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 Reapply Curseyou - Correct 1.

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June 15, 2011, 11:17:24 am
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Offline curseme

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Reapply Curseyou - Correct 1.
« on: June 15, 2011, 11:17:24 am »
IRL name: Rene
Age: 25
Country: Holland
Work: Social worker
Hobby's: Music, sports, Wow

Character information:
Name: Curseyou ::) :o
Server: Dunemaul
Class: Warlock, playing as destruction. Also got experience playing affliction if needed.
Race: Orc, cause i like the looks and love the racials.

Why destruction?

When i started warlock, about 3.5 months ago, i played as affliction for lvling and PVE.
I noticed that while i was in Heroics it was anoying to see when my dots just ticked a few times on a target, it died already. There for i tried demo, wich pretty much only is good at AOE and that just bored me. I improved my rotation for several hours on the boss dummy, until i hitted dps that would suit my gear. I like this spec a lot atm.
The spec i play is 3/7/31.

I can have a constant dps of 16k on a boss dummy. In raids its dependable on boss ofc, but 18k+ is a minimum.

About my PVE experience:

From the start of WOW, i played differend characters, on the server Vashj, as alliance.
Here are the names and classes i played at at lvl 80:
Lepudon: 80 warrior - played as all specs.
Psychoo: 80 druid - played as all specs.
Simsalabim: 80 mage - played as all specs.
Curseme: 85 DK - played as all specs.
Curseyou: 85 warlock - played as all specs.

ATM i only got 1 main character, wich is my warlock since i like the fact you dont spam just 1 or 2 buttons, but a rotation is needed to maintain high damage.

In the old days of raiding i played mostly with my mage. And at level 80 i also played my warrior and druid in PVE.

Raids i completed: Mostly on dps classes.
MC: Cleared as mage
BWL: Cleared as mage 
ZG: Cleared as mage and warrior
ZA: Cleared As mage and warrior -
AQ20 - Cleared as mage
AQ40:Didnt clear fully..  guild fell apart there.
Ulduar: Cleared as warrior
SSC: Cleared as mage
Gruul's lair: Cleared as druid/mage/warrior
Onyxia: Cleared as mage/druid/warrior
TOTC: Cleared as mage/druid/warrior
ICC: Didnt clear fully.. 
BWD: Cleared 5/6 as DK and Warlock
BOT: Cleared 3/4 as DK and 4/4 as Warlock

I might forgot some raids, but i tried!

Addons i use atm:

DBM - Omen - Recount - NPCscan - Gladius - interuptbar

What days can i raid?

Dependable on the shifts on work i could raid 3/4 days a week. I can tell you the days i can play each 1 month before the new month.

Why do i want to join Iron Edge?

From what i heard so far, IE contains for a long time, with highly skilled players who think wow is a game, but put effort in it to achieve something.

Why would i be a good pick?

I am a social guy, i am a teamplayer, and i want to have kill everything that looks hard.

I hope this apply will make up for the last 1. If there still are any question, let me know.

 ;) ;)

June 15, 2011, 12:04:00 pm
Reply #1

Offline Pluug

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Re: Reapply Curseyou - Correct 1.
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 12:04:00 pm »
Hello again,
much better apply this time i must say.
From watching your gear i see you have a general idea how to gem and reforge destro warlock, just you need to know that Intelect is always better than Hit and its your prime stats so what you can do is change those 40 Hit gems into 20Int/20Hit or pure Intelect(depends if you want socket bonus).
About your spec, Backlash is kinda useless in PvE but you can change those 3 talents into 1/1 Nether Ward and 2/2 Nether Protection - rest looks good.
Glyphing - Glyph of Fear - again kinda useless except for trash(we use mage's for cc)
             - Glyph of Shadowbolt - again useless since you will never use SB as destro
My suggestion would be to put Glyph of Soul Link or Healthstone for better survival or Glyph of Shadowflame(70% slow can be really good on some boss fights).

Overall gear is far behind our current progress i must say, but player is always more important than gear.
For the end i need to ask you to answer me few more questions :

1.) I see you cleared most of the content of normal, do you know Heroic tactics for all bosses since we are only doing heroics fights?

2.) I see you said in your apply that you can play affliction and destro, i wanna ask you how is your knowledge in Demonology since you started to play warlock few months ago(so Demonology stats priorities, gearing, rotation etc.), are you good with this spec?

3.)Since you are new on server(i think), what was your previous guilds on Dunemaul and why did you leave them?

GL with an apply and we need to wait and see what Daekesh think about this and if we can fit you somehow in our raiding setup.

emo? >3

June 15, 2011, 12:25:57 pm
Reply #2

Offline curseme

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Re: Reapply Curseyou - Correct 1.
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 12:25:57 pm »
Thanks for good reply first of all, its never to late for a tip  :)

1.) I see you cleared most of the content of normal, do you know Heroic tactics for all bosses since we are only doing heroics fights?

ATM i don't know tactics for heroic bosses. However, i always make sure i am ready for a raid, so i also read up tactics and watch video's of te fight before i enter the raid. At most fights within 1 or 2 tries i know the drill.

2.) I see you said in your apply that you can play affliction and destro, i wanna ask you how is your knowledge in Demonology since you started to play warlock few months ago(so Demonology stats priorities, gearing, rotation etc.), are you good with this spec?

I would say i am not the best with this spec yet, but i have no problem with practising this. I tried this spec for several hours, the dps for me was around 1.5 k lower then as destro, on single target, but i might be able to fix that if i practise on it. if you guys want me as this spec i will start practising this spec from now on, just let me know  ;)

3.)Since you are new on server(i think), what was your previous guilds on Dunemaul and why did you leave them?

My previous guild on Dunemaul was Neuron, i left that guild, cause they were complaining when i wanted to make my warlock my new main, they said they geared me up, but i only took 1 item in 3 months of raids. Wich is np at all for me, i raid for fun, not for the items. However she called me a lieer, wich i do not like. I always speak the truth and i want respect for that  ;D My rule is simple, gief respect, and take respect back.

June 15, 2011, 12:45:20 pm
Reply #3

Offline curseme

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Re: Reapply Curseyou - Correct 1.
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2011, 12:45:20 pm »
Allready specced demo to practise, doing 15k constant unbuffed

June 15, 2011, 01:26:42 pm
Reply #4

Offline curseme

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Re: Reapply Curseyou - Correct 1.
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 01:26:42 pm »
rofl.. :-[ :-[ the guild was synergie  :-[ :-[ :-[

June 15, 2011, 02:29:38 pm
Reply #5

Offline Pluug

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Re: Reapply Curseyou - Correct 1.
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2011, 02:29:38 pm » read this, i noticed your post for Articulo Mortis, anyway you should read some basic stuff about guild before you apply.
Keep in mind this it might help you for your next apply.

emo? >3

June 15, 2011, 04:54:06 pm
Reply #6

Offline curseme

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Re: Reapply Curseyou - Correct 1.
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2011, 04:54:06 pm »
Yeah i know... But after that apply i heard you guys were recruiting so, this is my nr 1 guild to join by far  ;D

June 20, 2011, 01:28:12 am
Reply #7

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Reapply Curseyou - Correct 1.
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2011, 01:28:12 am »
Hey - If you're unsaved to BWD and you're free tommorow, please be around @ 19:30!


June 21, 2011, 03:27:59 pm
Reply #8

Offline curseme

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Re: Reapply Curseyou - Correct 1.
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2011, 03:27:59 pm »
hey!   ;Di just worked 23 hours so i am free rest of the day and tmrow :P:P WIll be there!!  ;D


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