consider joining AFGM butt hey looked a bit arrogant.  I kow some of the top guilds on this server thinks they are too cool to reply to apps or whatever and its good to see people taking the time to help u or even try and educate u ina  mature proffessional manner whee other guilds are just rude.

So glad to see you guys have the right type of attitude.  Bravo.

Yes in terms of lock spaces in raids etc, i totally agree.  The few times I was leading ZG runs in my guild u have to look at the hard facts of mission objectives before the need of individual characters.

So yea :-) - glad you put it ina a nice way as opposed of saying u got noob gear

Guys i wil reapply I been bugging Crazylock over the last few months here and there - and altoguh I have been doing that to DH too, CL has always been helpful with his comments and thats the ain thing of beinf someone incharge - an officer position is more about helping than of just a title that people in the guild think u play good lock, which I am sure u do anywa.

I look forward for BS, as I said its a new levelling type scenario - ofc if u can imagine gong to NAXX asa level 67 even with good blues at level 67 stabdard I am sure will be much easier. 

The race is on to level 70 and check out the top end instances.  I do hope u guys can invite me after BS patch I got top gaming pro experience in smaller raids.

And i am a laugh - havent played afflciation for a long time - but it only costs 1g to change spec I will check it out :-)

Have fun guys till we next chat!


Thanks for the support u guys have shown and I intend to keep my ear on the box.

October 05, 2006, 04:45:31 pm
Reply #9

Offline Chronical

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Re: Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2006, 04:45:31 pm »
When I rerolled my char and was about lvl 30'ish i met him on his priest alt and we aoe xp grinded our way to 60 and he always helped out when I had any troubles with gankers. Imo hes a very nice person, knows how to play his class and very helpful when someone needs help; perfect for IE :)

October 06, 2006, 12:22:40 am
Reply #10


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Re: Guys hello Lock here Drameus
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2006, 12:22:40 am »
thanks chron for the encouraging words - I hope to join u guys as soon as i can :-)

I t was some fun ride levelling we sure leveleld in record time!


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